Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2374: Provocative

Dou Rui, the peak of the late Qing Dynasty, is the master of many holy places, not his opponent, but now, it has been completely suppressed by Tan Juan of Qing Xuegong, has fallen into the disadvantage.

I saw that Dou Rui's body is full of magical power, and it has evolved into a demon world. However, no matter how amazing the whole body is, he can't get close to Tan Juan. Tan Juan is full of snow and colorful, and has become a piece of ice curtain. No matter how strong Dou Rui is, When it touches this ice curtain, it is frozen and destroyed.

On the contrary, Tan Juan's snow, constantly infiltrated into Dou Rui's demon world, constantly smeared with Dou Rui body, Dou Rui body has begun to appear fine ice, the action began to become rigid.

"Ji Xinyi Shijie!"

At this time, Lin Xiaoying, who was coming over with Huang Xiaolong, shouted far away.

Ji Xinyi and the Qingxue Palace all the ladies, as well as the scene masters looked over.

"Lin Xiaoying's sister!" Ji Xinyi was pleasantly surprised.

Lin Xiaoying and Ji Xinyi each greeted them.

However, almost all the masters of the scene wore the past from Lin Xiaoying and fell on the face of Lin Xiaoying's Huang Xiaolong.

To be exact, it is on the innocent binocular beast that Huang Xiaolong sat down.

"Nothing eyes and beasts!" Some people screamed with surprise.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, it was the Yufu River that controlled the beasts!

Seeing that this old friend of Fujiang has also come, Huang Xiaolong has a pair of eyes, Shengtiancheng, Yufujiang wants to seize his nine-color fox phoenix, and then bullies the Tianxiang in Tianxiang Tea House, Zhang Wenyue, Xue Qi several people.

These accounts, Huang Xiaolong will remember clearly.

However, what surprised Huang Xiaolong was that, beside Yu Fujiang, in addition to the masters of the Holy Land Alliance, he also saw the truth saints Fan Xia and Feng Yuansheng's Feng Cheng.

In the past few years, he asked Wu Song, the main lord of the Holy Land, to help the small holy gates and suppress the holy gates of the truth and the sacred gates. Now it seems that this holy gate and the sacred gate have already embraced the holy land alliance. thigh.

It is because of the words of Fujiang. Suddenly, dozens of figures broke up and rushed to Huang Xiaolong, hoping to **** the Wuyuan beast under the Yellow Dragon.

However, these people just got up, and the eyes of the beasts looked up at the sky, and the mouth screamed, and the whistling sound penetrated the heavy space, stirring the airflow of the Wuyuan River, and the sky and the ground were like iron and stone.

I saw that dozens of figures all stunned and flew back, and they slammed into the distance, and the seven blews were bleeding. Obviously, these dozens of masters had been stunned by the beasts of the innocent eyes, and the soul had already suffered.

The beastless binoculars are the holy beasts, and they are the nine robbers and half-sacred peaks. Just now, the gods are screaming, and these masters can resist it!

There is no fear of the beasts of the eyes, so that other masters are also a big jump, even the original Yu Fujiang who wants to grab the gun is also scared to stop, cold sweat on the back.

At this time, he remembered that this innocent animal is not a good thing.

Suddenly, Tan Juan, who played against Dou Rui, waved with one hand, and the ice-colored hand passed through the demon world. It was printed on the chest of Dou Rui and knocked back Dou Rui.

The two men stopped and stopped.

Dou Rui's original pale face was ugly, and when Dou Rui wanted to go forward again, he was stopped by the evil and reached out. The evil eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong. On Dou Ruidao: "No hurry."

Tan Juan returned to the Qing Xue Palace.

"Tan Juan Sister!" Lin Xiaoying said.

"You are fine." Tan Juan smiled warmly: "These days, I and you Ji Xinyi sister have been worried about you, if you have something wrong, go back to us and I don't know how to return to the Master." Then the eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong, she remembered, she had just seen one side of Wuyuan City.

"Tan Juan Sister, Ji Xinyi Sister, this is thirteen." Lin Xiaoying introduced Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi: "He is my friend, I was chased by Long Zhengyu, Lin Biao, and almost fell into the Longzheng rain In the hands of the people, a dragon senior used to save me. Later, I met thirteen."

Lin Xiaoying simply said something about being killed by Long Zhengyu and Lin Biao.

However, let Huang Xiaolong breathe a sigh of relief, Lin Xiaoying fortunately did not say to Tan Juan and others that he is her new recruit, the introduction is a friend.

"I am a child, he was killed by the dragon's master?" Dou Rui eyes faint, staring coldly at Lin Xiaoying.

Lin Xiaoying raised his chin and said coldly, "What about it?!"

"Say, where is the dragon master?" Dou Rui said coldly.

"Jokes! Why should I tell you!" Lin Xiaoying stunned.

At this time, the evil did not open the mouth to interrupt Dou Rui: "Well, this matter will be said later." He looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Boy, I don't care what relationship you have with Lin Xiaoying, who knows each other, will have no eyes and eyes, Otherwise, you know the means of our demon palace!"

"Yes, kid, will be the ones that have no eyes and eyes!" The holy land of the beast is also called the martyrdom in Fujiang.

"There will be no eyes and no eyes to come out, otherwise, you will die without a place of burial!" Blue Whale Lan Jinfu is also cold.

There are also other sects in the Red Flame Gate and other sects who have opened their mouths, so that Huang Xiaolong will come out with no eyes.

Lin Xiaoying couldn't help but rush. Tan Juan said: "Tan Juan, sister, thirteen is my friend, you can't sit back and ignore! I was seriously injured. It was the thirteen to take back the life and let me and Li Li sister recover their injuries."

Recalling Dan? When everyone heard it, they couldn’t help but be surprised by the small snacks. I didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong’s body to have a return to life. Even the evil spirits were bright.

Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, the daughters of the Qingxue Palace are equally astonished.

"Do not worry, your friend's business is the thing of our Qing Xue Palace." Tan Juan said.

Other masters can't help but look at each other. If the Qingxue Palace takes this opportunity, then they will not be able to shoot. After all, if you don't look at the Buddha's face, you have to look at it.

The demon palace Dou Rui sneered and said: "What about your Qing Xue Palace? Tan Juan, your appetite is not small, you want to swallow the eyes of the beast! You Qing Xue Palace, is it too overbearing, others fear you Qing Xue Palace We are not afraid of our demon palace."

Listening to Dou Rui, with the words of provocation, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and other female face sinking, Dou Rui deliberately said that the Qing Xue Palace alone swallowed the eyes of the beast, nothing more than want to push the Qing Xue Palace to the opposite side of the forces.

Lin Xiaoying looked angry and looked at Dou Rui: "Duo Rui, the mind of your evil demon palace, everyone knows that your evil demon palace is fierce and murderous. Usually, you will kill the disciples of the holy places. Today our masters of the great holy places are here, and they will join you. Kill all the clean, revenge for the disciples who died in the holy places!"

Lin Xiaoying’s words have caused many sacred masters to resonate.

"Yes, the disciples of the demon palace, everyone has to be stunned, today everyone joined forces and killed them!" A master of the Huahua holy door attached.

Suddenly, there are always sacred masters open, and the group is indignant, and they all glare at the evil, and Dou Rui is a master of the evil demon palace.

"Kill!" Lin Xiaoying remembered that the previous evil was extraordinary, Dou Rui secretly sneaked into the attack, Snow Sword snarled and took the lead to kill the disciples.

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