Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3032: This is too fierce.

Everyone listened to the magic blade, the master satirized Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu was a rice bucket, and couldn’t help it anymore. The temple smiled.

"The rice bucket, the analogy of Yang Ding Tianxiong is too appropriate!" The master of the arc road system also smiled.

Huang Xiaolong’s face was calm and Lei’s face sank.

"Bad from the mouth, I don't know, the words you just said may lead to the elimination of the arc and the magic path behind you!" Huang Xiaolong's voice is indifferent, flooding the entire restaurant, containing the monks The power.

These days, Huang Xiaolong learned from Zhou Hong about the golden fox cave days and the surrounding conditions of the caves. So when they saw the two dressed up, they knew that the two were in the arc and the magic path.

Huang Xiaolong’s words let everyone see.

The archer’s master named Chen Huo’s face sank and his eyes revealed evil light: “It’s really a rice bucket to say that you are a rice bucket. I really think that I have a lot of money. I believe that I am pinching your head now. burst!"

The magic blade, called Yang Dingtian, sneered: "You come over now, come to us, confess your guilty, and pay us 100 million yuan. If you just said, I will not hear it. Otherwise, Lei Yudao will be because of you. And it is destroyed!"

That Chen Huo is the late master of Dao Zun. He is not in the position of the arc road system. He is the master of the temple of the arc road, and Yang Dingtian is the veteran of the magic blade.

In the restaurant, everyone was gloating to watch Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu.

"The two people really don't know how to live and die. They dare to provoke the arc road system and the magic blade system. They say that they want to destroy the arc road system and the magic blade system. I don't know how high the earth is! They think that they are the golden fox cave master?"

"Lei Yu Dao does not know what it is to do with the two. I see that Lei Yu Dao is going to suffer this time!"

Some people shake their heads.

When everyone talked, Huang Xiaolong was a light face, and he stood up against the fire standing on the side: "Take the two of them to interrupt their legs first, then interrupt their hands, and then hit the head again!" means Chen Huo, Yang Dingtian.

Chen Huo, Yang Dingtian listened to each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Everyone is also a smile.

At this moment, suddenly, the two screams almost rang through the restaurant at the same time. Everyone was shocked to see it. I saw Chen Huo, and Yang Dingtian’s legs were interrupted at the same time!

The two men who had no legs, suddenly crouched on the ground, and many people around were splashed.

Everyone's face changed.

The fire grotesquely looked at Chen Huo, who was crouching on the ground. Yang Dingtian and his two hands waved, and the two bloodsmen splashed again. I saw Chen Huo, and Yang Dingtian’s hands were cut off shoulder to shoulder.

Chen Huo and Yang Dingtian screamed again, almost fainted in the past. When the fire grotesquely started, they used a kind of ghost power. Even the power of the ghosts, even many Taoist nine-time masters can not bear, not to mention two people.

The masters of the restaurant are silent, and their eyes are hard to conceal and look at the fire on the ground, where the limbs are constantly splashing with blood, Yang Dingtian.

Chen Huo, Yang Dingtian, but they are the late six-fold Taoist, the first master of Dao Zun seven, actually turned out to be broken first, then break their hands!

Then what? !

Everyone couldn't help but think of Huang Xiaolong's instructions to the fire monster.

"You are dead, you are all dead!" Under the pain, Chen Huo snarled at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes were killing, and the power of the world in the late Sixths was madly surging, and the world was amazed.

However, he has just been madly urging the power of the body in the world, and he will see the fire blame.

"Oh!", I saw his head like a crisp watermelon, bursting open, and it was surrounded by a red, white, **** smell.

Yang Dingtian’s face changed greatly, and the killing on his face disappeared. When Huang Xiaolong was about to open, the fire blame was a punch.

"Hey!" The sound is ringing again.

Looking at Chen Huo, Yang Dingtian’s headless bodies fell there, and some of the sacred masters in the restaurant were even scared to squat there, and some vomited everything.

Everyone has never seen a **** scene, but this scene is too shocking. You must know that Chen Huo, Yang Dingtian is the master of the six-fold period of Dao Zun, the first master of Dao Zun! The two of them are the mainstays of the arc of the road, one is the elder of the magic blade, and it is the entire golden fox cave, which is a famous generation.

It is now!

At this time, Chen Huo, Yang Dingtian two souls to escape, was taken down by the fire blame, and then sent to the face of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong told Lei Yudao: "Give it to you."

Lei Yu reveals white teeth: "Well." Directly throw the two human souls into a certain device and burn them with a thunder.

In the restaurant, many people looked at Lei Yu's white teeth and they were shuddering.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the other arcs of the fire, and the masters and disciples of the magic blade, said: "Go back and tell you to teach, before the end of the auction, I hope to see them standing in front of me, otherwise After the auction, I don't mind going to the discroad system and the Modaodao government."

The arc of the system, the other masters of the magic blade, the disciples did not dare to say more, rushed to escape the door, for fear that Huang Xiaolong changed his mind.

Looking around the wolf on the ground, Huang Xiaolong also had no appetite, called to pick up the Tiandianloudian guy, settled the account, and Lei Yu, fire monsters and others left the restaurant.

Waiting for Huang Xiaolong, after Lei Yu left for a long time, the restaurant was still silent.

"This is too fierce!" Finally, someone screamed: "I actually interrupted Chen Huo, Yang Dingtian's hands and legs, and even the head burst!"

"Chen Huo is the master of the arc road, and Yang Dingtian is the veteran of the magic blade. The arc road system and the magic blade road system will definitely not give up. I think the two people and the Lei Yu Dao are dead!" Someone sneered.

"Not necessarily, they dare to do this, I am afraid that they may not be afraid of the arc and the magic path."

"Golden Fox Cave Day has not heard of this character. Are they coming from other caves?"

Just when everyone in the restaurant was stunned, and robbed Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and the two hundred million yuan of magic cursing Tao Xue and others were laughing happily.

"I really didn't expect Peng Fei, Jia Zhen, these two wastes have so many coins!" Xue Fei could not restrain the excitement in his heart.

"Xue Fei's brother, Peng Fei, the money they have on them, I am afraid they are not theirs. Maybe they are Zhou Huan of their Highness. We are now robbed. Will Zhou Kang and Lei Yudao do not?" A disciple is somewhat worried about authenticity.

Xue Fei did not care. He smiled and said: "A Lei Yu Dao system only, we have to use the magic cursing system to fear him? And it won't take long, our curse and the nine-eyed Tao will jointly order and completely destroy the mine. Yu Datong, divide them apart!"

The curse is a glimpse of the disciples.

"Destroy the Thunder Road system? But the Golden Fox Cave is the main adult?" A disciple asked.

"Do not worry, at this celebration, we and Jiu Miaodao were sent to open the heavenly medicine, and the golden fox cave master was happy. The Jinhudong master said that after the Lei Yu Dao, he would close one. Eyes, one eye." Xue Fei looked proudly: "Let's go, it's rare to come to Xuancheng, now that you have money, let's go pick the restaurant, it's cool!"

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