Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1374: Sweeping across the four countries

Chapter 1374 sweeps across the four kingdoms

"Victory, we have won completely, haha!"

"The dragon and phoenix dynasty is invincible, the queen is invincible, and the king is invincible!"

"It’s just too strong to destroy 100,000!"

When the army of the TECO dynasty was destroyed, the cheers of victory resounded throughout the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

All the people cheered with excitement.

The gates of the city opened, and the people rushed out, supporting their army and dynasty, watching their queen in awe, and their king.

"Clear all the corpses quickly, 敖 Qitian, 敖剑, 敖奇虾, 牟泽森, you four with me!"

Wang Xian looked at the dense body on the ground without any fluctuations.

As for the destruction of 100,000, it is not very difficult for him.

The annihilation power of the five elements of Da Mo can kill 100,000 people in one stroke, which is completely easy.

He said, looking at the phoenix.

Feng Yu slowly nodded, his eyes sweeping through all the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty: "All the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty listened to orders!"

"The Xingyue Dynasty, the Dongyuan Dynasty, the Fengxiao Dynasty, and the Nanyun Dynasty invaded us. Next, we will destroy them all within ten days, either surrender or die!"

"After ten days, our Dragon and Phoenix dynasty will fly into the sky, and I will be shocked!"

"Yes, destroy them and unify the four dynasties!"

"Destroy them and unify the four dynasties!"

A famous soldier from the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty shouted excitedly.

Exciting, they were a small dragon and phoenix, and now they have defeated the four great dynasties.

Each of the four kings has more than a dozen cities, and even the TECO dynasty has more than 20 cities, which are among the top ten countries in the vicinity.

If all these four dynasties are occupied, the fields of their dragon and phoenix will expand by several times.

At that time, the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, which is home to more than 60 cities, will become the most powerful presence in a nearby area.

At that time, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is a stunned world!

"All the soldiers, follow me!"

Feng Xiao lightly sighed and his eyes swept over all the soldiers.

"Line up!"

Sihong screamed and snarled with excitement.


A group of soldiers were lined up, and their eyes were staring at the Queen and their King.

"Oh, come!"

Wang Xian lightly sighed and waved his arm. A dragon chair and a phoenix seat were directly condensed with attributes.


Nine dragons swayed the huge figure of 30 meters and flew to the front position.


The wind attribute energy on them moves directly to the dragon seat and the phoenix seat.

Wang Xian gestured to Feng Xiao.

"set off!"

Feng Yan’s face showed a smile, and his body shape flew to the side of the Phoenix seat and sat directly on it.

Wang Xian sat on the dragon chair.

Nine dragons snarled slightly and flew away.

In the rear, the 100,000-strong army of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty followed.

The 100,000-strong regiment of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, one by one, is not weak. This is the strongest fighter that Feng Yu has carefully cultivated.

Every strength is above the fifth grade.

There are fourteen strong followers, but there are Wang Xian nine dragons and a group of dragon palace leaders, laying four dynasties, no difficulty!

"Queen, 20 kilometers ahead is the Xingyue Dynasty East Sea City!"

Flying fast for five hours, the first city, East China Sea is about to be reached.

"The East China Sea City Lord came to invade our dynasty and has already died in battle. If they dare to resist, they will kill directly!"

The direct command of Feng Yu’s indifference.

"It’s Her Majesty!"

A group of soldiers immediately responded.


"Come and come, we congratulate Wei Daren, congratulations to Wei Daren on the East China Sea, and also welcome Wei Daren to settle in our East China Sea!"

"Today, our city owners and the head of the army followed the Majesty to the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty. They could not come in person. Our city government and the Marine Monk Corps congratulated Wei Daren!"

At this moment, in the East China Sea city, the entire East China Sea city is very lively and festive today.

All the people in the city who have status and status, and even the people of the city's main house and the sea monk army, all came to a manor and sent a gift to a young and middle-aged.

"Haha, thank you very much, thank you to the city's main government and the sea monks, and the lords and generals are returning triumphantly. I am talking about them with them!"

In the middle age, it was the Wei general who betrayed the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty. At this moment, his face was facing the spring breeze and everyone was proud of the hand and enjoyed the respect of everyone below.

After he left the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, he went directly to the East China Sea.

After the Master of the East China Sea City learned it, he invited him to settle down here.

General Wei hesitated and agreed.

Looking at the giants in the entire East China Sea, looking up at him respectfully, Wei’s mouth tilted slightly.

He joined the Longfeng Dynasty and valued the resources of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and the status given.

However, he later discovered that his status was not very high throughout the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

Because there is only one king city in the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, he can't be unscrupulous in Wangcheng.

As a general, even looking at the beauty he likes, he still can't do it, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Looking at the beautiful women sent by a group of giants, he narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, a general who may have been killed in the dynasty now, it is better to be a giant in the East China Sea!"

He narrowed his eyes and raised the cup in his hand and gestured to everyone.

Below, everyone raised their glasses with respect and respect, and sincerely feared.


"East sea city owners listened to the order, the Star Moon Dynasty attacked my Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, all the soldiers including the king were all shackled, surrendered, or died!"


Just then, a loud bang suddenly came, accompanied by a cold voice and a roar.

The sound covers the entire East China Sea city.

"My Scorpio, what happened?"

"What? Our ruling squad in the East China Sea City was destroyed by a blow. You look at the sky, the army, the creature, so scary!"

"Our king was killed? The army that rushed to the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty was destroyed. This is how it is possible!"

In the Chenhai of the East China Sea, everyone looked up and looked at the sky. They were wide-eyed and full of horror.

The 100,000-strong army rushed directly, and the soldiers on the wall did not react at all.

The 30-meter-long huge creature, with a light blow, broke the moat.

As the nearest city to the Longfeng Dynasty, they naturally knew that the Xingyue Dynasty and the Fengxiao Dynasty and the Nanyun Dynasty were going to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty today.

This seems to the people of Donghai City, the dynasty that can be easily destroyed, but did not think that the other side actually attacked.

How is it possible that their king and the army are directly destroyed?

"Your Majesty, everyone will kneel down, otherwise, kill directly!"

A cold voice came from the sky, and the pressure of terror was tightly covered and covered.

Everyone, his face changed dramatically.

"What...this...this is impossible!"

At this time, General Wei in the East China Sea Manor eyes wide open, incredibly standing up and staring at the void!

(End of this chapter)

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