Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2440: Yang bone tree

Not only Shen Jiewen, at this time in the hall of the ancient emperor's holy land, the ancient emperor's sacred Xuan also ordered the disciples under the door, Fang Xing, to take full action on the stage, and must defeat Huang Xiaolong with a single blow.

The blue whale patriarch, the Red Flame Gate Lord, the Heizu patriarch and other people also gave the same order to the best disciple of the next talent.

For these, Huang Xiaolong did not know. At this time, Huang Xiaolong and Chen Zhiqi were selected in the sea market to purchase all kinds of heaven and earth medicine.

At the apprentice's ceremony, Huang Xiaolong received the top powers of hundreds of thousands of holy places, and he was very rich in his family. Later he got the treasure house of the holy land of the four seas. All the way down, it was the body of many holy places, and it was Song. Everything in the holy world.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong is now rich and oily, and he is not short of money.

Huang Xiaolong appeared in the maritime market, and the great powers who came and went. Many of the disciples of the great holy places recognized Huang Xiaolong. They whispered whispers, and many of them secretly shook their heads. Obviously, everyone thought that this battle of Fujian and Taiwan could not accept the ancient emperor. Holy Land, the challenge of many disciples in the Holy Land.

Huang Xiaolong can faintly hear the words "failed family", "ignorance" and "ridiculous".

For these, Huang Xiaolong did not care, and could not kill all the disciples of these arguments.

Huang Xiaolong walked to the largest store in the city, which is the branch of the largest Chamber of Commerce in the Holy Land.

"The name of the Chiaki Chamber of Commerce is quite interesting." Yu Ming said with a smile: "If you want to name the Chamber of Commerce, it is estimated to be more interesting."

Everyone smiled.

Huang Xiaolong and everyone went inside.

As the largest branch of the Chamber of Commerce in the sacred world, there are many people who come to the Chamber of Commerce to buy the elixir. I only see the people in the hall, and the people come and go, and the flow is endless. It is very lively.

When Huang Xiaolong entered, the original noisy hall was quiet. Many people looked at Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaolong swept their eyes and found the central location of the main hall. They were surrounded by a group of people, all the holy places, the ancients, and even There is also a demon palace, the evil demon palace is extraordinary, and Dou Rui is also.

Huang Xiaolong has some accidents.

I don't know what everyone is doing there.

"It turned out to be Huang Xiaolong's younger brother." The evil was turned to see Huang Xiaolong, and his face was not smiling: "I didn't expect the battle of Fujian and Taiwan to be there soon, and Huang Xiaolong's younger brother has this leisurely leisure to come to the sea to stroll."

Listening to evil and unusually calling his own younger brother, Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "You have such a leisurely feeling, and I naturally have it."

See Huang Xiaolong calling his name, and the evil is awkward.

Huang Xiaolong walked over to the center of the main hall, and the crowd that had been surrounded by the house automatically gave up a small path.

When I came to the middle of the main hall, Huang Xiaolong saw that there was a small tree in the center of the main hall shaped like a rich tree. The small tree was only half a meter high and the tree had thick arms.

However, this small tree has already dried up. On the tree, the scars of the thunder and fire are faintly visible. The whole tree is completely lifeless and lifeless.

"Yang bone tree." Huang Xiaolong accident.

"Huang Xiaolong's younger brother has a good eyesight and recognizes this yang bone tree at a glance." The evil is amazed and laughed: "This yang bone tree was put out before the Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce. The Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce said, if anyone can resurrect this yang bone. Tree, this yang tree is free to whom."

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong moved.

This yang bone tree is a sacred tree. The tree body can grow a branch like a bone. It is called a yang bone branch. The role of this yang bone branch can be big. It is much better than many holy medicines, and the yang bone tree. The leaves also have a big effect. They can be directly refining and chemically used. Although they are not comparable to the holy medicine, they are much better than the ten-day spirit.

If he can resurrect this yang tree, then he will not have to work hard to buy the heavenly spirits and refine the ten products.

There are sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs. And completely broken life.

"How? Huang Xiaolong also wants to restore this yang tree?" I have not been able to resurrect this yang tree. I have also used the magic law of the demon palace, and I have not seen any effect."

This means that he is not a master of this sacred environment, and he can't resurrect this yang tree. You Huang Xiaolong naturally can't.

Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to the ridicule in the evil words. He called the person in charge of the chamber of commerce and asked: "Whoever can resurrect this yang tree, who is this yang tree?"

The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce smiled and said: "Yes, if His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong can resurrect this yang tree, this yang tree is the prince of Huang Xiaolong. Of course, if Huang Xiaolong resurrects this yang tree, we will have two branches of yang. There are still 20 pieces of yang leaves!"

It is said that Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce does not have a free lunch.

This yang tree, which has been cut off, is placed in the hands of the Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce. It is of no use. If someone can be resurrected, the Chiaki Chamber of Commerce will also get two pairs of yang bone trees and twenty pieces of yang bone leaves.

When Huang Xiaolong nodded, he had to go back to resurrect the yang tree. At this time, the evil on the side suddenly said: "Is Huang Xiaolong’s younger brother really going to resurrect this yang tree? Why is it that we have a small bet, how?"

Huang Xiaolong came to the interest: "Oh, how to gamble? What to gamble?"

"With an hour limit, if Huang Xiaolong's younger brother can resurrect this yang bone tree, this jade fan in my hand will be given to you. If the resurrection can't be done, I want your unbeatable beast!"

Seeing the evil and not remembering his head and the beast, Huang Xiaolong laughed: "Good!"

The jade fan in the hands of evil is not a universal product, it is a sacrament, this gambling promise, he does not lose.

When I came to the tree in front of the yang tree, Huang Xiaolong’s hands gathered together, and then pressed the tree body. Suddenly, the scar of the bonfire tree that was burnt by the thunder began to slowly shrink and slowly fade.

"This!" The evil eyes are awkward, and his face is shocked. He used a lot of methods just now. This yang tree has no reaction at all. Now, Huang Xiaolong’s palm is just enough capacity. The scar of this yang tree tree actually starts. Changed!

Dou Rui and the evil demon palace and the surrounding strong people are also shocked.

The hall is commotion.

Huang Xiaolong smiled indifferently. In fact, it is not difficult to save this yang tree. As long as the sacred sage has water, earth, wood, fire, and thunder, the power of the heavens and the earth will be fine. Growth, wood energy vitality, fire can awake the Yangling spirit of the yang tree, as for the thunder, can melt the wrath of the thunder in the tree.

In parallel with these forces of heaven and earth, this yang tree can be slowly restored to life.

Of course, Yangshuo can change so quickly, because Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment has now evolved to more than 30. If it is ranked 100, it’s hard to make this Yang bone change for a few days. In addition to the ranking of one thousand, I am afraid that the Yanggu tree will change in a year and a half.

Looking at the scars of the yang tree tree body, the scar disappeared completely, and then the tree of the yang bone tree began to glow red, and the evil face was gloomy.

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