Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2411: Blood test

The person who came is Huang Xiaolong. I saw Huang Xiaolong riding a colorful phoenix and Xiaojiu came over slowly.

Li Wei, Xie Yao, a few people see Huang Xiaolong, with different expressions.

"See you under the Yellow Emperor." Followed by Li Wei, Xie Yao and other disciples, see Huang Xiaolong come over, dare not be disrespectful, and quickly crouched.

Fu Yunjie's face changed a bit, but in the end it also crouched down, but the voice was so reluctant.

Huang Xiaolong came over, as if he did not see Li Wei, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia, and Chen Kaiping.

"Fu Yunjie, you are a disciple of the Holy Day, but behind the temple, you are arguing against one of the Holy Days, and you call my name, can you know the sin?" Huang Xiaolong sat on the colorful phoenix, and looked at Fu Yunjie coldly. .

In the current status of Huang Xiaolong, it is true that an ordinary disciple of the Holy Day can be criticized. This is a matter of respect and humility. According to the rules of the Holy Heaven, it is to punish.

When Fu Yunjie heard it, his face changed.

Xie Yao sees Huang Xiaolong ignoring himself and Li Wei, knowing that Fu Yunjie is now Li Wei’s men, still in front of them, facing Fu Yunjie’s training, can’t help but say: “Huang Xiaolong’s younger brother, Fu Yunjie, he has no Malicious, don't need to be so real, and he is telling the truth."

The meaning of Xie Yao’s words is undoubtedly saying that if Huang Xiaolong really participated in the blood test, he could not enter 30,000 and lost his face to the Holy Day.

Huang Xiaolong did not look at that Xie Yao, and he opposed Yun Jie and said: "I still don't give myself a hand!"

Fu Yunjie's face was shocked.

At this time, Li Brow frowned and said: "Yong Xiaolong, the younger brother, my people are not sensible. After I go back, I will train him well. I will see it."

Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Wei: "It turned out that Fu Yunjie became the dog of Li Wei’s brother. It’s no wonder that he dared to sneak up. Brother Li Wei, your dog did not follow the Holy Day regulations, and the courage was the result of Li Wei’s training."

Li Yuming knows that Fu Yunjie has hatreds with himself, but he wants to shelter this Li Wei. In this case, Huang Xiaolong will not have to be polite with this Li Wei.

Li Wei heard the words and his face sank.

Huang Xiaolong, is this training for him?

Xie Yao couldn't help but sigh: "Huang Xiaolong, what do you think, you dare to talk to Li Wei brother? You are the ancestor's pro-disciple, Li Wei brother is also, Li Wei brother is our chief disciple of the Holy Day, after all, you are just a just Worshiping the disciples of the Holy Day!"

Listen to Xie Yao and say what he is counting.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are a glimpse.

Originally, he looked at the face of Wu Song, the main lord of the Holy Land, and did not want to care more about this, but this Xie Yao challenged his patience again and again.

"You are something." Huang Xiaolong looked at Xie Yao coldly: "If you don't look at the feelings of your master Wu Ge, you will pinch you now!"

Xie Yaoyi listened, and couldn't help but laugh at him, as if he heard a big joke: "What do you say? Kill me? Just rely on you? You want to pinch me? Laugh me!"

Before Huang Xiaolong, Xie Yao was one of the three genius disciples of the Holy Day with Li Wei and Lin Yijia.

He is not only talented, but his strength is not weak. It is a medium-term period.

Now, Huang Xiaolong actually said that he would pinch him?

This is simply making him laugh at the big teeth.

See Xie Yao laughed, Huang Xiaolong eyes.

At this moment, Li Wei reached out and interrupted Xie Yao, letting Xie Yao stop. Li Wei looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Wang Xiaolong, how do we make a bet?"

Huang Xiaolong regained his gaze from Xie Yao, looked at Li Wei indifferently, and did not speak. He wanted to see what Li Wei wanted to say.

Li Wei is not too slow to say: "This way, Huang Xiaolong, younger brother, I must have heard about the blood test, if you are in the blood test, you can successfully enter the top three, also That is to say, I can successfully pass the trial of blood. Then, after I have to pay for Yunjie, I will not intervene."

"If you can't successfully pass the blood test, then you can't find Yunjie's trouble again, and you have to apologize to me and Xie Yao's younger brother for the matter of today."

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, he laughed: "Li Wei, brother, I have found out that you are really shameless! I don’t know much about this blood test, but I guess it is ordinary half-sacred. I am afraid that I will not be able to enter the top three hundred. You are sure that I will not pass this blood test, but I will take this to gamble with me?"

"Are you stupid? Or am I stupid?"

"Why don't you compare with me to enlighten the monument?"

Was ridiculed by Huang Xiaolong’s sarcasm, and Li’s face was ugly.

Xie Yao glared, when he was about to speak, Huang Xiaolong suddenly said: "Well, this gamble, I promised."

Xie Yaoyi, Li Yiyi, Lin Yijia, Chen Kaiping and the disciples of the scene were also greatly surprised.

Since Huang Xiaolong knows that he can't enter the top three, he dares to promise this bet?

"However, it is rare for us to gamble, conditions, I want to change it." Huang Xiaolong said: "If I can really enter the top three hundred, you must not only intervene in Fu Yunjie, but also in front of my Blue Dragon House. one day."

Lanlong House is the house that Huang Xiaolong purchased in the central area. Huang Xiaolong was named Lanlong House.

Li Wei, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia and others are not angry.

"If I can't enter the top three hundred, I can't pass the blood test, I will spend a day in front of the gate of the Holy City." Huang Xiaolong slowly said.

Li Wei, Xie Yao and others are stunned.

Li Wei looked at Huang Xiaolong deeply and seemed to want to see through Huang Xiaolong. After a while, he nodded. "Okay, yes! But I have to add a condition. If you can't pass the blood test, you will not be able to pass the blood test. Lose each of us a first-order sacred device, if you can pass the blood test, on the contrary, each of us loses you a preliminary sacred device."

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled brilliantly: "Good!" Since there is a free holy device, he naturally agrees.

Then, Xie Yao was afraid that Huang Xiaolong would repent afterwards, and then they and Huang Xiaolong each took the oath in the name of the Avenue.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong rode with Cai Feng Xiaojiu to leave.

Li Wei looked at the figure that Huang Xiaolong had left, and his brow was locked.

Xie Yao smiled and said: "This kid must have just returned, I don't understand the trial of blood, so I will promise to gamble. Brother Li Wei is relieved that he can never pass the blood test. This time all the sacred circles are 100,000. Disciples under the age of skeletal age can participate in the blood test, even if the disciples of the late nine sacred and half holy, may not be able to enter the top three hundred, let alone this Huang Xiaolong?" Xie Yao smiled: "How long has he been practicing?" When he first joined the Holy Day, he was only the sixth."

Li Wei heard the words and nodded. He also felt that for decades, Huang Xiaolong could no longer practice cultivation, and he could not cultivate to the nine realms of sacred sacredness. Therefore, this gamble, Huang Xiaolong must lose.

"I really want to see it, when the kid is kneeling in front of the holy city city." Xie Yao laughed.

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