Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2441: Please also pick it up.

The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce looked at the Yang Bing tree constantly red, but it was a big smile on his face, his eyes were bright, and he quickly let the people under his hand report the situation here.

As mentioned above, if someone can resurrect the yang tree within a hundred years, the person in charge of his branch can get a big prize!

Anyone can see that the Yang bone tree has been resurrected.

Seeing that the yang tree is more and more prosperous, the evil eyes are flashing, the fingers under the jade fan are secretly bombing, and a feminine force is silent, without causing a little fluctuation in space, and bounces into the waist of Huang Xiaolong.

Evil and extraordinary actions, even Chen Zhi, Yu Ming seven people did not notice.

However, how can the evil movements secretly escape the perception of the three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong? Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly, but he did not shoot, letting the other side's feminine power bounce into his waist.

Unexpectedly seeing his own feminine power successfully plunged into the waist of Huang Xiaolong, he could not help but secretly, with his own feminine power, I believe that Huang Xiaolong will soon be unable to continue, and then he will not be able to resurrect this yang tree.

The secret of stealing joy is uncommon, but as time goes by, he gradually feels that he is not right. He only sees that Huang Xiaolong is still instilling the power of the heavens and trees, and the radiance of the yang tree begins. It was getting brighter and brighter, and the dead skin on the tree began to fall off.

The silk life is swaying in the tree of the sun bones.

A finger-sized bump protrudes from the tree.

"This is a yang bone branch, you have to grow a yang bone branch!" Someone pointed at the bump and called.

"It is indeed necessary to grow a yang bone branch!" Someone was excited.

Many people are excited to see this novel scene.

It’s ugly, but it’s ugly, how can it be? His feminine power has clearly entered the body of Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong should not be in power at this time. Stopping and adjusting interest rate is right?

When the evil is extraordinary and the secret is to be shot, suddenly, the hall is a commotion. I only see the inner chamber of the chamber of commerce. I walked out of a group of people. The person who is the head is a white-haired old man. The old man’s eyes are dazzling. .

"It’s Zuo Qiusheng!" There is a master, watching the old man, looking fearful.

Zuo Qiusheng, the president of the Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce!

Although Zuo Qiusheng is not the ancestor, nor the peak of the Holy Land, his identity and status can be no less than the gates of the Ten Holy Lands of the Holy Land Alliance.

Everyone did not expect Zuo Qiusheng to appear in the mirage, and now appears in the temple.

The evil is also an accident, and the finger stops.

"President of the president!" The head of the branch saw Zuo Qiusheng, and hurriedly greeted him and went to Zuo Qiusheng to respect the courtesy.

Zuo Qiusheng nodded, and then went straight to the back of Huang Xiaolong, but did not speak, but quietly stood there watching the yang tree, Zuo Qiusheng's calm face, but the heart is excited.

This yang tree is hard to get, but it took hundreds of years to spend countless high-level holy spirits and jade, so many masters could not resurrect this yang tree, even the high-order shots of the Qiqiu Chamber of Commerce. I can't save this yang bone tree, I didn't expect it to be saved now!

Originally, this time Huang Xiaolong set up a battle against Taiwan, and the strong parties gathered together. He also wanted to take this opportunity to put this yang tree out to see if anyone could save it. Previously, he did not hold any hope. .

He is strong and depressed.

If there are two branches of yang and twenty pieces of yang leaves, then he can cure his beloved wife!

His wife's treatment is hopeful!

At this time, the bumps on the tree of the yang tree were getting higher and higher, and then the bark was opened, and the tender branches began to grow, then stretched and became thick.

Then there is another bump.

A bump followed by a bump, a yang branch followed by a yang branch, in less than twenty minutes, there are eight yang branches growing out.

On the branches of the eight yang branches, some small cross branches were grown. Finally, on these stalks, new leaves began to grow.

A new piece of leaves, flowing with a stream of flames like a fire.

Finally, the new leaves are full of trees, and it seems that the green of the trees, the red of the trees, the full flame flow, and the beautiful, compared with the previously dead Yangyan tree, is simply a different day.

Feel the vitality of the yang tree, Huang Xiaolong is satisfied with the withdrawal of the palm.

Standing behind Huang Xiaolong, the chairman of the Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce, Zuo Qiusheng, who was waiting quietly, patted his palms, his face was full of emotions, his face was smiling, and the Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce also followed the big palm.

The powerful parties from the four sides of the surrounding view came back from the shock, and they also applauded.

Zuo Qiusheng smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong is not the first person to be regarded as the sacred talent. This yang tree, I spent hundreds of years, and I have no countless masters to save, but Huang Xiaolong does not It will be saved in an hour."

Zuo Qiusheng is not the **** of Huang Xiaolong, but is amazed.

Previously, the people under his command came to report that Huang Xiaolong could save the Yang bone tree. He still didn't believe it.

At this time, the head of the branch at the side quickly introduced to Huang Xiaolong: "His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, this is the president of our Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce, Zuo Qiusheng."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "The left president praised me. I just happened to happen. Since I have saved this yang tree, this yang tree is mine."

Zuo Qiusheng smiled and said: "Well, let's say that our Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce naturally abides by the promise. This Yangshuo tree is now His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong. We only need two yang bone branches and twenty pieces of yang bone leaves."

The other party is Huang Xiaolong, giving him a hundred courage, and he does not dare to repent.

"Good!" Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then let the people of Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce take two Yang bone branches and twenty pieces of Yang bone leaves.

"The evil is extraordinary, you lost! Since I have saved this yang tree, then you can use it in your hand." Huang Xiaolong turned to look at the evil, and reached out.

Everyone looks at evil.

On the side of Dou Rui, he said: "Our evil brothers are naturally willing to gamble and lose, but when they gambled, they did not say when to give you a jade fan."

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, he smiled and said: "What? What you mean is that when the heavens and the earth are shattered, you will send this jade fan to me."

Everyone laughed.

"The evil is extraordinary. You are the head of the six evil demons of the demon palace. They are also people with status. If you can't afford to lose, don't throw people here!" At this time, the chairman of the Qianqiu Chamber of Commerce, Zuo Qiusheng, said.

Estimated on the scene, only Zuo Qiusheng dare to reprimand this evil, but Zuo Qiusheng also has the qualification to reprimand evil.

The evil face is ugly, and I laughed a little: "The left president is laughing and joking. I am always doing things evilly. I have always been bright and upright. I have said that it is the best. Since I lost, I will naturally give this jade fan to Huang Xiaolong according to the previous agreement." This, throw the jade fan to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, this jade fan is very good, please pick it up!"

This jade fan is made by the masters of the demon temple refining temple with countless cold objects. When refining, he used the blood of many sacred masters. The cold magic is extremely strong. Even if the nine robbers and half-sacred touches are also invaded by the cold demon, they must be seriously injured. He does not believe that Huang Xiaolong can resist it.

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