Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2428: 敖 投 投

I heard that the Longyang people had a high-level master of the Holy Land sitting in the mirage of the maritime city, Chen Zhi, from the sword saints, Yu Ming, and the black Yi people all changed their faces.

Instead, Huang Xiaolong, his face calm, indifferently looked at Zhao Zhao: "Climb to you, put a dog? So, if you climb to me, put a snake, I may not kill you."

Pack the snake!

I thought that the 敖 装 装 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在

"You!" Zhao Zhaoyi listened, furious, and pointed to Huang Xiaolong: "You are dead! My high-level master of the Longyang tribe will come soon, I will let you die!"

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are awkward, and Han Mang’s eyes are: “If that’s the case, then you will die!”


"Yes, Your Highness!"

Chen Zhi’s five great sacred places should be, once again, urging the five great sacred squadrons, and suddenly, countless meteorites, gunshots, sharp edges, fire groups, and stars once again crashed into the sky.

When Zhao Zhao saw Huang Xiaolong even dare to shoot himself, he was even more furious: "I have a high-order sacred city in the Longyang nationality!" He thought that Huang Xiaolong did not believe that the Longyang people came to the high level of the Holy Land.

However, he has not finished talking, the sky is falling, the gun shadow, the sharp edge, the fire group, the stars will fall, interrupt him.

When the four people saw it, they focused on the injury and tried their best to stop the attack of Chen Zhiwu. Then they suddenly said to Zhao Zhaodao: "Less master, use the dragon symbol, fast, you go first! Go back to the mirage! ”

As long as Zhao Zhaoyi returns to the mirage, it is safe.

The dragon symbol is one of the ancient ancestors. It is the first generation of the Longyang people who spent their time refining. After using it, they ignored the ban and escaping.

It is also because the scorpion has brought the sacred sacred charm, and there are four victorious people around, so the high-level masters of the Longyang tribe did not follow.

When Zhao Zhao listened, he also refused to feel the pain of the dragon symbol, and the whole body of the dragon was promoted, and the whole person rose and then disappeared in the same place.

"Kid, you give me waiting!"

"Wait for the **** dragons of my Longyang people, crazy revenge!"

The voice of Zhao Zhao passed from the void.

"I will hand it over to you!" Huang Xiaolong told Chen Zhi, Yu Ming five humanity.

"His Royal Highness assured!" Chen Zhi five people shouted.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and broke away. Although the strength of the four people was not weak, a sacred place was in the early stage, two holy places were in the middle of the middle, and a holy place was in the late stage. However, the four people had just made him dark and angry. Not light, Chen Zhiwu and those who have no beasts can completely suppress and trap the four people.

after an hour.

The scorpion appeared in the mountain range somewhere in the Ziyun Sea, then fell down, and Zhang mouth vomited a blood. He took out a medicinal herb and swallowed it.

"Kid, you better not let me find out which family you are holy!"

"Even if you are detected by you." A voice screamed from behind the signs.

Zhao Zhao was shocked, turned to the first, and saw Huang Xiaolong, his face pale: "It's you! How do you get it?!" There are countless billions of miles away from the magical mountain range, even if it is a holy place, it is impossible. Inductive is obtained, and the dragon symbol is isolated.

He couldn't understand how Huang Xiaolong could catch it!

"You have a dragon symbol, I also have a chasing charm." Huang Xiaolong indifferent.

Yan Zhao's face was bloodless, but suddenly, he laughed. He glanced around Huang Xiaolong and smiled: "The kid, this sacred character, can only take one person to walk, so that you are coming by yourself? You are really yourself. If you die, you dare to come and die! You forgot that you are only robbed and half holy? Even if I am seriously injured now, killing you is like killing a dog!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and smiled. He looked at Zhao Zhao and shook his head.

"Looking for death!" Zhao Zhao saw Huang Xiaolong shaking his head, taunting, and could not help but anger, a dragon gun in his hand suddenly stabbed to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong is too lazy to entangle with him. The dragon spirit is flying out. In a moment, he will directly make the scorpion into a pancake. As for the dragon gun that is close to the sacred sect, it is directly shot by Huang Xiaolong into countless pieces.

Huang Xiaolong mentioned the sin of the dead and the dead.

"You, how are you?!" The sigh of breath is weak, watching the dragons of the dragon, the eyes are full of fear.

"To tell you the truth, that Zhanbo has been killed by me." Huang Xiaolong said.

Zhao Zhao body shock: "What? You! So Sun Jiang and Li Huajun they?!"

"They have already worked for me and made a life to me." Huang Xiaolong said: "As for Song Cheng, I was destroyed by the flesh. Now the Holy Spirit is imprisoned in the space of the saints and is grilled by thunder." When it comes to this, Huang Xiaolong let Song The screams of being burnt by the thunderfire came from the space of the beastly thunderbolt.

Zhao Zhao’s face was gray and frightened: “You, you.”

"Or, I intend to kill you directly, but I am changing my mind now. If you are effective and give me life, I can spare you a life." Huang Xiaolong said.

He does not die, he has his intentions.

The Longyang people have a forbidden place. They are useful to the dragon sacred soul, the dragon sacred vein and the dragon sacred body. Later, if there is an opportunity, he can use the hand of the singer to enter the Forbidden City of the Longyang.

After a while, he was hesitant: "This time my Longyang people are half-sacred, then I will go back, how can I report my father to the mysterious mountain range?"

"How to report it, that is your business." Huang Xiaolong said.

"Where is the victory of the four elders?" There is still concern in Zhao Zhao’s heart.

"Yu Sheng four people, if it does not work, the next game will be the same as Song Cheng, so you do not have to worry about them." Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly.

In the end, Zhai Zhao chose to invest in Huang Xiaolong. After Zhao Zhao took the oath, Huang Xiaolong planted Hongmeng in his body. Later, Zhao Zhao gave the magic tire to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took the magical tire into the dark sacred ring and helped him to heal the injury. He returned to the magical mountain range with him.

At this time, Chen Zhi, the five people from the sword saints and the four wins are still glued together. Although Chen Zhiwu used the big battle to suppress the four wins, but he could not completely defeat the four wins, but Yu Sheng It is also difficult for four people to get out of trouble.

Huang Xiaolong let Chen Zhi and others stop the attack, and then let the Zhao Zhao open and persuade the four people to win.

Originally, the four people of Yu Sheng saw Huang Xiaolong returning with their young masters. They were in a hurry, suddenly screaming and letting them return to Huang Xiaolong. After a trip, they were all furious.

"Yu Zhao, you traitor, even dare to betray the Longyang people, and vote for it!" Yu Sheng said with a sigh: "When you return to the Longyang, I will smash your traitor with a sword!"

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's two holy souls simultaneously spurred the Dark Holy Swords, and millions of swords smashed to the smashing and smashing, and instantly smashed the sacred body! Then, the beast is flying, and the sacred soul is included in it.

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