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Chapter 57

This thing was built with a lot of money by the leader of the number gang. Before the catastrophe, those royal families would build a tripod to symbolize their thriving career. broken.

After seeing Liu Ning's skills, these people really didn't dare to neglect, and hurried up to find someone in charge, they couldn't handle it.

For the coming strong, their number gang is not afraid, the number gang can run rampant in this area, it also has its own ability.

They have three warriors here, and more than 20 warrior apprentices, much stronger than the average gathering point.

In a short time, more than a dozen people came down from the top. These people were obviously very strong, and the leader's muscles were about to bulge out.

"you wanna die…"

The guy in the lead rushed towards Liu Ning without even saying a word when he saw that the tripod was broken.

This guy is the third leader of the number gang, and he is usually known for his tyranny, so this guy often fights, and when he doesn't fight, he goes out to find trouble. Now someone is killing him at the door, of course he can't let this guy go.

Fist to fist, this is Liu Ning's favorite way of fighting, and this guy's speed is not slow, Liu Ning can only raise his fist to fight the enemy.

The people around only felt a gust of wind blowing, the strength of the two of them was too great, all the wine glasses were shattered, fortunately there were no windows in this room.

If there were windows, I'm afraid the glass would not be spared. The chandelier above the head was also swinging from side to side. What happened just now?

Someone slowly opened his eyes, Liu Ning was still standing in the original position, and slowly slapped his arm. It seems that this guy's arm hurts too, but what about our third master?

Speaking of their third master, other aspects of kung fu may not be very good, but if it is fist, it can definitely be ranked first.

Generally, after becoming a martial artist, he will definitely practice some other skills.

Whether it is Qianjin Fist or Iron Fist, these are relatively low-level skills, and they will be changed after becoming a martial artist, but this third master is a different kind, and he will continue to study his Iron Fist, which is different from most people.

For his behavior, too many people feel that he is stupid and must have no future.

But in the past so many years, more and more people have been defeated by his iron fist, so everyone didn't say anything, and even felt that this was still a way out, and many people had learned it.

Ever since the Third Master mastered the Iron Fist, basically no one has been able to survive from his fists. Even someone who is as strong as him, if you dare to fight his fists, all the meridians on your arms will be given to you. You interrupted.

And it can also abolish one of your arms, so the nickname of the third master is called Iron Fist.

Looking at this guy Liu Ning, how did this guy grow his fists? After confronting the fist of the third master, he turned out to be like a normal person. Their third master took a few steps back.

The third master was also staring at Diduyuan, and had never encountered such a powerful opponent.

At first, I thought that the other party's arms were gone, but the other party was looking at me with such a smile. His strength is much stronger than ours.

The Sanzhang family felt numbness in his arm. He thought he was only slightly injured, but amidst the exclamation of everyone, the Sanzhang family also saw the change in his arm.

It turned out that starting from the fist, the entire arm began to turn purple, and then slowly climbed up, and the flesh color was gone, which was obviously blood gathered together.

It seems that the trauma he received was very serious, and the third family didn't care about being ashamed at this time, so he quickly drank a bottle of healing potion, and it was of the 500,000 level.

Because I was in a hurry to drink, I didn't break the glass at all, I just threw the glass bottle into my mouth, and the glass shards in my mouth pierced the corner of my mouth.

Fortunately, Liu Ning didn't attack you at this time. If Liu Ning hit you while you were injured, you might lose your life. After two or three minutes, this guy's arm began to change color slowly, but it still couldn't recover. The color seems to take a long time to recover.

The third master looked up at Liu Ning, this guy is really amazing, with such strength at such a young age, he definitely belongs to the category of young geniuses.

How did this guy cultivate himself to be able to beat himself like this?

I have been practicing Iron Fist for so many years, and with the resources of the Number Gang, I was able to practice like this. How did this guy do it?

"Looking at your strength, you should be in charge. Go and find me the bald head. I'm here just to meet him, and I'm not here to confront you head-on."

Hearing what Liu Ning said, the third master cursed inwardly, it's another bastard with a bald head.

I don't know how many troubles this guy has caused, and people come here every day to find trouble.

If you meet those younger brothers who are not strong enough, you will get rid of them, but if you meet Liu Ning like this, how should you get rid of them?

The third leader winked, and a younger brother hurried out. This matter was beyond the scope of what he could handle, and the eldest leader had to be called.

And this matter was done by the uncle who is in charge of the family, so we don't need to worry about it


"I don't have that much patience, I have to put some pressure on you people, and let your people act faster for me."

After Liu Ning finished speaking, he proposed a chair, and the chair flew towards the third master at a very fast speed, but the third master still avoided it.

Although the third leader dodged, the wine cabinet behind did not dodge.

All the precious and fine wines on it were all broken under the attack of this chair, which is not a small loss all at once.

Without waiting for the reaction of the third master, Liu Ning started throwing other rubbish. It turns out that this is to create pressure for us...

Whenever Liu Ning lifts his feet, there are always many damaged things around.

If Liu Ning was allowed to continue playing like this, he would have ruined the ballroom. It cost tens of millions of dollars to renovate.

"Wait, wait, our master will be here soon..."

Just as the third master finished speaking, Liu Ning still didn't stop, and another chair flew out.

A warrior apprentice behind the third master bumped into a chair, and he lost his breath. This little evil star is too ruthless, and now he is killing people.

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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