Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2372: Overcharged a younger brother

The sword saint looked at Huang Xiaolong’s smiling smile, his brow wrinkled, his eyes flickered, but he finally nodded: “Well, I bet you!”

"But you have to swear first!"

"This is natural!"

Soon, Huang Xiaolong and the saints of the sword made an oath.

Seen from the saints of the sword, Huang Xiaolong really vowed not to use the holy ancient symbols, without the holy device, without all the things, could not help but loose.

Although he still has some anxiety in his heart, Huang Xiaolong must do this, but he does not believe that a small child in the early seventh stage of the Supreme can block his finger without using all external forces!

He is a saint from the sword!

If even a kid in the early seventh stage of the Supreme Zone can hold him a finger, he has to hit the tree and die.

However, although he felt that it was impossible for a district to be able to stop him in the early seventh stage, he still did not dare to care about it. Therefore, he decided to make this finger and go out!

"Thirteen kid, are you ready?" The sword saint stared at Huang Xiaolong.

"Get out of it." Huang Xiaolong said lightly.

"it is good!"

Drinking from the sword saint, his fingers lifted up and suddenly pointed to Huang Xiaolong.

"Against the sky!"


I saw countless holy light condensing, turning into a finger, like the pillar of the sky, blasting to Huang Xiaolong from the air, everything that went through, everything was destroyed.

Although the strongest from the sword saint is the kendo, but this singularity is also a high-level sacred technique. He is full of one finger, and it is difficult for many strong people in the holy world to resist.

When Optimus has not yet fallen, it will completely suppress the surrounding space. It is like the hill of the sky, and everything in the billions of miles. Under the hill of the sky, it is completely unable to move.

Huang Xiaolong has a crack in his body. This is the sound of a broken bone. Although Huang Xiaolong has three great saints and strong defenses, it is called against the sky, but it is also relatively speaking. In front of me, Huang Xiaolong is the three major saints that are against the sky but it is extremely fragile.

Huang Xiaolong's full body surface began to appear a blood mark.

Seen from the saints of the sword, completely relieved, the previous uneasiness, weakened a few points.

"I thought about it myself?" he secretly said.

"Kids." When he was about to speak, suddenly, he saw the top of Huang Xiaotou, and a thing flew out, suddenly Shengwei was soaring, and Longwei was vast.

"This?!" From the sword sage, his eyes suddenly fell, almost fell from the air.

"Holy, holy soul?!"

When his voice just fell, he saw Huang Xiaolong’s dragon spirit screaming toward the sky.

It sounded loud.

Space bombing, I saw everywhere there was space collapse, there was space turbulence everywhere, and there was a storm of destruction everywhere.

The surrounding ground was blown up, and the mountains and the mountains continued to sag.

Optimus means dissipating.

The figure of the Sword Saint is shaking.

The sacred soul of the dragon system falls on the top of the yellow dragon faucet. The holy light fades a little. At this time, the sacred world opens, and the sacred power of the sacred world rolls down. Soon, the light of the dragon sacred soul is restored.

"You, you, no, this is impossible! How is this possible! Absolutely impossible!" The eyes of the sword saints shocked to see the yellow dragon faucet top dragon soul, excited, and a little crazy.

He was stimulated, and Huang Xiaolong is the first stage of the Supreme Seventh Order. How can a Supreme Soul in the early seventh stage of the Supreme! Isn't it a strong sacred person to have a holy soul? The sacred world is countless for hundreds of millions of years. The enchanting genius is like Hengsha. However, he has never heard of anyone who has not yet broken through the holy land and has the Holy Spirit!

Huang Xiaolong did not seem to see the madness of the sword saint. He collected the dragon spirit into the body: "Now, I have taken you a finger, and then, you are fulfilling the oath."

The eyes of the sword sage are cloudy and uncertain. He looks at Huang Xiaolong. It is still unbelievable. The heart is still a huge wave of waves. It is difficult to calm down. After all, the scene just made him unforgettable.

After a long time, it was not easy to calm down a little from the sword saint. He hesitated and asked: "How do you cultivate your holy soul?"

"You, is it really the first seven steps of the Supreme?"

Huang Xiaolong did not conceal: "If you change, as for the Holy Spirit, I get some adventures, the soul is different from other people, and later through some special transformation, the Holy Spirit!"

From the sword saints, their eyes are straight: "Just, that's it? After some special transformation?"

After some special transformation, can it become a holy soul? !

It's that simple?

However, the Sage Saint also noticed that the spirit of the gods mentioned in Huang Xiaolong’s words is different from that of others.

"Different spirits?" The sword saint was amazed.

Ten minutes later, Huang Xiaolong continued to go back riding on the beastless binocular beast, but behind him, he followed a sword saint.

Nearly an hour later, Huang Xiaolong returned to Lin Xiaoying's position. Before he arrived, Lin Xiaoying shouted: "Well, you are thirteen, I told you not to go too far, you don't even listen!" Then I flew in anger. come.

Huang Xiaolong Xiaohan.

However, after Lin Xiaoying flew over, he saw the beastless binocular beast under the yellow dragon seat, and could not help but be shocked by the beautiful eyes: "This, you, the invisible beast! You, where did you find it?"

But then she then asked closely: "How do you live to catch this sinless beast?!"

We must know that she is not 100% sure that she can live as a sacred beast.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "It is as delicious as you. I gave it some heaven and earth and cheated it back."

Listening to Huang Xiaolong said that he is delicious. Lin Xiaoying has seen Huang Xiaolong look at it. However, Huang Xiaolong said that the innocent binocular beast is the kind of ghost he cheated. She naturally does not believe it.

"This is?" Lin Xiaoying looked puzzledly at the sword saint behind Huang Xiaolong. At this time, the sage used the sword sage to change the appearance.

"He is my new younger brother." Huang Xiaolong explained.

"Little brother?!" Lin Xiaoying's beauty is an accident. The introduction of Huang Xiaolong from the Swordsman is also awkward, but he just looked at Huang Xiaolong with a kind of "sorrowful" look and finally nodded by default.

"Thirteen, you can, out of a sigh, not only will be the swindlers of the singer, but also overcharged a younger brother." Lin Xiaoying snarled.

"That is, don't look at who I am." Huang Xiaolong laughed.

Perhaps it is a total of difficulties. After these seven days, the two men and women are getting along, and Huang Xiaolong and Lin Xiaoying often make such jokes.

Seeing this from the sword saints, it is not surprising to be surprised. Lin Xiaoying does not recognize him, but he recognizes Lin Xiaoying. He really can't think of Lin Xiaoying, one of the three beautiful palaces in the Qing Dynasty, and he is so "intimate" with a seventh-ranked kid. Isn’t the outside world saying that Lin Xiaoying’s sacred sons are not false?

Ten days later, Li Li was wounded and recovered.

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