Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2371: Sword Saint

"Thirteen? You call it thirteen?" The other party listened to Huang Xiaolong's answer and couldn't help but wonder. It seems that Huang Xiaolong's name would be called thirteen.

Then he laughed: "There is personality."

"Isn't you ranked thirteen at home, and there are twelve brothers and sisters in front of you?" The other half laughed.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled.

"Just, I am very curious, how did you get a little guy in the early seventh stage of the Supreme Emperor?" The other party smiled and said: "Don't tell me, you beat this head with your fist." The animal service is posted."

Huang Xiaolong said: "How do I conquer this unintentioned double-eyed beast? I will not bother you. If nothing happens, I am leaving now."

The other party.

Obviously, I didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong to refuse to answer, and the answer was so “rude”!

"Go?" The other person looked at Xiao Xiaolong with a smile: "Little guy, do you know who I am? Dare to talk to me so rudely!"

Huang Xiaolong nodded lightly: "I know, you are a saint without a sword!"

From the sword saint, no me!

Can be called a legendary sacred figure.

The other party is a scattered repair, and has not joined any holy land, nor has it joined any ancient ethnic group and family. It is entirely dependent on oneself to practice alone and break through the holy world.

It is rumored that this sword saint, natural sword body, natural sword, and the understanding of the sword, is extremely strong, his fame is not weaker than the clear snow of the Qing Xue Palace, and is not weaker than the six demons of the evil demon palace. Li Tian is weak in the Holy Day organization.

I didn’t hear from the sword saint that Huang Xiaolong actually knew that he couldn’t help but be surprised. The accident was that Huang Xiaolong could guess his identity. Even more unexpected, Huang Xiaolong knew his identity and even dared to speak to himself.

You must know that the ants in the holy places are all ants, as long as you have a casual thought, you can kill each other!

Without the sword saint, I looked at Huang Xiaolong again, and my eyes were puzzled: "You, I know that I am a saint from the sword! I know, you should have heard of some of my legends, are you not afraid of me now a finger?" The head will kill you?"

Huang Xiaolong heard it, but smiled: "Although someone can pinch me to death with one finger, I don't think you have this strength."

It’s awkward from the sword saint, smiled and said: “Little guy, are you sure? I know that you should have a saint protector, but even if you have a sacristy, I am sure that you will pinch you!”

Although the power of the sacred weapon is large, but it depends on who uses it. A master of a nine-robbery and a half-sacred peak uses the sacred device, and should be able to exert the power of two or three percent of the holy device.

As for Huang Xiaolong, the first stage of the Supreme Seventh Step, which has just broken through, can only play at least one percent of the power of the Holy One, or even less than one percent.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Yes, I have a body protector on my body. However, even if I don't use the sacristy, you can't kill me. So, let's make a bet, how?"

The sword saint smiled intently: "Little guy, how do you want to gamble? Don't you want to gamble, if I can't kill you, I have to promise you one thing?"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "If you can't kill me, I want you to kill me!"

A glimpse of the sword saint, then laughed and laughed loudly, the laughter shook the surrounding peaks and collapsed, the ground began to crack, and the lake below the lake was high.

Laughter for a long time, stopped from the swordsman talent, he looked at Huang Xiaolong with a smile: "Little guy, you are not afraid, your ambition is not small, you have a small Supreme seventh-order early dare to ask me a holy place to serve you. ?"

If there is someone who knows the saints of the sword, you will know that the saints have been angry at this time. In fact, any sacred place who listens to a small Supreme seventh step must actually serve himself on the other side, I am afraid that he will be the same as the sword saint. Angry.

"How? Don't you dare?" Huang Xiaolong was a light face, as if he didn't see the other side's killing: "Is it a sword saint, isn't it still safe to kill me a little Supreme seventh?"

The face of the Sword Saint is cold: "Little guy, do you think, with my identity, will you bet with a small Supreme Seventh Order? You are a small Supreme Seventh Order, what qualifications are there to gamble with me? I am again Why are you gambling with you?"

Huang Xiaolong did not open his mouth and took out the eleven holy medicines he had obtained from the dark holy ring.

"Jade fruit!"

"Ziyang vine!"

"Ling Yu Yu Liquid!"

The sword saint looked at the eleven holy medicines suspended by Huang Xiaolong and was shocked: "You!"

He wants to ask how Huang Xiaolong has so many holy medicines.

Huang Xiaolong said: "As long as you gamble, you kill me. These holy medicines are yours."

Sword sneer from the sword saint: "I am killing you now, these holy medicines are also mine." Speaking of this, Shengwei Hao, suddenly pressed to Huang Xiaolong.

However, at this time, Huang Xiaolong suddenly appeared an ancient symbol, will be blocked from the sword saints.

"The holy level does not kill!" Again, the sword saint was surprised.

"Yes, the holy level does not kill." Huang Xiaolong calmly, and then took out a few ancient symbols.

"The amulet!"


"Heart charm!"

All are holy!

The eyes of the sword sage almost fell to the ground.

These sacred symbols are extremely difficult to refine, and the materials are extremely difficult to find. Even many saints in the Holy Land have a hard time. Huang Xiaolong is good, and he has taken out several pieces in succession.

"In addition to these four ancient characters, I still have more than 20!" Huang Xiaolong said: "How? You think you can kill me?"

"Also, there are more than twenty!" A sizzle from the heart of the Sword Saint, he was shocked: "You, these ancient symbols, where did you get it?!"

"I was lucky, I got the treasure of a certain holy door in ancient times." Huang Xiaolong said: "How? If you gamble, you kill me, not only these holy medicines, but also all the holy symbols on me. All the holy things, all the treasures are yours!"

"Slow!" The eyes of the Swordsman are very big: "You, what did you say, all the sacristy? There is more than one sacristy on your body?!" Suddenly, he has a feeling of breasts, he found himself Is this little Supreme seventh-order kid still poor? No, it is extremely poor!

"Yes, I have three holy devices on my body!" Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled. "How? You and I gamble, as long as you kill me, all my things are yours. If you can't kill me, you have to I am acting for me!"

From the sword saint watching Huang Xiaolong smile, how do you feel the smell of a fox, thief! Extreme thief!

However, he looked at the eleven holy medicines, those holy ancient symbols, and thought of the three holy devices, my heart!

"Are you sure you don't need these holy ancient symbols? Don't use those three holy devices?" The sword saint looked suspiciously at Huang Xiaolong.

"OK, we can swear." Huang Xiaolong smiled a bit.

"And, all the treasures on your body can't be used?" The sword saints are not at ease, added.

"Yeah." Huang Xiaolong smiled even more: "All the treasures are not used."

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