Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2696: Yin family

A seven-dollar robbery, a seven-dollar rob!

The two, the whole difference is a big realm, the difference is a whole nine!

In the shock of Long Jianfei and others, the seven-fold thunder robbery has not yet landed, and it has been brewing, accumulating, and steadily growing. It has been brewing for three or four months, and this has come down.


The first thunderous robbery of the entire seven-strong road robbery, not to mention the foreign government, is the domain around the foreign house, is also shaking.

Different houses, strong people around the world, and even the idea that the heavens and the earth will not be destroyed.

After the first thunder, followed by the second, third, fourth!

One by one, let Long Jianfei and others look at each other.

"This, such a seven-dollar robbery continues to blast down, I am afraid that the ancestor six heavy will be smashed and there is no residue left." Long Shengtian eats.

He and another ancestor of the foreign government have refining Huang Xiaolong's newborn fruit, and the injury has been restored.

"Dragon is dangerous?" Standing next to Longshengtian is the alien house manager, and Mozhi is also worried.

A few days ago, he had already learned that Huang Xiaolong took the source of thousands of lines, and the old man fled, and the wisdom was rushed back from the boundary river.

"Do not worry, the Lord will not have anything." Although Long Jianfei was shocked by the continuous thunder, he knew that Huang Xiaolong could not have something.

Because, Huang Xiaolong has the blood of the creation of Huanglong!

Huang Xiaolong, who has the blood of the creation of Huanglong, may die under this thunder.

In the shock of everyone, the robbery continued to slam, and it has been banging for several days, still not stopping.

"No, just keep going like this?" Longsheng Tianxin snarled, if he was under such a thunder, even if there were 10,000 lives, it would be destroyed.

In this way, it lasted for several months. When Longshengtian, Mozhi, and even Longjianfei were afraid, the robbery stopped.

Looking at the robbery that shrouded the foreign government, Longshengtian, Mozhi and others have a feeling of collapse.

At this time, within the Cangwudao Palace, Huang Xiaolong runs the Hongmeng parasitic scorpion, fully refines and refines, absorbs the power of the road and the avenue of the road transformed by the Seven Dao.

Ever since I knew that my body should be the blood of the creation of Huanglong, Huang Xiaolong had a kind of enlightenment for himself to be different from other people.

The bigger the robbery, the more horrible it is. Isn’t it a kind of tempering for him, another kind of tempering and another cultivation?

The more horrible the robbery has passed, the more refined the avenue of transformation and the law of the road, the more amazing it is.

In refining and refining, absorbing the power of the road and the avenue of the road transformed by the road robbery, Huang Xiaolong’s three sacred sacs are also absorbed, refining and fruiting.

The power of the road transformed by the fruit is also like the river of the sky, which is constantly tempering the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong's whole body flashed, and the golden dragon's virtual shadow appeared again behind him.


"Eight years have passed, Xiaolong has not come out!" In the hall of the foreign house, Longsheng Tianzhu walked.

"No hurry, the young master will certainly be able to successfully cross the seven-dollar robbery. Now it should be refining the fruit in it." Among several people, Long Jianfei is the most calm one.

"The old man took away the trees and roads of the avenues of the foreign government. Now, I am afraid to hide in the boundary river and refine the fruit." Mo Zhi said, when it comes to this, the heart is dull.

At that time, he had worked hard to get the avenue tree, and spent countless years of hard work, but he did not expect it to be cheaper.

"It's a pity." Long Jianfei also sighed: "If the six fruits are refining by him, it is a waste of these treasures."

"The tree of the avenue of the foreign house is damaged, and the effectiveness of the fruit is greatly reduced. Even if the old man swallows and refines the six fruit, it is impossible to break through the ancestor seven!" Long Shengtian sneered.

When he mentioned this, he was extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Although it was said that the tree of the avenue of the past year was the result of the acquisition of the wisdom, but in the past few years, he also spent a lot of effort on the tree of the avenue.

"The old man is the middle of the six ancestors, and it is close to the mid-term peak. If the six fruits are swallowed and refining, even if they can't break through the ancestor, they can break through the six ancestors and even reach the six peaks!" Mo Zhi’s face sank.

The people frowned.

It would be even more troublesome if the old man broke through to the peak of the early six ancestors.

At this time, suddenly, the foreign space vibrates.

A beam of light that is completely intertwined by the laws of the avenue rises into the sky, shining through the world, and the whole house is visible.

Long Jianfei, Mo Zhi and others rushed out.

"This is?!" Long Jianfei surprised: "It seems that it is less major!"

Everyone is uplifted, and no one is happy. Now Huang Xiaolong has become the backbone of everyone. As long as Huang Xiaolong is there, why are you afraid of the old man?

Sure enough, with the skylight beam, a figure broke up and then came out, not who is Huang Xiaolong?

Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Long Jianfei, Mo Zhi and others hurriedly greeted them.

"Less master!" Long Jianfei came to Huang Xiaolong, a look of joy, respectful.

Long Shengtian, Mo Zhi and others have called Huang Xiaolong.

Listening to Mozhi also called his own owner, Huang Xiaolong accident, is about to refuse, but Mo Zhi is a face: "Little dragon, the seat of the house of the foreign government, you can't!"

Now, no matter whether it is Huang Xiaolong's strength or prestige, it is far superior to him. Therefore, Mozhi has taken the initiative to give way, and Huang Xiaolong is a foreign housekeeper. According to the foreign government regulations, as long as Huang Xiaolong’s strength can win him, then Huang Xiaolong is the next owner.

When Huang Xiaolong was hesitant, he nodded happily.

"Less Lord, you, broke through to the seven peaks of the Holy Land?" At this time, Long Jianfei looked surprised.

Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, Zidong equals are also shocked.

"Fortunately, thanks to the three fruits." Huang Xiaolong laughed.

Indeed, without the three fruits, he did not ascend to the peak of the Seventh Festival in the Holy Land. When he opened the island, he thought that he would break through the seven sacred places, at least for a hundred years, but he swallowed the source of the source. After the sacred, Huang Xiaolong's cultivation speed increased again.

"Less master, find the source of the hundred non-fei, the old man's whereabouts, right, and the flying swallows." Long Jianfei remembered something, and quickly rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

He knows that the source is 100, and the old man is the heart of Huang Xiaolong.

"Oh!" Huang Xiaolong looked alive.

"Yuanbaifei, old and old in the Yinan family!" Long Jianfei replied, said that the Yinyan family, Long Jianfei face color dignified, Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, Zidongping are dignified.

"Oh, the yin family? The first family of the boundary river!" Huang Xiaolong had some accidents, the source was 100, and the old man even escaped to the yin!

"Yes, and it is coincidental that after the Flying Swallow left the foreign house, he went to the boundary river Kaitian Island. After a few years, he came out from Kaitian Island, and then disappeared after passing through the Yinyin's haze." : "The disappearance of the flying swallow is only related to the Yin family."

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