Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2697: Wuzu Daotong

"Related to the Yin family!" Huang Xiaolong eyes.

Since Long Jianfei inferred so much, that is mostly true. Otherwise, Long Jianfei will not report to him.

"Yuanbaifei, the old man hiding in the Yinxi family, the trouble is not small." Mozhi brows wrinkled.

The Yin dynasty is not only the first group of the boundary river, it is not only the first group of the boundary river, but also the boundary river, the first major force in the foreign world, and also the sacred boundary, the boundary river, the first major power in the foreign world.

This is the sacred world, the boundary river, the exotic is recognized!

The Yin ancestors, the ancestors of the Yin dynasty, are exotic and the first masters of the boundary river. They are the existence of a peak of the six ancestors of the first ancestor. Even when the old people crossed the boundary river, they must be careful when passing through the haze of the Yin dynasty. .

The Holy Land is the first force of the Holy Land. There are four ancestors, and the first foreign powers are different, only three. As for the Yins of the Jiehe River, there are seven!


The seven ancestors, can imagine the amazing power of this yin sect. It is a sacred, exotic, and well-deserved giant.

"The yin dynasty does not know that these years have broken through to the ancestor seven heavy, if it breaks through the ancestor seven, it is horrible." Long Shengtian said: "In addition to the old people of the sky, the holy world, the exotic world, the most promising in the boundary river to break through the ancestor seven heavy, It is this yin king. Someone once said that once this sinister king breaks through the ancestor's seven ancestors, his fighting power must definitely exceed that of the old man, and he will become the holy, exotic, and first river!"

Listening to the words of Longshengtian, everyone is sinking in the heart.

The hall is a bit dull.

In fact, this speculation is not unfounded. In the past, the old man and the yin king had handed over. In those days, the old man who was the first ancestor of the seven ancestors, only slightly prevailed, and could not completely win the sinister king.

Therefore, once the Yinwang King breaks through the ancestor's seven ancestors, its combat power is definitely higher than the old ancestors of the same ancestor.

Looking at the people in the temple with a dignified face, Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "The yin king, even if the yin king breaks through the ancestor seven, there is nothing. If he really refuses to give the source, the old man, then We will destroy the Yin family together."

If he did not break through the seven sacred places, Huang Xiaolong did not fully grasp the yin king, but he now not only breaks through the seven sacred places, but is also the peak of the seven seasons of the Holy Land!

Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian and others heard the words, but it was a bitter smile, killing the Yin family? Estimated this, the sacred world, the exotic, the boundary river, and only Huang Xiaolong dare to say so, the old people did not dare to say so.

"Xiaolong, if this yin king really breaks through the ancestor seven, then his strength is absolutely horrible. Although you have already broken through the seven sacred places and reached the peak of the seven seasons of the Holy Land, you should not underestimate the sacred ancestors. Wang." Mo Zhi said: "According to my estimation, you are now afraid of not being the opponent of the ancestors of the seven savage kings, unless you can break through the holy eight."

Long Shengtian also sighed: "I hope that the yin king has not broken through the ancestor seven!"

Huang Xiaolong just smiled.

The ancestor seven heavy haze king?

"Everyone is ready, we will leave tomorrow, go to the boundary river!" Huang Xiaolong slowly said.

Everyone has a glimpse.


After half an hour, everyone retired.

Huang Xiaolong and Long Jianfei came out from the main hall, and then they walked away at random.

"Less master, the Yin family, and the old man, I am afraid that there is some relationship." Suddenly, Long Jianfei said.

Long Shengtian, Mozhi, Zidongping, although he does not believe that Huang Xiaolong can suppress the Yin Yu Wang, but Long Jianfei believes that for Huang Xiaolong who has the blood of the creation of Huanglong, Long Jianfei has a kind of blind faith.

Otherwise, he will not let Huang Xiaolong unify the exotic and boundary rivers before.

Of course, he does not deny the power of the Yin and Wang.

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong had some surprises: "Why do you say that?"

Even if the source is a hundred, the old man hides in the Yin family, and does not mean that the old man and the Yin family have a relationship.

And the relationship that Long Jianfei refers to should not be an ordinary relationship.

Long Jianfei explained: "In those days, I have seen the Yin of the Yin people have once had a hand, the witchcraft used and the witchcraft used to drive the witch tower. Although they are different, the body is very similar. The two should be the same as a heritage or a force."

Huang Xiaolong was an accident: "Is it a heritage, or a force?" He looked at Long Jianfei, what does Long Jianfei mean?

"The old man is mysterious, no one knows its origin. In fact, no one knows the origin of the yin king." Long Jianfei said: "But last time, when the old and the young masters fought, he spurred the witch used by the witch tower. Law, I always feel familiar. If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be a certain witchcraft in the sacred world.

"The sacred world, the ancestors of the ancestors!" Huang Xiaolong was a little surprised: "What do you mean, the old and the yin kings, may all come from the sacred world of the ancestral world?!"

Long Jianfei nodded: "I am afraid of this, but I am not sure, and I can't think of how they came to the sacred world."

Huang Xiaolong is a move in his heart.

Perhaps, the two people, like Long Jianfei, are experiencing space cracks, and then come here?

Since Long Jianfei can encounter space cracks, the two have not tasted this possibility.

Huang Xiaolong also asked Long Jianfei about the sacred world of the ancestral world.

According to Long Jianfei, this Wuzu Taoist system is also the most powerful Taoist system in the sacred world. It is not weaker than the Dragon Fish Road.

However, there is no intersection between the two sides of the Wuzu Tao system and the Dragon Fish Road.

"Who are they?" When Long Jianfei reported to Huang Xiaolong about some things about the Wuzu Tao, Huang Xiaolong suddenly saw a group of people in front of the gate of the different kings, and could not help but ask Long Jianfei.

Long Jianfei shot his forehead and said: "Look, I forgot about this. They are Chen Luozong's people! That is the lord of Chen Luozong!" One refers to the middle-aged man who crouched in the front.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on the middle-aged man, Chen Luozong’s lord? Known as the first master of the exotic race?

"Chen Muguang followed the source of thousands of lines and killed many Zijiao disciples. I ordered Chen Muguang to be abolished according to the order of the Lord. Then I was detained in a foreign dungeon, and the foreign law enforcement disciples punish him every day with a criminal law. "Long Jianfei Road:" Chen Luozong and Chen Luozong masters crouched in front of the gate of the different kings city, seeking to see the Lord, hope that the young master can open the side, let Chen Muguang, Chen Luozong lord Chen Luo said that he is willing to replace his son Chen Muguang Accept any punishment! He has been married for many years!"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head.

This is the world's parents.

Huang Xiaolong came to Chen Luozong.

Chen Luozong’s lord Chen Luo suddenly saw someone coming. He saw that when the dragon sword was flying, the whole body was shaken, and then he looked at Huang Xiaolong. Although he did not recognize Huang Xiaolong, he had seen Long Jianfei before. Now see Long Jianfei. Respectfully followed behind Huang Xiaolong, he couldn’t help but climb up and bowed to Huang Xiaolong.

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