Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2398: Ten years later

Let Chen know that after the sword saints were outside, Huang Xiaolong used the four-season to open the prohibition of the Four Seas, then pushed the door open and walked in.

Huang Xiaolong walked in, the door was closed, and the four-sea shrine was banned from reopening.

After entering the holy house of the Four Seas, I saw the surrounding air, the center of the main hall, standing with a huge icon, this icon is the icon of the saints of the four seas.

The icon is as high as a thousand feet, standing there like a mountain, the entire icon is cast from the rare stone of the Holy Spirit.

Generally speaking, the strong people of the Holy Land left their inheritance, and they all used the Mingshi stone to cast the icon. Because the Mingshi stone can perfectly preserve the power of the Holy Spirit left by the strong people of the Holy Land, so that the icon The power of the Holy Yuan will not be lost due to the changes in the years.

And through the clear stone, the power of the Holy Yuan can be transmitted to the inheritor very well and steadily.

Huang Xiaolong felt the faint Shengwei of the icon, and then walked to the front of the icon. After stopping for a while, Huang Xiaolong sat down.

Huang Xiaolong summoned the four-sea sacred symbol. Under the stimuli of Huang Xiaolong’s secret method, the four seas of the sacred sacred sacred light radiated a strong sacred light, and then shrouded the front of the sacred image. Suddenly, the icon was shining, then the radiance, the iconic body began. A meridian like a holy vein emerges.

At a closer look, these meridians are actually composed of myriad mysterious symbols, all of them, all over the icon, from head to toe, like a sacred sect.

And the center of this holy road is the image of the eye.

As the radiance of the four seas continues to illuminate the icon, the sacred ray of the Holy Path is getting stronger and stronger, and the entire hall, the entire four-sea shrine, is full of vibration.

Chen Zhi, who was outside, looked at the changes in the sages of the sword and was slightly surprised.

"Is the son of the son to begin to accept the inheritance?"

"There should be no problem." Chen knows a little worried.

It is not so easy to successfully accept the inheritance of a great sanctuary, depending on the inheritance of the inheritor and its own realm.

Moreover, the sage of the four seas, Yu Bao, is a middle-class sacred place. To successfully accept the inheritance of the sage of the four seas, it is a hundred times more difficult than the success of accepting the inheritance of a sacred master.

"Do not worry, with the talent of the son, can definitely accept the inheritance." From the sword saint: "Don't talk about the inheritance of the four seas saints, it is a high-level inheritance of the Holy Land, the talent of the son, and absolutely no problem."

Although he does not know the specific talent of their son, but the possession of two holy souls alone is enough to prove how much their son's talent is against the sky.

In his view, if their son could not successfully accept the inheritance of the four seas, the sacred world, it is estimated that no one can successfully accept the inheritance of the four seas.

Just as Chen Zhi, when talking about the saints and saints, the inner temple of the Holy House, the iconic holy road, the ray of the meridian ray to the extreme, suddenly, the body of the icon, I do not know where there is a trace of something like a golden liquid.

These gold liquids are constantly flowing into the meridians of the Holy Path, and then come together to the image of the eyebrows. These gold liquids are the power of the Holy Spirit of the Four Seas saints!

When the power of these sacred elements came together to the image of the sacred eyebrows, suddenly, a glimmer of light emerged from the image of the sacred eye, and transmitted to Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows. Then, like the golden liquid, the power of the sacred element began to overflow from the image of the image. Then flowed into the eyebrows of Huang Xiaolong along the light beam.

When the power of Shengyuan flowed into Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows, it suddenly became the sea of ​​the holy Yuan, roaring in Huang Xiaolong, sweeping, Huang Xiaolong's body violently shocked, feeling the body was filled up instantly.

Huang Xiaolong did not hesitate to hesitate to run the eleventh layer of Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches. Suddenly, the eyebrows of the eyebrows were impressed, and the three sacred sacs were simultaneously motivated.

The power of the sacred Yuan that rushed into the body of Huang Xiaolong rushed to the three great sages. The three sacred sacred sacs were like three great abyss, swallowing the vast ocean of the power of the sacred Yuan at an astonishing speed.

One day, two days, ten days...

As time went by, the three sacred sages became more and more radiant, and Huang Xiaolong’s whole body was surging, and the sacred glory shrouded the entire hall.

A month later, Huang Xiaolong, who had already been at the peak of the ninth order of the Supreme Court, was shocked and broke through to the middle of the Supreme Nineth Order!

The three holy souls of the three sacred sacred sects of Huang Xiaolong are equally shining.

While accepting the power of the Holy Grail of the Four Seas, the memory and exercises of the Holy Sea Saints imprinted in the icon are also constantly being transported into the Holy Spirit of Huang Xiaolong.

One year passed.

The entire four-sea shrine is full of light, and a trace of light shines through it. From a distance, the holy house of the Four Seas is like a golden light, full of strange colors. At this time, there is only the Holy Light in the hall, and the light is like a piece of light. Wang Yanghai, Huang Xiaolong figure has been completely submerged by the Holy Light.

Compared with a year ago, the iconic meridian of the iconic body has been doubled, and the power of the sacred element is constantly flowing from the widened meridian to the iconic eyebrows. Faster speed, pouring into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

A year later, Huang Xiaolong has reached the peak of the mid-ninth period of the Supreme.

This speed is simply shocking.

In fact, the energy contained in the power of the Holy Spirit of the Four Seas saints in the middle of the Holy Land is amazing, but if others accept the inheritance, it will not be so fast that it can be upgraded from the peak of the Supreme 9th to the peak of the 9th.

However, Huang Xiaolong has three sacred sects, and the three sacred sages are now ranked about 70, and they have three holy souls, the holy imprint, the three holy veins, the three great sacred bodies, the speed of engulfing, comparable to the holy world. The two strong, the promotion is not fast.

A sway, it is ten years.

The entire four-sea shrine is like a red gold-plated iron block, exuding the amazing golden heat, letting Chen Zhi, who is outside, retreat from the sword saint.

"This, the son will not have something?" Chen Zhi looked worried.

The heat of the Four Seas is now like the sacred body of the ordinary sacred world. It does not dare to touch. Although their sons have the Holy Spirit, the flesh is indeed the real body of the Supreme, even if their son is strong, It is impossible to overcome the Eucharist of the ordinary holy place.

"It should be okay." Swords from the sword saint, but this time he is not sure.

At this time, the inner hall of the Holy House, the holy light is like a boiling boiling water, constantly rolling, Huang Xiaolong sitting in the light of the Holy Light, has already reached the peak of the tenth step of the Supreme!

If Huang Xiaolong goes further, he can lead to sacred robbery. As long as he successfully passes it, it will be a sacred sacred!

In the inner courtyard of Xianfu, the heat is even more amazing. However, Huang Xiaolong’s body surface, Hongmeng’s sacredness, makes Xianfu’s hot air always unable to harm Huang Xiaolong. Instead, under this heat, Huang Xiaolong’s holy body is constantly tempered, and the whole body begins to escape. The color.

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