Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2695: Cross seven roads

Long Jianfei shook his head: "Not yet."

Exotic, Jiehe, Yuanbaifei, and Laos are the strongest ancestors. It is really easy to hide and want to find two people.

"However, it is unlikely that the two will stay in the foreign area." Long Jianfei said: "In the past few months, we have used the power of foreign government, coupled with Jiang Heng, Teng Xiao and others to use it. The power of the royal family, such as the Jurassic and the Tengyi, almost turned the foreigner over."

Huang Xiaolong said: "What do you mean, the source of the two people may have fled to the boundary river or the holy world?"

"Yes." Long Jianfei nodded: "On the boundary of the river, I have already let the sea otters use the power of the arowana, but the masters also know that our arowanas are only in control of the arowana, other basins. We are not governed by our arowana family. Therefore, even if the source is a hundred, the two of us are hiding in a certain river basin, and it is difficult for us to find out."

"As for the Holy Land, we are powerless." Long Jianfei shook his head.

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

"Less Lord, in fact, with our current strength, it is completely possible to unify the boundary river." Long Jianfei hesitated a moment and said: "As for the Holy Land, after two hundred years, the ancient battlefield ban completely disappeared, we can also step In the sacred world, when the Lord comes, the Lord can unite the aliens, the boundaries of the river, the sacred world!"

Long Jianfei did not know the identity of Huang Xiaolong in the Holy Land. Otherwise, he would not let Huang Xiaolong step into the holy world.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and said with a smile: "Unifying the foreign world, the boundary river, the sacred world is a matter of time, but not now, you continue to investigate the source of the source, the old man, and the flying swallow, is there any news? ”

With Jiang Heng, the effect of the Tang dynasty ancestors, the Jurassic, and the Tengyi people's conviction, now, Huang Xiaolong is basically a unified alien. As for the boundary river, Huang Xiaolong intends to break through the seven sacred places and then conquer the Kaitian Island. This piece of innate Xuanhuang jade will then conquer the kings of the boundary river.

The Holy Land, he is already the owner of the Blue Dragon House, plus the Holy Day, the Qing Xue Palace, the Holy Land is also controlled by Huang Xiaolong, the only hidden danger is the Demon Palace.

At that time, when he conquered the boundary river, he would go back and remove the evil demon palace completely.

"There is no exact news of flying swallows." Long Jianfei shook his head: "However, the only certainty is that the Flying Swallows also entered the boundary river, but did they go to Kaitian Island, or before going to Kaitian Island, see Who has passed, has not found out."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then let Long Jianfei continue to determine the whereabouts and news of the flying swallows.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong asked about the Wanyuan, the demon Meizu, the Jinzen tribe.

A few months ago, Huang Xiaolong took the source of thousands of lines, and the demon became a heart. After the trilogy of the tribe, he let the dragon sword fly with the power of the foreign government and deal with the masters and disciples of the tribe.

The killing will kill, the suppression will be suppressed, and the disposal will be disposed.

Long Jianfei reported to Huang Xiaolong the progress and results of dealing with the three generations of the Wanyuan tribe in the past few months.

For example, Yuan Wangfeng is the confidant of the source of thousands of lines. The main hall of the former government has been killed by Long Jianfei!

Another example is the help of swearing. In these years, the demon genie and patriarch of the Zijia and the ethnic tribes have been treated by Long Jianfei. Although they have not been killed, they are no different from being killed.

Other tribes who followed the source of the thousand lines, the enchantress, killed the purple spiders and humanities disciples, kill! No damage, disposal and suppression.

Before the source of thousands of lines, many important posts in the different branches of the government were occupied by the Wanyuan, the demon, and the Jinzen tribes. But now, all have been removed, and it can be said that the three masters and disciples There is no chance to turn over.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong asked Zidong, the main house of the government, and Zidongping, the purple spider family.

Long Jianfei replied, saying that Mozhi was injured by the old man. After he escaped, he entered the boundary river. He should be practicing healing at somewhere in the boundary river. As for Zidongping, he has already obeyed Huang Xiaolong’s command and led the purple spider master to come to the foreign government. .

Huang Xiaolong nodded, Mo Zhi should not know that Yuan Qianxing and others have been taken by him. If he knows, he has already rushed back, and Zidongping has come from the Hongzhen Holy Land to the foreign government. It should take some days to arrive.

After listening to the Long Jianfei report, Huang Xiaolong confessed many things to Long Jianfei and gave Long Jianfei a fruit. He said that after Zidongping arrived, he gave him this fruit and helped him. Its injury recovered.

This is the year when Huang Xiaolong promised Zidongping.

It is a pity that the tree of the avenue of the opposite government and the six roads were taken away by the old man who escaped. Therefore, the fruit of Huang Xiaolong’s contribution to Zidongping is one of the four remaining in Kaitian Island. .

After the dragon sword flew to explain everything, no sure that there was no omission, Huang Xiaolong entered the Cangwu Dao Palace, opened the Great Spirit of the Cangwu Dao Palace, and began to concentrate on breaking through the seven places of the Holy Land.

In Kaitian Island, Huang Xiaolong's veins of the Holy Spirit were suppressed by Huang Xiaolong in the Cangwu Dao Palace with the mystery, and the veins of these Holy Spirits were all united and arranged into a large array of Holy Spirits.

I saw that the Great Spirit was opened, and suddenly the horrible spirit of the Holy Spirit fell from the veins of the Holy Spirit, and the scene was magnificent.

When the spirit of these Holy Spirits crashed down, everything in the entire Cangwu Palace was suddenly overwhelmed by the waves of the Holy Spirit. Everything was under the intrusion of the Holy Spirit, everything became the Holy Spirit, and the crystal flashed. .

The three great saints of Huang Xiaolong flew out, swaying in the void, and swallowing the scent of these rolling spirits at an alarming rate.

At the same time, in the endless void, the power of the source is from the source of the source, rolling into the three big sages of Huang Xiaolong.

After the original source of the refinery and the source of the thousand lines, Huang Xiaolong's three saints have changed again, and they are almost integrated with the heart of the source. They can feel the power of the sacred world and the power of the heavens and the earth.

Day after day, year after year.

Blinking is four years.

In the past four years, Huang Xiaolong has not broken through the seven sacred places, but has been consuming the spirit of the Holy Spirit, swallowing the power of the source, feeling the power of the heavens and the earth and the power of the heavens and the earth, constantly tempering his own power, and has been suppressing Its own realm.

Four years later, Huang Xiaolong felt that it was almost the same. He stopped and then took out a fruit, swallowed it, no longer suppressed it, completely released it, and completely ignited the seven-fold robbery.

When Huang Xiaolong mobilized seven heavy roads, the entire foreign space was shaken. The entire foreign government was robbery and thunder, and the horrible seven-way robbery shrouded the entire foreign government.

It was the first ancestor of Long Jianfei, and his face changed dramatically.

"The seven masters of this lord, I am afraid that it is worth robbing the seven loyal ancestors of many ancestors!" Long Jianfei swallowed his throat, when he was in the Dragon Fish Road, he saw a lot of the first ancestor of the arowana. The peak of the peak crossing the seven heavy roads of the robbery.

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