Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3031: Can only prove that they are rice buckets

After the curse of the disciples, Peng Fei and Jia Zhen were stopped, one of them ridiculed and laughed: "This is not Peng Fei of Lei Yu Dao, Jia Zhen two brothers, Lei Yu Dao is no one, even Let the two disciples of the first ancestor come to Xuancheng to join in the fun." He said that he is not the originator.

Peng Fei's face sinks: "Xue Fei, you are just the same as the ancestor, you can come, why can't we come?"

The curse, known as Xue Fei’s curse, was a slap in the face, and smiled and said: “Hey, the tone is very hard, and he dares to give up his mouth. If you count something, you can compare it with us. Lei Yudao is also a shit. If you don’t look at the face of the Golden Fox Cave, your Lei Yu Dao was destroyed by our magic curses for hundreds of times!"

Jia Zhen looked at the way to be blocked, Shen Sheng said: "You let go."

"Let's get out?" Xue Fei smiled: "I can also think of the past, you climbed over from me." Then one opened his legs, and then under the crotch, meant to let Peng Fei, Jia Zhen climb from under his crotch. come.

Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and their faces changed.

The curse of the disciples is a haha ​​smile.

"Xue Fei, don't be too much!" Jia Zhen said with anger: "We are following our Highness this time."

Xue Fei stunned, and then smiled: "Zhou Kang that guy is coming? If Zhou Hong, the three old men, we still have some scruples, but if Zhou Kang, oh, we really did not look at it."

Zhou Kang, the son of Zhou Hong, is also the lesser teacher of Lei Yu Dao Tong. One and a half steps are respectful. Xue Fei thinks that His Highness in the mouth of Jia Zhenkou refers to Zhou Kang.

Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and their faces are very ugly. In the past, the disciples of the cursing Tao Tong saw them, they would not be so insulted, but they did not expect it to be intensified now.

"Hands!" Xue Fei suddenly said to the disciple behind the curse: "Don't kill it!"

Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and the two have not yet reacted, the curse of the disciples will flock to the top, Peng Fei, Jia Zhen, although the strength is not weak, but not much stronger than these cursed disciples, the other dozens of people, they How could the two stop, and they were suddenly bombarded.

After the two men flew, the cursing disciples did not stop, and swarmed again.


Pick up the restaurant.

Huang Xiaolong, one hundred bowls of ice phoenix real dragon rice on the desktop of Lei Yu has already been hollowed out.

In the restaurant, the strong parties looked at Huang Xiaolong, and Lei Yu actually solved a hundred bowls of ice phoenix real dragon rice, which is really scary.

"This, a hundred bowls! Even two ordinary high-ranking Daoqiang strong can not eat a hundred bowls of ice phoenix real dragon rice?!" A five-sea-level master squatted.

The jiu dao system is also the Taoist system of Jinhu Dongtian, but after ranking very late, it is thirty-two.

"One person, fifty bowls, these two people are definitely high-ranking powerhouses!"

"I don't think it is necessary. Maybe it's that they are physically strong. If the body is strong, the Taoist middle class can solve fifty bowls!"

Many masters are even controversial.

Just when Lei Yu called the restaurant guy, he had to add another hundred bowls of ice phoenix real dragon rice, and suddenly stopped, only to see Peng Fei, Jia Zhen two people nose and face swollen into the restaurant.

"His Royal Highness, adults!" Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and the two came to Huang Xiaolong, in front of Lei Yu, crouched down, his face stunned, and at the same time uneasy.

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

"What happened?" Lei Yu's face sank.

"It is a disciple of the curse of the Tao. We met Xue Fei and others who were the disciples of the enchanted mission hall. They stopped us." Peng Fei trembled and fell there, afraid to look up.

"His Highness, everything in us is robbed by them, including the one hundred million coins that our Highness gave us." Jia Zhen smashed his head: "Let the Highness and the Lord cure our death!"

That is 100 million yuan! They have lost it! In their view, the lives of both of them are not worth 100 million yuan.

The strong neighbors are stunned.

"Is it two people, is it the thunder?"

"Impossible, the masters of the priests of Lei Yu Dao, we all recognize that they are not Lei Yu Dao, but I do not know what relationship with Lei Yu Dao!"

"They 100 million yuan have been stolen by the disciples of the curse! It is 100 million yuan! If I, I will immediately make these two Lei Yudao disciples into meat!"

The masters listened to Peng Fei, and Jia Zhen said that he was robbed of 100 million yuan by the curse.

"Oh, the curse is unified." Huang Xiaolong is a light face, looking at the crouching Peng Fei two people: "Get up, 100 million yuan only, lost, lost."

Everyone has a look.

100 million yuan only?

Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and two people have already embraced the idea of ​​being executed by Huang Xiaolong. Listening to Huang Xiaolong let them both get up. It seems that they do not blame the sin. Both of them stayed.

"His Royal Highness, we?" Peng Fei couldn't believe to look at Huang Xiaolong.

"Your Highness will let you get up, and you will get up." Lei Yu said, "This is a cold eye: "The curse is all, you are looking for death!"

Huang Xiaolong is also sneer.

They haven't found the curse system yet, but the curse system has found them first.

Huang Xiaolong waved with one hand, and the two groups of Nirvana's power shrouded Peng Fei and Jia Zhen. The two men recovered from the injury and they felt the change of their own injuries. They looked incredible.

"His Royal Highness, do you want me now?" Lei Yu asked Huang Xiaolong, meaning that he would have to kill these cursing disciples.

Huang Xiaolong shakes his hand: "No, some ants are gone, wait for the auction to end, and then kill all."

Lei Yu nodded.

In the far corner, a master of the arc of the road heard the words, screaming: "External strong in the middle, being robbed by the magic curse, 100 million, even a fart can not let go!"

"The curse of the Taoist teaching is the master of the Dao Zun. The Taoist high-ranking master has more than a dozen statues. It is no wonder that they dare not bow to the curse." The magical blade master of another table laughed.

The arc road system, the magic blade road system ranked eighth in the Golden Fox Cave Day, the eleventh, the power is very strong, it is much stronger than the Lei Yu Dao, just Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu that local tyrants, so that many of the masters in the restaurant are upset. Seeing that Huang Xiaolong has been robbed of 100 million, it is inevitable that he will be gloating.

The two people of the arc road system and the magic blade road system, the sound is not small, the entire restaurant can hear clearly, many people are shaking their heads and laughing, watching Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu playfully.

"Don't think that you have a lot of money, you can't afford it. Just pick up the grandfather in the restaurant. Don't think that you can eat dozens of bowls of ice phoenix. You are a master." The former master of the arc road once again sneered: "Fifty Bowl ice phoenix really long rice, I can eat it!"

The master of the magic blade, then patted the palm and smiled: "Chen Huo brothers are right, eat fifty bowls of ice phoenix true dragon rice can prove what? Can only prove that they are rice buckets!"

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