Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2397: Acceptance

"Yes, the four seas sacred!" Huang Xiaolong holds the four-sea sacred charm: "I believe that you also know that the four-season sacred person is the descendant of your ancestor's four sea sages, and you can control the Holy Gate of the Four Seas."

"See the sacred symbols of the four seas. If you see the sages of the four seas, you are still not squatting!"

Huang Xiaolong shouted coldly.

Yu Jingjian, Bi Chengzhong veteran, the main lord, the elders of the elders face each other, look hesitant.

"How? Do you want to violate the ancestral martial arts of the four seas?" Huang Xiaolong saw it, and smiled coldly. The three great sacred sacred spurs, the power of heaven and earth permeated the four seas, and suddenly, the sacred radiance of the four seas moved, and the holy circle circled. Open, a shadow appeared in the air.

This holy shadow is the sacred mark of the Holy Spirit of the Four Seas saints who stayed in the Four Seas.

When the holy sea of ​​the four seas appeared, the shrine was shrouded, and Yu Jingjian was pressed, and Bi Cheng and others suffocated.

"It is the founder!"

Yu Jingjian, Bi Cheng and others looked at the shadows of the four seas saints, and they trembled. This time, they dared not hesitate and crouched down.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong waved his hands, more than one hundred Hongmeng Shengfei flew out, and instantly fell into Yu Jingjian, Bi Cheng and other people, Yu Jingjian, Bi Cheng and others only felt more in the body.

"You, what have you done?" Bi Cheng looked at Huang Xiaolong with anger.

"Nothing, nothing but a ban on each of you." Huang Xiaolong whispered: "If you have a disagreement in the future, I will ban the ban, and you will turn into a gray."

Yu Jingjian and others are gray.

"You!" Bi Cheng pointed to Huang Xiaolong, but at this time, Huang Xiaolong spurred the sacredness of his body, only to listen to the screams of Bicheng, and instantly became assimilated into a sigh of anger.

Then, Huang Xiaolong swallowed it clean.

After seeing the results, they were turned into gray, and then swallowed up, and the face of the four seas was changed.

“Is there anyone still not convinced?” Huang Xiaolong glanced at the crowd.

He knows that although he holds the sacred symbols of the four seas, most of these four-sea sacred elders are not really convinced, so they planted the sacred atmosphere in Yu Jingjian and others.

Just killing Bi Cheng, it should still play a lot of intimidation.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes made Yu Jingjian and other four-year-old veterans feel cold at the bottom of their hearts. They quickly crouched and did not dare to say anything more. They were previously dissatisfied with Huang Xiaolong and were completely convinced.

If Huang Xiaolong holds the four-sea sacred character alone, they will not admit that Huang Xiaolong is the new owner of the Four Seas Holy Gate, but Huang Xiaolong not only holds the Four Seas, but now controls their life and death, they have no resistance.

After controlling Yu Jingjian and others, Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to plant the sacred sacredness of the Lord of the Four Seas, the elders, and the elders. As long as they controlled the Yu Jingjian veterans, they almost completely controlled the Four Seas.

If he had to successfully accept the inheritance of the four seas saints, Huang Xiaolong could not bother to plant a ban in Yu Jingjian and others. Now, the forces of the Four Seas Holy Gate, he really can't see it.

After controlling Yu Jingjian and others, Huang Xiaolong issued a series of orders to Yu Jingjian and others, including repairing the big battles, including reopening the big battles. Before he successfully accepted the inheritance, all disciples of the Four Seas Gates were forbidden from leaving the Four Seas Mountains. At the same time, they were confiscated. All the disciples of the Holy Gate of the Four Seas are forbidden to send letters to all disciples.

However, Huang Xiaolong is not at ease, let more than 1,400 headless beasts have no enchantment, covering the entire headquarters of the Four Seas.

There are more than 1400 undead enchantments arranged without beasts. Even if the four seas have a temple, the disciples are distracted and want to send letters to Lu Ding and the outside world.

After all, now Lu Ding has climbed the control of the Holy Land. If Lu Ding knows about the Holy Gate of the Four Seas, when Lu Ding and the master of the sacrificial sacred land come, Huang Xiaolong wants to accept the inheritance smoothly, I am afraid it is very difficult.

Unless Huang Xiaolong can show his identity.

However, if the identity is indicated, I am afraid that waiting for him will be the endless pursuit of the demon palace, and it will not be worth the loss.

From the population of Yu Jingjian and other people, Huang Xiaolong knew that Lu Ding had gone to the Wuyuan River in the Yufu River in the past few months, and also for the black body of Wuyuan River.

"I don't know how Lin Xiaoying is doing now." Huang Xiaolong couldn't help thinking.

The murder of the black corpse, Huang Xiaolong knows, even if the holy place is heavy, the double or even the triple master can not come out safely, if not he has the high-level sacred pterosaur and the dark sacred ring, There are not countless high-level holy spirit jade propped, and it is estimated that it is still trapped there.

Later, Huang Xiaolong learned from Yu Jingjian's mouth that Lu Ding went to Wuyuan River this time. After that, he planned to go to the Ghost City, at least for a dozen or twenty years before returning.

This makes Huang Xiaolong secretly happy.

Although it takes a short time to accept the inheritance of the four seas saints, but for more than a decade, it is enough for him to successfully accept the inheritance of the four seas saints.

After arranging a series of matters, Huang Xiaolong rode a beast without a beast, and Chen Zhi, flying away from the sword saints to the four seas.

As for the beasts of the beasts, Huang Xiaolong asked him and Yu Jingjian to sit in the main hall of the four seas in order to prevent changes.

In the deepest part of the Four Seas gates, more than an hour later, Huang Xiaolong’s talents came to the forbidden area.

After coming to the forbidden land, Huang Xiaolong did not rush into it. Instead, he took out the four-sea sacred symbols and then spurred the four-sea sacred symbols according to the secret law. The holy sea sacred shadow appeared again. When the holy sea sacred shadow appeared, only the forbidden land suddenly appeared. A densely banned ban as an ancient symbol.

These bans were all arranged by the sages of the four seas.

Feeling the amazing power of these prohibitions, Rao is Chen Zhi, the sword saint, but also scared, but fortunately, there is no hard battle, otherwise, I am afraid that they have been seriously injured or even physically destroyed.

The prohibition of a middle-level arrangement in a holy place is not a joke.

However, these prohibitions began to be broken by the shadow of the saints of the four seas.

Only by holding the four sacred symbols can this ban be broken, so for many years, Lu Ding has been unable to obtain the inheritance of the sages of the four seas. Of course, even if there are high-ranking powers of the Holy Land forced to open these prohibitions, in order to get the inheritance of the four seas, the same needs for the four seas. The holy character is only OK.

After breaking these prohibitions, Huang Xiaolong took Chen Zhi and walked in from the sword saint. After a while, the ban was re-aggregated and shrouded in the forbidden area. Therefore, if Lu Ding returns halfway, he wants to break in, unless he breaks this first. Forbidden.

It didn't take long for him to go in, and Huang Xiaolong saw the Four Seas' holy house standing on the top of the mountain.

The inheritance is in it.

"You are waiting outside." Huang Xiaolong told Chen that two people said: "Without my order, everyone must not come in."

"Yes, son." Chen Zhi, the two sages from the sword, said with a good voice, the two looked awe-inspiring, and knew that they were not allowed to interfere when accepting the inheritance.

If it is disturbed, Huang Xiaolong will not be able to successfully accept the inheritance, and may even be inherited by the forces.

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