Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2427: Hand over the magic tire

Listening to the Longyang people really took the magic tires below, and the sword saints and others are not happy.

For Huang Xiaolong, they believe in it.

Since Huang Xiaolong said that the Longyang people are below, the magic tires are below, then it must be.

"Let's go down, let's go now?" Li Huajun, the holy place of the Black Shack, said with joy.

Huang Xiaolong shook his hand and smiled: "No hurry."

Everyone has a glimpse.

Chen Zhi immediately stunned and smiled: "Your Highness means that we are waiting outside for a rabbit?"

"Not bad." Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Let's go down with us now, and fight with the Longyang people to live and die. It is better to let the Longyang people take the magic tires first. When they come out, we will take the shots again. They will charge the magic tires. A lot of strength, when it comes out, it is when they are weak, we are first arranged outside, to catch a slap!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Thus, Huang Xiaolong let Chen Zhi, Yu Ming, the sword saint, Sun Jiang, Li Huajun, the five people began to set up the method of the Holy Dot, completely enveloped the surrounding miles.

However, when the array method was set up, in order to prevent the people of Longyang from discovering, Huang Xiaolong first opened the dark holy enchantment of the dark holy ring, shielding the magic lake and the Longyang people.

Knowing the relationship between the magical tires, so Chen Zhi, Yu Ming and others did not dare to care about it. The five people joined forces and arranged the big array. After a day, the five holy roads were arranged.

The five holy sacred rituals are mutually integrated and are hosted by five people. Although the five sacred sacred rituals are only arranged one day, but the five people are fully motivated, it is the ordinary sacred environment. Block it down.

After the five people arranged the formation, Huang Xiaolong summoned more than a thousand headless beasts and dozens of Ziyun beasts. Only when the Longyang and other people came out, they shot the Longyang people. .

See Huang Xiaolong will be more than a thousand heads and nine robbers and half-sacred later, nine robbers and half-sacred peaks of the late peaks of the beasts are called out, the black scorpion masters scared a big jump.

Even Sun Jiang, Li Huajun did not expect that Huang Xiaolong actually conquered so many nine robbers and half-sacred later than the beasts, although there is no sacred place without beasts, but this thousand-dozens of nine robbers and half-sacred late, late peaks without abundance The beasts are arranging attacks, and the power is not much weaker than the ordinary holy world.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the tumbling golden tail beast and waited for the Longyang and other people to come out.

However, under caution, Huang Xiaolong still uses the three holy souls to pay attention to the movements of the Longyang people, so as to avoid any accidents.

Two days later.

Somewhere in the bottom of the magic lake.

Longyang people's Zhao Zhao smile is getting more and more prosperous, only to see the demon tires. Under the joint efforts of the four great sacred dragons of the Dragons, the resistance is getting weaker and weaker. At the same time, the connection with the Magic Mountain is getting weaker.

As long as it takes another half an hour, the Dragon Four masters of the Holy Land can completely cut the magic tire and the magical mountain range. When it is time, he will receive the magic tire!

As long as he returns to the Longyang people to refine the magic tire with the secret pool, when he is, he must be the first person under the holy world. At that time, what broke, what Lin Xiaoying, is not his opponent.

Who will be able to fight with him when the Holy Life is born?

Soon, half an hour passed.


A crisp crack, only the space around the magic tire broke open, the demon tire screamed, and then flew away, stunned, haha ​​smiled: "Want to escape? Little baby, you are destined to be mine!" Then take out a treasure bag and throw it away. The treasure bag will cover the magic tire and put it into the treasure bag.

This treasure bag was prepared long when he left the Longyang nationality. It is the holy sect of the Longyang people. It is called the Shulong Bag and can collect everything.

Holding a treasure bag, Zhao Zhao is laughing.

"Congratulations to the Lord!" Longyang people's sacred masters, Sheng Sheng and others, do not want to be tired, go forward and congratulate the Zhao Zhao.

Yan Zhao laughed at Yu Sheng and others: "This young master can successfully receive the magic tires. Thanks to the four elders who won the victory, after returning, I will definitely ask your grandfather for your help!"

"Thank you for the Lord!"

"Less Lord, this place should not stay for a long time, then we will leave now? Then I will return to the Longyang family one day earlier." Longyang people's holy place glory.

"Yu Yao elders said it!" Yan Zhao said with a smile: "Okay! Let's go out now!" I thought of Zhanbo, and said: "The black muddy little muddy must know that the magic tire was taken away by me, I am afraid. Be mad at vomiting blood."

The Longyang people laughed happily.

However, when coming out of Devil Lake, the four elders of the Longyang family used the secret method to visit the outside situation. After feeling that there was no difference, this broke the magic lake.

Just when Yu Zhao and others came out from Devil Lake, suddenly, the sword was so high in the air, and the swordsmanship like a rainstorm slammed down to the masters of the Longyang people.

The four elders of the Longyang family were instantly alert.

"Let the Lord be careful! Protect the Lord!" Longyang's elders, Sheng Sheng, were shocked. At the same time, the sacred giants in their hands instantly swayed to the sky.

The other three elders of the Dragon family also shot at the same time.

However, although the four elders of the Dragon race were alert and instantly resisted, they were still half a step slower. The sword slammed down and shrouded the magic lake. Through the defense of four people, they slammed the Longyang people. Semi-Saint master.

At a critical juncture, Zhao Zhao summoned the dragon to the body, and screamed with anger: "Who is it?!"

However, this is so, countless swords still drove him out.

"Less master!" Yu Sheng four people exclaimed.

At this time, I saw countless meteorites at high altitude, countless gunshots, countless sharp edges, countless stars, and countless flames falling.

The four people were shocked and attacked with all their strength.


The loud noises kept ringing.

The four people were stunned, and they flew again and again. The blood was pouring, and the mouth was bloody.

However, this is not over yet, and countless swords have fallen.

Jianqi broke open and won the defense of four people, four people slammed into the ground, the whole body sword marks.

Huang Xiaolong opened the dark enchantment, Chen Zhi, and the figure from the sword saint and others.

"Yes! Black scorpion!" Yan Zhao climbed from the ground and saw the black scorpions, and could not help but roar: "Zhanbo, you are a black muddy, give me out!"

Obviously, he thought that all of this was a ghost that the black patriarch and the patriarch, Zhanbo, concealed in secret.

At this time, Yu Sheng from the ground also stared at the black sacred ancestors Sun Jiang and Li Huajun: "Sun Jiang, Li Huajun, you black sects killed my Longyang people so many disciples! We Longyang people want you eye for eye!"

Just after repeated attacks, the Longyang people have died in addition to the five people, and the other semi-sheng masters have all died.

Sun Jiang, Li Huajun did not speak, standing quietly behind Huang Xiaolong.

"Hand over the magic tires." Huang Xiaolong looked at Zhao Zhao and said directly.

Zhao Zhao heard, smiled, eyes bloody: "Kid, do you know who you are talking to? You are now rolling over, crawling in front of me, loading me a dog, I may not kill you, if I have a long and two short today Anyone can't shelter you! Do you think the Heizu can shelter you?"

"To tell you the truth, our Longyang people still have masters in the mirage, which is the master of the high level of the Holy Land! You can't escape!"

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