Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2672: The body of the avenue, the soul of the road

"I can't be sure." Yuan Wangfeng shook his head: "I only know that when Huang Xiaolong left the foreign government, the flying swallows disappeared." When it comes to this, the source Wang Feng's eyes are bright: "Will the swallows go with Huang Xiaolong?" Jiehe?"

"Impossible." Yuan Qianxing denied: "When Huang Xiaolong was in the boundary river, he was always alone. The flying swallows were not with Huang Xiaolong, and we killed Huang Xiaolong in the past, and did not find flying swallows." Thousands of lines sneered: "This stinky woman, if she finds her, I will take her down and make her die better!"

When he thought that the Flying Swallow refused him, he lived with Huang Xiaolong in the Yuanyuan Dongfu. When he thought of the cold eyes of the Flying Swallows in the downfall, he ignored him and he killed him.

"Flying swallows are not there, we can clear the flying family first!" Source Wang Fengdao.

The source of thousands of lines shakes hands: "Flying people are alien kings after all, if we kill the flying disciples, we will cause other royals to resent and join hands." Suddenly said: "Maybe, you can re-contact Feitianjin, fly Tiancheng."

Source Wang Feng instantly understood the meaning of the source, and smiled: "I understand it."

Now the flying swallows are not there. It is the best time to seize power in Feitianjin.

As for Feitian Longpeng, the flying patriarch, the patriarch of the flying family, there is no way to wave.


In the deepest part of Kaitian Island, Huang Xiaolong sits in the source of the avenue. At this time, Huang Xiaolong's body is full of light of the road. The three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong are on the top of his head, and there is also a boulevard.

In the past, in the light of the three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong, the light of the Holy Light and the Avenue alternated, but now, the Holy Light is no longer visible, only the light of the Avenue!

this means!

The soul of the avenue!

After decades of cultivation, with the help of the fruit of the road and the source of the avenue, Huang Xiaolong’s three holy souls have finally become a soul!

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong’s body of the Eucharist has also become the body of the avenue!

Huang Xiaolong, who was originally only in the early days of the Holy Land, is now a six-sacred place! And not only the early six seasons of the Holy Land, but the peak of the six seasons of the Holy Land!

The body of the avenue, the soul of the road, the heart of the road!

This is the three major symbols of the ancestral ancestors. However, Huang Xiaolong’s is indeed the peak of the sixfold period of the Holy Land. Although the source is also a sacred place, it has no eternal heart, but there is no avenue, no soul, but Huang Xiaolong All three have it.

Huang Xiaolong is now no different from the ancestors. The only difference is the realm.

A few days later, Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, and the radiance of the whole body slowly dissipated. The three holy souls recovered the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong leaped into the air, and he stood naked in the air.

In the sun, Huang Xiaolong exudes a charming light.

Compared with decades ago, Huang Xiaolong’s body is no longer the same. If there is a strong ancestor here, it is found that Huang Xiaolong’s body, blood and flesh, bone and dirt are completely avenues of the road. And these avenues of the road, crystal golden, connected to each other, the whole body, can not find a trace of flaws, can not find a little flaw.

Huang Xiaolong took out the robe from the Cangwudao Palace and put it on again.

"It's time to go out." Huang Xiaolong said to himself.

Although he also wants to take the opportunity to break through the seven important circumstances of the Holy Land, but to break through the seven important circumstances of the Holy Land, I am afraid that it will still be a hundred years, he can not wait that long.

Anyway, with his current strength, it is enough to pinch the source of thousands of lines, Yuan Baifei and others, even if it is the old man, Huang Xiaolong is not afraid.

I thought that the former source and other people would kill themselves and force themselves to jump into the dead hole. Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flashed.

It is estimated that Yuan Qianxing and others think that they are dead. The days of thousands of years have definitely been very moist. Huang Xiaolong sneered.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the source of the small half of the avenue. Although the source of this small half-pool avenue has been cultivated for decades, it absorbs most of the power of the avenue, but it still plays a big role.

Huang Xiaolong took out another empty jade bottle, collected all the remaining avenues of the small half of the pool, and then came to the tree in front of the avenue.

After decades of unremitting cultivation, Huang Xiaolong swallowed and refining six of the fruit, so there are four fruit in the tree.

However, the most important thing is the tree of the avenue.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong removed the tree of the avenue together with the surrounding spiritual soil and moved into the courtyard of the main hall of the Cangwudao Palace.

With the avenue of the road avenging the day and night, Huang Xiaolong believes that the Cangwu Dao Palace can also evolve and even upgrade the grade.

The Taoist is also divided into grades. The Cangwudao Palace is also a low-order road. Of course, the flying rifle and the octagonal wild animal ring are also low-order devices. The first blade of the sacred boundary is the middle. Order.

The tracker has low, medium, high, top, top and even no upper.

However, there are no high-order devices in the entire sacred and exotic regions. As for the top and no-goers, there is no more.

After taking away the trees and roads of the avenue, Huang Xiaolong continued to move, moving all the sacred trees on the flat land one by one, and it is useless to keep these things in anyway.

Huang Xiaolong moved all these holy trees into the Cangwu Dao Palace. For a time, the atmosphere of the entire Cangwu Daogong Avenue and the spirit of the Holy Spirit were rolling.

Taking away the holy fruit of the holy tree, Huang Xiaolong continues to accept the pulse of the Holy Spirit at the bottom, and the big, small, medium, and Huang Xiaolong are all taken away.

These veins of the Holy Spirit have formed a sense of ingenuity, so it is hard to collect. Of course, for Huang Xiaolong, who is now at the peak of the six seasons of the Holy Land, it is only laborious.

This is the case, the sacred fruit of the holy tree, the pulse of the Holy Spirit, the holy medicine are all taken away, and it took Huang Xiaolong several days.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaolong's strength is greatly advanced, otherwise, I am afraid that it will take several months or even longer.

After doing all this, Huang Xiaolong came to the exit of the previous dead hole, looked at the exit of the dead hole, and felt the yin and rot of the other side of the dead hole. Huang Xiaolong frowned.

Do you have to go out from here?

However, even he is not sure whether his current strength can return to the original path. After all, Huang Xiaolong has a deep understanding of the horror of the pressure of the dead hole.

Also, in general, there is a place of mysterious yellow water, there must be water of mysterious yellow, but where is the water of the mysterious yellow? The three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong unfolded and did not find the water of Xuanhuang.

After hesitating, Huang Xiaolong did not enter the dead hole exit.

He always felt that there were still many secrets in this place, and he could not be reconciled if he could not find the water of the mysterious yellow.

Of course, the important thing is to open the island of the innate black stone!

This is the most important.

The source of the avenue is important, and the trees and roads of the avenue are important, but the innate sacred stone of Kaitian Island is more important.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the source of the avenue and continued to fly forward.

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