Invincible Copy System

Chapter 58 Hidden Weapon Master

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Chapter 58 Hidden Weapon Master

The third leader is really in a hurry. According to Liu Ning's current way of destruction, these backbones will have to be killed in a short time. Why will the Number Gang dominate the world in the future?

"As I said just now, I want to see the bald head, otherwise this kind of sabotage will not stop. Don't beg me here, hurry up and find the bald head."

After Liu Ning finished speaking, he kicked directly. This time, he kicked a soldier apprentice. This guy hasn't figured out what's going on yet? The whole body is embedded in the wall.

This guy is useless, and it's useless to save him.

The dozens of people around were standing here, and they were all frightened by Liu Ning's ruthlessness. Although they were also members of a society and usually did all kinds of evil, they had never seen such a hot person.

"What are you doing in a daze? If you don't want to die, quickly pull your bald head off for me."

The third head of the family didn't dare to protect them anymore. They didn't dare to hand over their bald heads before. It was because the people who came were not strong enough.

Today this person is going to kill them all. If he continues to protect his bald head, the number gang may become history.

For the guy with the bald head, everyone can almost be said to be bored to death, and he often brings all kinds of troubles to the club.

In the past, it was just some minor troubles. For the face of the big boss, everyone didn't care about this guy.

But look at the person who provoked today, if you don't pay attention, you will beat someone, and he has disabled 1/4 of the backbone of the number gang. Now let alone protecting the bald head, killing him Have.

"Let go of me, are you guys dying? If someone comes, go out and block it. What are you calling me out for? Have you forgotten who I am? I am the uncle of your big boss. If you dare to kill me How about it, you bastards are not having a good life, and the big boss must abolish you."

In two minutes, three more people fell down, and came down from upstairs with bald heads.

He didn't walk very fast, but the other people couldn't tolerate his pretentiousness and pushed him out directly. This guy is still not satisfied!

"Who is that! Why are you looking at me? Why don't you hurry up and let this kid run wild here, and take it down quickly, look at you idiots, you can't even deal with such a child, and you say you are The number pack helps the elite."

After coming down, this guy didn't see the situation clearly, so he ordered the third master directly.

While swearing, this guy's eyes were not idle, he investigated the surrounding situation, and his heart felt cold.

It's not that the third master is unwilling to do it, it seems that he is not his opponent!

Before the guy could say another word, a glass was smashed on the bald head's head, with just enough force, the painful guy rolled on the ground, blood stained the entire bald head.

If it wasn't for the safety of the mother and daughter-in-law, this guy's life would definitely be killed right now, and he will have to hand him over later, so I'll let you live a little longer.

The people around were watching here. If it was in the past, if someone dealt with the uncle of the head of the family like this, this guy would have been torn apart by five horses.

But now these people are not doing anything, just watching here.

They were really scared, none of them dared to move, the dozen or so people around were still moaning here, no one wanted to be like these people.

The number gang has many enemies, and many people are famous fighters, but those people can't do this.

I don't know where this kid came from. The third master only hopes that the eldest master will come out soon, and he really can't fix it.

As for the bald head that was screaming in pain, the third leader didn't even want to look at it. This guy is a cancer in itself, and it would be better to die.

Brothers help fight for the number, this guy not only enjoys his success, but also often provokes some powerful characters, let you have a good taste today.

Liu Ning lifted up the screaming bald head, that's right, he grabbed the guy's collar and lifted it up, making the guy almost suffocate, kicking his legs vigorously.

Although these people around were also anxious, none of them dared to move.

"Don't talk nonsense here, let me tell you the truth, if my mother and my daughter-in-law lose a hair, I will cut you into pieces, don't doubt what I say, and don't say that there is someone behind you , if I want to kill you, no one can stop me."

Liu Ning's cold voice spread throughout the hall, and no one here said anything, even if you are the uncle of the big boss, then we have to take care of our own lives.

You have also seen this guy's combat effectiveness, he is no match for even the third master, let alone us.

"Uh... woo..."

The bald head wanted to say something, but he was helpless and couldn't say anything. This guy's brain was severely hypoxic, and he could only make a whining sound.

The other people were also a little worried. When they looked at the third master, the third master shook his head lightly, signaling these people not to mess around.

Even if we join together, with the skill that this guy showed just now, we are definitely not opponents, but we will be included.

The third head of the family usually has quite a reputation, and he is basically fearless when facing his brothers being trapped, but today this person is bald and the third head of the family doesn't care, he is not very convinced by this guy, why? Might save him?

It turns out that the bald head is the uncle of the head of the family. He beat and scolded the brothers below. He is an ordinary person with no ability. Isn't he just a good nephew?

Now seeing that the third leader is not doing anything, the people below are even more so. Anyway, the real master is here, as long as this little evil star doesn't trouble us, and just toss his bald head vigorously.


There was a sound of piercing wind coming from Liu Ning's ear. It should be the sound of a hidden weapon cutting through the air. Liu Ning knew that a hidden weapon master was coming.

With Liu Ning's speed, it was very easy to dodge these hidden weapons, but Liu Ning didn't do that.

Since he is a master, let's see how powerful he is. Liu Ning turned around and put his bald body in front of him.

If you don't care about this guy's life and death, then throw two at his body, anyway, we will have a chance to run when the time comes.

Of course, for the safety of his mother and daughter-in-law, Liu Ning still observed very carefully. Only the bald head was injured, and this guy must not be allowed to die.

After all, the daughter-in-law and mother have not been rescued yet, and if there is any mistake, I will regret it.

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