Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2373: Master

Li Li woke up and saw the innocent eyes of the beast, but also was shocked.

After knowing that this innocent binocular beast was the truth of Huang Xiaolong’s “cheat”, Li Li was shocked for a long time.

"Cheat, deceive, come back?!" Li Li stayed.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and did not explain much. The topic turned, Lin Xiaoying said: "Since Li Li’s sister recovered, then we left this?"

Lin Xiaoying nodded: "Good!"

This place is indeed not suitable for a long time.

So, Huang Xiaolong continued to set off.

"Li Li Shimei, how did you and Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi sisters scattered them?" Lin Xiaoying asked Li Li.

Li Li said: "When Lin Xiaoying and our sisters dispersed, we and Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, sisters, they fought hard, then we met the help of the Holy Land Alliance, repelled the evil, Dou Rui them, just a month ago, we I met the beasts of the beasts, so we and Tan Juan’s sisters were scattered.”

Li Li also said in detail about the passage.

"Where were you and Tan Juan Shijie, they were scattered?" Lin Xiaoying asked.

"Not far from this continent, from this past, it should be ten days." Li Li replied.

"Then we look at it in the past." Lin Xiaoying thought about it and said.

"Mr. Lin Xiaoying, you mean, Tan Juan, sister, should they still be there?" Li Li asked.

Lin Xiaoying shook his head: "I am not sure, but it is not as blind as we are looking for. It is better to look at it in the past."

So, a few people led by Li Li, flying to where she and Tan Juan and others were scattered. Huang Xiaolong had nothing to do with it anyway. He also walked with Lin Xiaoying. For Huang Xiaolong, looking for holy medicine is also a search. Lin Xiaoying is also looking for a few people.

As before, every few hours, Huang Xiaolong chewed a ten-day spirit.

In addition to Lin Xiaoying has been eccentric, Li Li is a few people, but even the sword saint is also very shocked.

"You, do you swallow the ten spirits of the world every day?" Li Li could not help but eat and ask.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "No, I just swallowed it so recently."

At this point, he did not lie, he did indeed break through the seventh stage of the Supreme, and the parasitic worms reached the eleventh floor before they swallowed.

Otherwise, the previous swallowing of Huang Xiaolong can only have one result, that is, indigestion, support!

Just when Li Li had to ask again, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed and went away. Li Li was amazed and asked Lin Xiaoying.

Lin Xiaoying is a strange face, as if thinking of what Huang Xiaolong is going to do.

really! It didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong to come back, but there was a drop of agility in the palm of his hand, like a crystal droplet.

"This, this is the holy medicine, Ling Jinlu!" Li Li, almost the same voice from the sword saint.

Yes, Huang Xiaolong’s hand is the holy medicine spirit Jinlu.

"I am lucky." Huang Xiaolong showed a smile, showing his teeth, white.

Lin Xiaoying glanced at Huang Xiaolong, the look, "hate".

Huang Xiaolong ignored Lin Xiaoying’s “hate” intention, put Lingjinlu into a jade bottle, and then received the dark holy ring.

"You, just left, is to go to the holy medicine spirit Jinlu?" Li Li could not help but ask: "How did you find this holy medicine spirit Jinlu?"

The three women of Qingxue Palace and the saints of the sword also stared at Huang Xiaolong.

"I just got lucky." Like answering Xiao Xiaoying, Huang Xiaolong also replied.

But in the next few days, Li Li, a few people from the sword saints fully realized what Huang Xiaolong said is good luck. As before, almost every day, Huang Xiaolong can find two holy medicines.

At this time, the Sage Saint is stupid and knows how the eleven holy medicines that Huang Xiaolong used to seduce him to gamble have been obtained.

It was just like this, he was shocked, because he faintly guessed that the reason why Huang Xiaolong could find these holy medicines should be related to the sacred soul of Huang Xiaolong.

Have a holy soul that can find the holy medicine!

This is simply!

The Sword Saint can't express his current mood.

With such a holy soul, this is tantamount to having an endless treasure of holy medicine!

Legend has it that there was a psychic rat in the Holy Land 10 billion years ago. This psychic rat can find all the treasures of the Holy Spirit, including the holy medicine, but this psychic rat has long since disappeared for 10 billion years.

So far from the sword saints, not to mention Li Li.

The four women looked at Huang Xiaolong's eyes and changed almost every day.

It’s been another ten days.

Huang Xiaolong, Lin Xiaoying and others finally came to the place where the former Qingli Palace masters such as Li Li and Tan Juan were scattered. However, several people in Huang Xiaolong searched around and did not find traces of Tan Juan and others.

Lin Xiaoying tried to contact with the letter, and did not reply, could not help but look disappointed.

"Lin Xiaoying, sister, then we are now?" Li Li asked Lin Xiaoying.

Lin Xiaoying said: "We will look for it again, and then find another month. If we can't find it, we will go back to Wuyuan Sister and other sisters."

"Yes." Li Li four women should answer.

"Thirteen, what about you?" Lin Xiaoying turned to ask, looking forward.

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment and said: "I have no other things anyway. I don't mind staying in the Yuanhe River for a few more days."

Lin Xiaoying smiled, this guy finally had some conscience.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong and Lin Xiaoying continued to search for Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and other Qing Xuegong masters in Wuyuan River. Soon, half a month later, nothing was obtained.

Just when Lin Xiaoying and Li Li were more disappointed, suddenly, Lin Xiaoying was shocked, and Lin Xiaoying took a look. The pretty face was overjoyed: "It’s Tan Juan’s sister!"

“Tan Juan’s sister wrote back!”

"Come on, Tan Juan is in front!"

Lin Xiaoying pointed to the front mainland, and then rushed to the front continent with Huang Xiaolong.

Soon, a few people from Huang Xiaolong came to the front mainland.

However, a few people of Huang Xiaolong had just arrived. Suddenly, a huge shock came from afar, and the mainland below violently vibrated and the mountains broke.

"This is?!" Lin Xiaoying has changed her face.

The Holy Land is strong!

Only the power of the great sanctuary has such an amazing destructive power.

"It should be Tan Juan or Ji Xinyi's sister!" Lin Xiaoying said, she can sense the power of ice and snow contained in this destructive power. At the moment, Lin Xiaoying can't take care of others, and Li Li and her daughter rushed forward.

"We have also passed." Huang Xiaolong took a seat with no eyes and a beast, and followed the sword saint.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong saw Tan Juan of Qing Xuegong Sanmei, Ji Xinyi and the daughters of Qingxue Palace. In addition to the Qingxue Palace, there are also evil demon palaces, holy land alliances, blue whales, and red flame holy gates. Waiting for a group of masters, at first glance, I am afraid that there are four or five hundred people.

It is a young man dressed in a black robe and a handsome young man. The other person looks handsome, but his face is pale and his eyebrows have a demon green rune.

Dou Rui! Huang Xiaolong's eyes are condensed. According to the other party's appearance, Huang Xiaolong knows that the other party is Dou Rui, one of the six evil demons of the demon palace.

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