Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1452: Meet the Dragon King

Chapter 1452, see the Dragon King


The sudden outbreak of the war, the appearance of the stag beetle and the beasts, the slaughter ordered by the leader of the **** savage beast.

Everything is only in a flash.

However, in less than ten seconds, a scream of despair caused all humans and monsters to open their eyes and filled with an incredible look.

However, when this scream rang again, all humans and monsters opened their mouths slightly.

"How is it possible, how is it possible that you are not a monster of the fifth-ordered monsters? How can it be so strong!"

Behind the endless sky, the **** savage beast leader is directly penetrated by the roots.

Including its body, it is also directly penetrated by the roots.

It exudes a **** scorpion, smashes the roots in front of him, and growls in horror.

Around it, all of them are dense and endless roots, and the roots must completely cover it.

The crisis of death hangs overhead.

It looked around and looked a little confused.

"The weak, is not qualified to say so much nonsense!"

Xing Xingmu said, with a wave of his arms, the roots of the sky must be covered directly toward the head of the **** monsters.

"Oh my God!"

"This attack... this sky attack is simply terrible!"

"The wild king is going to be killed, no, the **** beast leader is going to die!"

"How can this monster race that suddenly popped out be so horrible? In less than a minute, it is easy to kill two holes and six levels, what level is he!"

"The hole is seven steps?"

Around, all humans and monsters were shocked and watched the battle of the stag beetle and the **** monsters.

In particular, seeing the head of the **** savage beast and the **** savage beast of the sixth-order hole are easily killed, one by one.

Especially the monster family, the demon beast has been selected, and now suddenly there is a race, directly crushing the **** monsters.


On the sculpture, the heads of the races looked up and stared at them, and their hearts were very shocking.

How could this suddenly pop up a race so horrible?

"This this..."

The blood emperor and the life and death of Dan Yaofang, they are all full of mistakes.

They have already agreed with the **** monsters, and now suddenly a monster race suddenly picks up the throne of the **** monsters, then what do they do next?

Especially the blood flow dynasty, they specially prepared a crown for the leader of the **** monster.

This has not been put on, it was killed!

What scared them most was that the leader of this monster race that suddenly popped up was so terrible.

"This is... this is, the hole is seven steps!"

The position of the center of the third commercial bank in the world, the old man suddenly stood up, staring at the star-studded wood standing there in the sky.


The middle-aged old man around his face was shocked and his eyes widened.



At this time, the position in the sky, the roots of the sky must be directly recovered, and the body of the **** monster leader falls to the lower position.


"Hey, emperor!"

In the position below, when tens of thousands of **** monsters saw their leader and a sixth-order adult of the cave were killed, they were horrified.

Only the remaining six-hole **** savage beast saw the leader and companion in the family being killed, and the pupil was slightly shrunk, full of fear.

His eyes stared at the front and the face of the spotted algae monster that was as good as himself.


As greedy and **** bloody monsters, they cherish their lives.

"I still want to escape, can you escape?"

Xing Xingmu looked at the blood-red shadow and fled hard to the outside, his face showing an indifferent look.


The rest of the **** beasts saw the last top powerhouse in the family fleeing, and his face was horrified.

The remaining **** monsters desperately fled towards the surroundings.

I stared at the star, and a pair of emerald eyes stared at the surroundings, and the lower body of the rattan fell directly into the mud below.


Under the horror of everyone, the huge six-step **** monsters that have escaped two kilometers away, a huge tree magic directly from the ground.

The tree magic is a kilometer in size, emitting a horrible power and attacking directly.


At this moment, underneath the rest of the **** savage beasts, there is also a horrible tree demon.


"Oh, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

The screaming voice came in an instant, and the **** savage beast leader of the sixth-order hole was directly strangled by the tree at a distance of two kilometers.

The rest of the tens of thousands of **** monsters, all suffered a devastating blow.

Within the group of spotted algae, another group of people with the sixth-order combat power of the caves directly attacked the remaining **** monsters.

For a time, the endless snoring came from the surroundings.

All humans and monsters swallowed a spit and looked at the scene with a shock.

Two kilometers away, directly killing the six-order strong man who is desperate to escape.

A **** and savage beast that has just been a wild king.

A monster race with five or six hundred holes is now easily destroyed.

There is no strength to resist.

"Visit the Emperor!"

Above the sculpture, the leader of the monster race, his face is full of awe.

The demon lord's face changed his face, and he squatted down and shouted loudly.

"Visit the Emperor!"

The other sorcerer leaders also rushed to worship.

This sudden appearance of the stag beetle monster leader is definitely more than the sixth-order existence of the hole.

The power of the seventh-order hole, which is placed in the entire sea area, is also an invincible existence!

"Visit the Emperor!"

There are hundreds of thousands of monsters around, and they are also busy squatting and bowing.

The beast family, the strong is the emperor!

The strength displayed by the leader of the stag beetle monster is enough to surrender all the monsters.

More respectful than the leader of the **** monsters.

"Ha ha!"

The singer’s eyes swept the monsters around everyone, and his face showed a faint smile.

He was suspended above the dragon chair, and a faint pressure shrouded the entire group of monsters.

"From today, listen to my order!"

The sound of the comet wood is in the mind of every monster.

"I want to follow the emperor!"

"I want to follow the emperor!"

The heads of a group of monsters shouted loudly, and all the beasts shouted reverently.

I have a smile on the face of Iridium.


The Emperor of Blood saw that the Emperor of the Beast had changed one, and his face changed constantly.

"The king of the beast, the agreement between us and the enchanted dynasty, can we continue?"

The blood emperor frowned and asked toward Xing Xingmu.

"A peace agreement?"

I’m looking at the blood emperor with a smile on my face, and asked faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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