Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1451: The strong is the empress

Chapter 1451 is the strongest for the empress



When the sound suddenly sounded, all humans and monsters were stunned.

Especially the leader of the **** monster who stood in front of the dragon chair.

He raised his arms and accepted the pilgrimage of all the beasts.

The awkward voice made it completely dead.

All humans and monsters look at the source of the sound.

On top of a monster sculpture, a special monster is suspended on it. He does not have his body and stands there straight.

The body shape of seven or eight meters has a humanoid upper body, and the lower body is a strip of seaweed.

The body is slightly slender and not very conspicuous.

The head of the **** savage beast slowly turned around and looked at the star, and the eyes were full of endless killings.

Not long ago, the **** monsters and the bloodthirsty sea monsters, the monsters, and the beasts of the three races.

The **** monster body has a strong strength, and the other two top monsters surrender.

Today, their **** monsters became royals, and they became the king of the wild. There was no objection, and no monsters dared to oppose it.

At this juncture, some people dare to ask, do we agree?

"The stag beetle monster family?"

Below the position of the monster, all the monsters lifted up and stared at the leader of the spotted algae monster on the sculpture.

Some monsters are in the position of the group of stag beetles.

They found that all the variegated beasts did not succumb to the surrender, and all stood there.

"What is going on here, is there a monster race that does not surrender? The stag beetle monster race is to challenge the **** monsters? Challenge the throne?"

"Isn't the monster been experienced in a big war? How can there be a monster race?"

Around the location, tens of millions of humans saw the spotted stag beetle monsters in front of them, and their faces were stunned.

Even the blood emperor, the life and death forging workshop, the sacred forge workshop and the third merchant in the world are full of horror.

"This this..."

At this time, everyone in the Liuhuang Alliance thought of the words that Wang Xian had just introduced into their ears, and the eyes burst into excitement.

Watching the show?

The good show started?

"The monster family, the strong is the emperor, but, do you want to challenge my throne?"

The **** red beast leader's blood red eyes are full of murderous stare at the comet wood, low squatting.

"I feel that you don't have this strength as the wild king!"

Iridium stared at the head of the **** monster, faintly said.

"Haha, well, you have a little monster race, and dare to challenge my **** and beastly royal family!"

"Blood and demon orc, listen to the order, give me all the members of the stag beetle, and destroy them!"

"Hey, kill me!"

The **** savage beast leader has a terrible command.


In the position below, the **** eyes of a group of **** monsters stared at the stag beetle and the horrible roar.

"Challenge our **** and savage beasts, challenge our **** emperor, you are a **** thing, not qualified, I will eat you!"

In the position below, the **** six-order strongman of the **** monster is turned into a blood shadow, and directly attacks toward the comet.

"Eat them!"

The rest of the **** monsters are directly rushed toward the race of the variegated monsters.

The tyrannical atmosphere instantly fills the entire space.

Bloody smell, condense in the sky!

In a word, directly kill!

This is the race of the monster, the strong is the emperor.

"One does not stay!"

The leader of the **** monsters stood in front of the dragon chair, staring coldly at the position below, full of murderous commands.


The **** savage beast of the sixth-order hole was crossed by a blood shadow, and instantly appeared in front of the star, a pair of sharp claws, which were directly torn away from his body.

Xing Xingmu looked at the **** monster who came to attack himself, and a smile appeared on his face.

His lower body was swaying with a verdant green rattan, directly turning into a thorn, and attacking the **** monster.

"Give me broken!"

The **** savage beast of the sixth-order emptiness of the hole looked at the dense cane, and the eyes showed a crazy killing.

Its claws are directly enlarged by ten meters, and a blood mark is drawn.


However, at this moment, the bottom of the comet wood seems to grow an endless root.

According to the palm of the hand condensed into a pair of horror, directly grasp it.

The claws fell on the palm of your hand, leaving only traces of blood.

"On your own, you can't call it a monster!"

Iridium Wood stood there, watching the six-step **** monsters who were caught by their own 100-meter-sized palms, and there was no slight fluctuation on their faces.

He stretched out his emerald green arm and a green spear appeared directly in his palm.

When the arm moves, it directly stabs toward the **** monster who is the sixth-order hole.

"Give me broken, hey!"

The **** savage beast trapped by the palm of his hand showed a shocking look. It screamed and the **** long snake attacked the huge palm.

It has to break free from the shackles of the palm.

"No... leader, save me!"

However, when it saw a long-skinned snake falling on the palm of the hand, it only left a faint trace, it finally panicked.

Looking at the spears that came quickly toward his own attack, he was horrified and begged.


The leader of the **** savage beast in front of the dragon chair was seen to be trapped in an instant with his own class, and his face was scared.

"Give me off!"

It turned wild and screamed, and a kilometer of blood shadow went straight to the emerald green spear.

The figure was shocked and turned directly into a size of fifteen meters.


Iridium saw the attack of the leader of the **** monsters, and there was no slight fluctuation on the face. The spear was shocked and instantly penetrated the **** monster of the sixth-order hole.


The body was pierced through a large hole, and the **** monster did not die immediately.

The blood flow on it is squirming fast.

"Falling roots!"

At this time, the sound of the cymbal wood sounded, and the green spear, such as the roots that had been plunged into the soil, generally grew rapidly.

The roots must slowly spread over the body of the **** monster, live, and disappear.

"Give me death!"

The **** savage beast leader saw that his family at the same level was directly killed, and his eyes were full of shock.

Its shape flashed, and there were thousands of ghosts in the air, and it was overwhelmingly attacked by the comet.

"The wild king, belongs to me!"

Iridium wood looked flat and looked at the dense blood, and there was no slight fluctuation.

He slowly spread his arms, behind his body, countless roots, covering directly toward the front.

The area covered by the roots has reached a radius of three or four kilometers, and the blood shadow of the sky is directly covered.



I would like to thank the Liu Haoxuan brothers for their high rewards in the past two days, and they are thankful for the rewards of other brothers. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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