Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2671: Yuan Qianxing returns to Yifu

A pool full of tens of square meters of avenues was filled with thousands of pounds by Huang Xiaolong. This was only half of the time. The whole pool fell by more than half, but there was still more than one meter deep, and Huang Xiaolong stopped.

As for the remaining one-meter deep avenue source, Huang Xiaolong intends to keep taking a bath for himself! That's right, it's a shower! Huang Xiaolong is not impulsive and wasteful. He uses this source of avenues to bathe and sit in it to cultivate, which has unimaginable benefits for Huang Xiaolong's sacred body.

Now, Huang Xiaolong's sacred body is very strong, but it is not the body of the avenue. With the source of this avenue, Huang Xiaolong is expected to cultivate the avenue!

Yes, it is the avenue of the ancestor of the ancestors. Once the body of Huang Xiaolong is cast into the body of the avenue, it is absolutely terrible. It can be said that the avenue is only a bang. The first ancestor of the ancestors, like the ancestors of the ancestors of the Jinzen tribe, had a meditation in the middle of the ritual, and even could be blasted.

Moreover, in the source of the avenue, the swallowing of fruit and fruit cultivation, the two complement each other, can play the 100% effect of both, Huang Xiaolong's strength will be even more amazing.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong intends to use this source of avenues to bathe and sit and practice. It is not impulsive.

Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief, and Huang Xiaolong took a sigh of relief. He showed off all the body clothes, revealing the muscles of the whole body. Huang Xiaolong was all over the body, and his body was covered with a charming luster. Huang Xiaolong looked down. The following big thing, satisfied nod, this jumped into the pool of the source of the avenue, soaking the whole body.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong took a photo and took a photo of the fruit on the tree next to the avenue to the front and swallowed it.

Huang Xiaolong runs the parasitic worms and begins to cultivate.

Just when Huang Xiaolong swallowed the fruit and practiced in the source of the avenue, there was a message from the whole foreign country.

"What? The small government owner Huang Xiaolong is dead?! No, right? This!"

"I don't know if it is true. I heard that he went to the boundary river to open the island. Later, he was killed by a few thousand people and thousands of ancestors, and finally forced to jump into the dead hole! Dead hole, you Do you know? The dead hole is the most dangerous place in Kaitian Island. Even if the ancestors entered, it would be a death without a lifetime. Even the first ancestors could not escape!"

"This source is simply shameless, and a few people are killing one person!"

"In the ring, he was humiliated by Huang Xiaolong. Now he is an exotic joke. He will care about these fame, but he will lose the king. Now Huang Xiaolong is dead. Many years later, who cares if he is joining forces with Wanyuan. It’s a pity that Huang Xiaolong, who was surrounded by the ancestors, was so dead!”

"Yeah, the three evolutionary sages, the twelve high-order sacred lives, and the imprint of the Holy Life, and the four sacred places have an inexhaustible heart. It is a pity to die! Otherwise, Huang Xiaolong is definitely the first person in the foreign world. Even hope to unify sacred and exotic!"

The whole foreign country is spreading this news. All the aliens in different regions, the Terran, and the strong people of all ethnic groups are shocked after hearing it. Unfortunately, many people are sorry for Huang Xiaolong, and they are unfair to Huang Xiaolong, angering the source of thousands of lines. Waiting for shamelessness.

Of course, the Yifu Wanyuan, the demon Meizu, the Jinzen disciple are full of joy.

Source Wang Feng, Yao Ji, Chen Muguang and others even held a huge feast to celebrate the event, and celebrated the feast lasted for three days.

"Okay, great!" Source Wang Feng laughed: "Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong, you are really dead! Dead is good! Dead is cool!"

After the war in Fujian and Taiwan, Yuan Qianlong left the briefs and fled. Huang Xiaolong became a foreign housekeeper. These days, their Wanyuan, Yaozu, and Jinzen disciples were not good at the days of foreign affairs, especially It is even worse for him to be the head of the foreign house.

These days, their three disciples were severely suppressed by Longshengtian. Many of the three strongmen were originally in the high places, but now they have been picked up by Longshengtian for some external service positions. Those positions that are not pleasing.

But now, finally, Huang Xiaolong is dead, Longshengtian is difficult to support!

Now, it’s time for their tribes to be proud.

Demon Ji smiled: "These days, we have suffered a lot of birds. Now Huang Xiaolong is dead. After two days, I have to find the disciples of the Purple Spider and the Terran to abuse it and vent my sulking."

"Then look for the purple spider family and the human female disciple!" Yuan Wang Feng said with a smile: "It is more exciting to abuse it!"

The three tribes laughed happily.

Chen Muguang stepped forward and smiled and smiled: "Without the enchantress, I will go there and I will go to the enchantress to catch a few. I know that the Purple Spider and the Terran have a few women who are very good, very water!"

The enchantress laughed: "Okay, then I will hand it over to you." Then he patted Chen Muguang's shoulder: "Do it well, if you have any troubles in the future, you can find me. I will support you."

Chen Muguang is overjoyed, thank you very much.

"Now Huang Xiaolong is dead, and the prince of the foreign government is vacant." Yuan Wangfeng said: "His Royal Highness, perhaps, we can join hands to appeal to the Yuange Pavilion and re-elect the Shaofu!"

The enchantress eyes are bright: "What do you mean, let the source thousands of brothers come back?!"

Not only is the source thousands of lines back, but also the source of thousands of lines back to sit in the seat of the foreign government! The enchantress instantly understood the meaning of the source Wang Feng.

"Yes, Huang Xiaolong is dead. I can't always let the head of the foreign government have been vacant." Source Wang Feng said with a smile: "Without Huang Xiaolong, then only the source of the thousand-line can sit on the seat of the Shaofu." ”

The enchantress's eyes flashed: "Yes, in this case, we will petition the Yuange Pavilion in two days."

time flies.

Soon, decades have passed.

In these decades, the days of the Zicai and the Terran disciples in the foreign capitals have naturally been extremely hard.

Under the willingness of the three tribes to join the veteran, the Yuan Qianxing could not re-enter the foreign government, but returned to the foreign capital, and gradually became the power again, and the dragon Shengtian court.

As time went by, the strength of Yuan Qianxing was amazingly improved. His power in the foreign government was so great that he even began to suppress Longshengtian.

"There are still thirty years, and it will be the date of the battle between Zidongping and Zen." Yuan Qianxing sat on the previous throne of the luxurious palace of the different kings: "Resolved Zidongping, and then the Zijiao in the different houses." The disciples are all cleared!"

Source Wang Fengdao: "I want to say that the source of the thousand-line line of the direct shot, destroyed the purple Dongping, there is no need to wait until thirty years later, trouble."

Yuan Qianxing shakes his hand: "A purple Dongping only, not worthy of me." When it comes to this, ask Yuan Wangfeng: "The whereabouts of the flying swallows, did you find it?"

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