Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2439: hypocrisy

Wu Ge said that this is not the case, but Li Wei said in the words of Wu Ge: "Huang Xiaolong, I heard no, even the Lord General of Wu Ge thinks that you will lose this battle, no doubt with that. The Holy Spirit is given to the Holy Land of the Emperor and the Holy Land of the Beast. You may as well give up the sacredness of the Holy Spirit and benefit the disciples of the Holy Day."

Huang Xiaolong said coldly: "If I don't hand it out, why, you want to grab it?"

Li Yiyi.

"Huang Xiaolong, Master Li Wei did this, but also for the sake of the Holy Day." Xie Yao said.

Huang Xiaolong interrupted: "What are you doing, here is where you speak!"

Xie Yao face ugly.

He is a pro-disciple of Wu Ge, the main lord of the Holy Day. Huang Xiaolong dared to speak in front of his master!

Wu Ge sat there, but his face was calm, as if he had not heard Huang Xiaolong swearing his own disciple.

When Li Wei wants to speak again, Huang Xiaolong said: "Well, Li Wei, you are less here, fake and false. What is it for the sake of the disciples of the Holy Day, the thought of the fart, why don't you take out all the things in your house and the holy day? How do you enjoy the disciples together? Why don’t you take the prostitute on your bed and enjoy it with everyone? I don’t understand what you are thinking.”

Listening to Huang Xiaolong bluntly swearing at himself, Li Wei’s face sank.

Huang Xiaolong said again: "Don't say that I don't give you a chance. When you fight in Taiwan, you can also send someone who is under your arm. If your squatter can win me, then I will give you that sacred sacredness. ""

"What?!" Wu Ge and the Holy Day of the Lord are big accidents.

Li Xin was overjoyed and said: "Is this true?"

"Not bad!" Huang Xiaolong saw Li Yuxi in color, secretly sneer, said: "You can send four robbers and half disciples to challenge me. As long as you follow the rules of Fujian and Taiwan, you will win me. Hongmeng is yours, but. Speaking of this, Huang Xiaolong's tone is prolonged: "If you are a man who can't win me, I want you to lick my sole! And it is public!"

When the public smashed the soles of Huang Xiaolong!

Li Wei heard the words, angry: "You!"

Huang Xiaolong looks indifferent: "Of course, if you feel shame, if you don't want that sacred sacredness, you can't agree, no one is forcing you, but I have already given you the opportunity. I promise you to see you. ""

Li Yan’s face is cloudy and sunny.

At this time, Xie Yao used the secret technique to convey the voice of Li Wei, Li Ruran, then nodded and smiled, and said to Huang Xiaolong: "Well, I promise you! I sent my disciples to challenge and won you. Hongmeng is my. However, if you can persist in the end of the ring, if you can win the ancient emperor's holy land and control the beasts of all the four sacred and half-sacred disciples, I will lose!"

Li Wei changed the conditions. Before, Huang Xiaolong’s condition was that if his squatter could not win Huang Xiaolong, he would slap his sole! Now, he changed to Huang Xiaolong to be able to persist in the end of the ring, to defeat all the disciples' challenges, including the ancient emperor's holy land, the control of the beasts and other disciples, he only admit defeat.

In Li Wei’s view, Huang Xiaolong could not win the Fang Xing of the ancient emperor’s holy land and the Qi Yunfeng of the holy land of the beast, and it is even more impossible to persist until the end of the half year.

Therefore, if the person under his command has won the challenge, then he will be able to go to the sacred glory. If his squatter loses, then he will not lose.

This kind of trading is to make a steady profit.

Listening to Li Wei changed a condition, Huang Xiaolong did not care, smiled: "Good!"

Li Wei, you don't blame me.

From the moment you insisted on sheltering Fu Yunjie, the two were doomed to be incompatible.

At this time, the chief of the temple, Wu Ge could not help but say: "His Royal Highness, Xiao Li, Your Excellency."

Li Wei said with a smile: "You have heard the main hall of Wu Ge. This is what Huang Xiaolong’s younger brother took the initiative to personally. It has nothing to do with me. When I asked the master and the lord of the Lord, they asked you and the lords. Give a testimony and clarify what happened just now."

If his squatter defeats Huang Xiaolong and gets the sacred sacredness, that is his thing, this is Huang Xiaolong’s initiative, and Wu Ge and others witness, even if his master and the lord of the lord are not good, then he will give him that Hong Meng Sheng Qi want to go back to Huang Xiaolong?

Yuan Shuai, the head of the division responsible for the affairs of the branches, stood up and smiled: "This is nature. Please rest assured that Li Yi, if the four ancestors came to ask, we will explain the situation to the four ancestors and say to the lieutenant of Li Wei. Fair words."

In addition, the two lords who supported Li Wei also stood up and indicated to Li Wei that they would witness and clarify the situation.

Li Xiao haha ​​smiled and stood up: "I must have Huang Xiaolong's younger brother to prepare for the battle of the collapse of Taiwan. Then we will not disturb Huang Xiaolong's younger brother. I hope that Huang Xiaolong's younger brother will be defeated on the first day."

Huang Xiaolong stood up and his face was calm: "Take your words, rest assured, no."

"That's the best." Li Xiao smiled, and then left with Lin Yijia and others.

Wu Ge also stood up and came to Huang Xiaolong. He wanted to stop and talk. In the end, he did not say anything. He shook his head and left. The monarchs and the elders of the elders followed.

Seeing that Li Wei was proud of leaving his face, Chen Zhi said to Huang Xiaolong: "His Royal Highness, if Li Wei knows that you have the Holy Spirit, now I am afraid to cry like a girl."

Yu Ming smiled and said: "When the end of the ring is over, he must cry like a beast when he wants to squat the soles of his temple."

Everyone laughed.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "When we go to the sea market, we will buy some heavenly spirits and refine the ten products of the world." Last time Chen Zhi and others refining a group of ten products, but these days, cultivation, Already used almost.

"Yes, Your Highness."

After a while, Huang Xiaolong and Chen Zhi and others left the temple and walked to the sea market in the mirage.

When Huang Xiaolong and others went to the maritime market in the maritime market to buy the heavenly spirit medicine, the control of the sacred land was on the branch hall of the mirage of the mirage. Shen Jiewen and the masters of the control of the beast were sitting on the hall, respectfully standing a group of saints. disciple.

These disciples are all genius sons who control the beasts of the saints, three robbers and half saints to three robbers and half-sacred peaks.

The foremost one is a young man with purple hair and purple eyebrows.

"Yunfeng, when the battle is over, I will let you represent the first disciple of our control of the beast to challenge!" Shen Jiewen's eyes fell on the young purple-haired girl: "As long as you defeat Huang Xiaolong, I will accept it." You are my pro-disciple!"

Jin Yunfeng heard the words and respectfully bowed down: "Please rest assured that the disciples will not let the doorkeeper down!"

Shen Jiewen nodded and let it rise. He was still convinced of the strength and strength of Jin Yunfeng.

"The doorkeeper, when it is time, on the platform, let Yunfeng give the yellow dragon to it?" A lord of the control of the beast of the beast made a gesture of killing.

Shen Jiewen blinked, but eventually shook his head: "Although the death and death of the Taiwanese platform, but if Huang Xiaolong is dead, the first ancestor of the Holy Day will definitely be angry." Then to Yunyun Fengdao: "On the stage, when you shoot, as long as that Huang Xiaolong You can't die."

"Yes, the doorkeeper!"

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