Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2410: Give us a holy face

St. Tiancheng is still as prosperous as it was when it left.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the streets around Shengtiancheng and was quite emotional.

For decades, it’s like a dream.

A few decades ago, he had just arrived at Shengtiancheng. He was nothing at all. He was a small **** at the top of the Holy Land, but now he is not only a disciple of the four ancestors of the Holy Day, but also breaks into the semi-holy environment and has three major Holy Spirit!

"However, I still have to find a way to get some holy medicine." Huang Xiaolong thought.

Now, although he still has more than forty holy medicines, he is still too few. The holy son of the Holy Day like Li Wei, if he refines more than forty holy medicines, he is afraid that he can break through Three robberies and even four robbers and half saints, but he is impossible, he has three great sacred sects, three great holy veins, three great saints! Every breakthrough in a realm is too difficult! The energy needed reaches a terrible level.

Even if he refining these forty holy drugs, he still could not break through the two robbers.

Therefore, before the opening of the Cangwu Shenfu, break through to the four robbers, five robbers and half holy, and change the heart, he still needs too much holy medicine!

"It seems that after a while, I have to go to the sea of ​​Ziyun." Huang Xiaolong said.

Like the Wuyuan River, the Ziyun Sea is a dangerous place for the Holy Land. There are countless natural treasures in the Yuanhe River, and the heavenly spirits and even the holy medicine, and the Ziyun Sea area is also available.

Moreover, the black gold iron that he had bought in the Shangri-La's local mountain city shop in front of the four seas, according to the merchant's boss, is from the vicinity of the purple cloud sea tires, so Huang Xiaolong must go to the sea of ​​Ziyun.

The sacredness of Hongmeng is much better than the ordinary holy medicine.

If you are in the Wuyuan River, you can find four sacred sacred sacred! If you can find four more sacred sacred sacred sacs, then he will be able to break through the two robes and sacred ones!

"Tell you a message that the old man who has disappeared for a long time is born!"

"The old man of the sky? No!"

"That's true! And the old man of the sky announced that this time the temple of the sacred priests was opened, only the disciples of the 300 before the blood test can enter the sacred temple!"

"The first three hundred?! What is this blood test? Can anyone participate?"

In front, there was talk.

Huang Xiaolong is very surprised.

The first person in the sacred world, the old man who disappeared for many hundred million years was born?

And what kind of blood test is to be held, only the first three hundred disciples can enter the Cangwu Shenfu? Huang Xiaolong couldn't help but frown, but he couldn't help but listen to it. But what was the blood test? The disciples of the discussion were also unknown.

"It seems that you have to ask four masters." Huang Xiaolong thought.

Although Huang Xiaolong still does not know what this blood test is, it is not easy to win the first three hundred. Before the four masters of God said that as long as he reached a sacred and holy, he entered the first floor of the sacred temple. There will be no danger, but it seems that it is impossible to enter the Cangwu Shenfu.

The old man of the Cangjie set the trial of this blood, which is sure to raise the threshold for entering the sacred temple. The sacred and holy sacred must not be able to win the blood test before the 300.

Just when Huang Xiaolong came to the center of St. Tiancheng, at the other end of the street, a group of holy disciples were coming here. Although there were not many people, the past strong people all respected and retreated, and even the Volunteers let this group of holy organizations The disciple will go ahead.

The disciples of this group of holy days, the first few people, are Li Wei, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia, Chen Kaiping, and Li Wei, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia, followed by a large number of Holy Disciples, this large number of Holy Disciples In the middle, there is Fu Yunjie who has been evaluating the Holy Day with Huang Xiaolong.

Moreover, Fu Yunjie is close behind Li Wei. Obviously, he is very likely to be used by Li Wei. Otherwise, it is impossible to be close to Li Wei. In fact, it is true. Huang Xiaolong is not in these decades. Fu Yunjie is a smooth person. Reliable, and often give Li Wei a suggestion and flattery, so Li Hao is very "happy", although he is not Li Wei's right arm, but many things, Li Wei is handed over to him.

Of course, he tried his best to please Li and Li Jie. Naturally, he also wanted to seek Li Wei’s asylum. Before that, he offended Huang Xiaolong. His father’s truth saint Fan Xia and Di Huai had a genocide. He only got Li Wei’s “love”. Li Wei sheltered him, he can live.

"Unfortunately, this time we have no trip to the river, the harvest is not big." Xie Yao sighed.

Eleven years ago, the news of Wuyuanhe's black corpse was born. Li Wei and Shengtian, the master of the Law Enforcement Hall, personally led the team and led the masters of the heavens to the Wuyuan River.

However, after some hard work, he did not find the black corpse, but instead smashed some holy disciples in the black corpse.

Later, Li Wei, Xie Yao and others stayed in Wuyuan River for a short period of time to see if they could find holy medicine and high-level heaven and earth medicine.

However, the holy medicine was not found, and only a few strains were found in the high-end heaven and earth medicines, and they were all ordinary high-level heaven and earth medicines. Later, after several turning points, Li Wei, Xie Yao and others had just returned to the holy days.

Li Weidao: "Don't talk about the Wuyuan River." When he mentioned the Wuyuan River, he was a little upset. His topic turned: "I didn't expect this sky to be opened yet, the long-lost sky." The old man was born, and he decided to test this blood." When he said this, his eyes flashed.

This time, the old man of the sky was born, and he decided to have a special test of blood.

Xie Yaowen said with a smile: "This blood trial has now spread in many top forces and first-rate forces in the Holy Land. Many of the chief disciples of the Holy Day have grinded their guns, but I see that this blood test is the first. It’s Li Yi’s brother.”

At this time, the Fu Yunjie revealed a smile, and smiled in the socket: "With our talent and strength, the first one is the name, but I don’t know what happened to Huang Xiaolong?"

Fu Yunjie deliberately turned the topic to Huang Xiaolong.

In these years, he always intentionally or unintentionally mentioned Huang Xiaolong in front of Li Wei and Xie Yao, and brought hatred to Huang Xiaolong.

Sure enough, when Xie Yao heard it, he sneered: "Huang Xiaolong? He should have gone out and practiced. However, how talented he is, and how he wants to enter the sky, it’s just a delusion. He is now estimated. As for the Seventh Order, don't say that the blood test is 300, even if it is 30,000, it is estimated that you can't enter!"

At first, because he suspected that Huang Xiaolong’s assessment of the monument was a fake, he was beaten by his master Wu Ge in public, which made him always hate Huang Xiaolong.

Fu Yunjie said with a smile: "If Huang Xiaolong really disregards his face, he also participates in the blood test, and even 30,000 people can't enter it. Then it will give us a holy face."

"Yes, I am looking at you." At this moment, the voice of indifference came.

Everyone glimpsed, look, Fu Yunjie's face changed: "Huang Xiaolong!"

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