Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1375: Sweeping under the four countries

Chapter 1375 sweeps across the four countries

"Impossible, with the power of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, it is not a level with the three dynasties, let alone the TECO dynasty!"

"That is... that is the Queen of Phoenix, it is really the Queen of Phoenix, all the generals of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty are all there!"

"There is that young man...this...does it, is that the young man saved..."

Inside the manor, Wei Chibing looked trembling and looked at the sky.

The familiar figure, the horrible momentum, made his face full of incredible looks.

"Your Majesty, is it dead?"


The generals of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty saw some dull people below, and their faces were cold and incomparable.

With a wave of your arm, you can attack directly to a place below.


The sound of the horrible explosion sounded, and the powerful destructive power directly destroyed everything in a kilometer.

"Your Majesty, hurry up!"


"It seems to be true. Our dynasty went to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty. As a result, all the regiments were destroyed. Scorpio, we were defeated!"

"It has nothing to do with us, it has nothing to do with us, don't kill us!"

The entire East China Sea city was completely chaotic, and all the people were stunned and immediately squatted on the ground, and some shouted for mercy.

"Now, in the East China Sea city, the management of the city government and the management of the legion, come over!"

The sound of a general’s cold voice once again covered the entire East China Sea city.

"Call us again, we..."

Inside the manor, the two old men glanced at each other, swallowed a spit, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Limit you three seconds, if you don't come out, wait a moment and you will be directly smashed!"

The icy voice came again, and the two governors of the City House and the Marine Monk Legion trembled.

"Adult, adults, we are here, here!"

The two no longer dare to hide, in their identity, they will know when they inquire.

They stood up and shouted in a trembling voice.


All the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty were suspended in the sky, and their eyes looked in that direction.

However, when they saw a familiar figure, they gave a slight glimpse.

A middle-aged still sat there, his face looked a little cloudy.

"It is the traitor of Wei Chibing!"

A general looked at it wrongly.

"Wei Weibing?"

All the generals and the soldiers looked at the past.

Yuhong licked his tongue and stared at Wei Chibing with murderous eyes.


He did not hesitate to hesitate, and the giant axe in his hand went straight down to the position below.

A five-meter-sized giant axe pointed directly to the Wei Chibing attack.

"Do you mix things, let you kneel down, don't you hear it? Do you want to die?"

The murderous voice slammed toward Wei Chibing.


Wei Chibing was full of faces and quickly went to hide.


The huge axe of the dragon fell, and a giant pit with a radius of 100 meters appeared directly.


However, when he just escaped the attack of the giant axe, the figure of Sihong rushed over, the burly body, holding a giant axe, pointing to Wei Chibing.

"Hey adults, I am, I am kneeling, don't do it, don't do it!"

Wei Chibing was directly on the ground with a look of fear and shouted loudly.

"My Majesty, my Wei Chibing is guilty, I am guilty, I beg you to give me a chance!"

He looked up at the phoenix in horror and his face was extremely embarrassing.

He couldn't think of it. The Dragon and Phoenix dynasty completely destroyed all the invaders and counterattacked.

"Her Majesty, this traitor should kill directly!"

"Yes, Her Majesty first guided him to practice and gave him a lot of resources. Now that our dynasty was killed, this traitor escaped directly and took away a lot of things. He must not let him go!"

Several generals were cold-faced and asked for the phoenix.

"Abolish his strength and deprive him of all his possessions!"

Feng Yan’s cold trial.

"It's the queen!"

In the position below, Sihong heard the Queen's words, staring coldly at Wei Chibing, and the horrible murderousness directly covered it.

"No, no... Her Majesty, you can't do this..."

His horrified voice sounded throughout the East China Sea.

Inside the manor, the giants of the East China Sea trembled and looked at Wei Chibing.

This is the second-order powerhouse of the hole, and now it is like an ant-like genus that has abolished all its strength and deprived of all its finances.

Now the King of the Stars is killed and the army is destroyed, representing that the entire dynasty will be occupied by the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

A guy who was ordered to be abolished by the Queen, who would dare to approach him in the future?

Not only are you not close, you may even be killed directly!

Because, in the future, here will be the world of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!

"no no..."

The voice of Wei Chibing’s screams sounded, and he felt desperately feeling his own strength. The whole body was abolished and was completely destroyed by the flood.

He regrets, regrets!

If he knew the ending, he would never betray the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

If he did not betray, and now the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty defeated the four kingdoms, then he would be a hero who raised a huge dynasty.

He will rule one or two or three cities, high above...

However now...

He trembled and fainted.

From the high to the top, falling to the ground, making him unacceptable.

"You two temporarily take over the East China Sea city. Ten days later, when the Queen's Majesty suppresses the four countries, it will be managed in a unified manner, and everything in the city will remain unchanged forever!"

Feng Yan put a kind of fire in the head of the city government and the current leader of the Marine Monk Corps, and Yu Chengzi on the side ordered them.

"Yes, it is an adult, it is the Queen, we must manage the East China Sea, and we dare not have the slightest heart!"

The fire fell into their minds, the two were completely controlled, and Feng Xiao sent dozens of soldiers to guard, and then continued to the next city!

In order to avoid accidents, Wang Xian went with one of them, one by one, one by one.

Dare to have any resistance, direct force suppression.

Four dynasties, more than sixty cities, the only thing that encountered some resistance was the Fengxiao Dynasty.

The King of the Winds is not dead, and there is no small force in the city.

However, there is Wang Xian in the easy-to-wear pocket of Feng Xiao Wang Cheng.

A large number of resources and a large number of treasures in the four great dynasties.

"Wang Xian, then I have to sort out the land and the city now. I have to be busy for a while. After ten days, all the city owners and the powerful family in the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty will come to the Dragon and Phoenix City to worship. When you have nothing to come over!"

"There are just a lot of treasures for you!"

After sweeping through all the cities in the four countries, Feng Xiao’s eyes could not hide and excitedly said to Wang Xian.

"Well, I have to go back to the Dragon Palace. This time the harvest is not small!"

Wang Xian nodded to Feng Yu, but also smiled.

"Well, then we will see you in ten days!"

Feng Xiao nodded happily.

"Back to the palace!"

Wang Xian also smiled and ordered the nine dragons.

The destruction of the bodies of the four kingdoms and the 55th army, and the enormous resources of the four kings, can make the strength of the Dragon Palace a horrible upgrade!

(End of this chapter)

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