Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1473: Not a raptor but under the river

Chapter 1473 is not a Raptors but under the river


When the deacon’s frightened sound was heard by the squad, the entire sword pie, a strong man quickly flew over here.

One by one wearing gold costumes, some of the swords flying, and some volley fit.

They have a long sword in their hands, and they are full of swords.

At this moment, it seems that there are thousands of long swords rushing toward this side.

"Oh! Next, there may be a battle, we will retreat!"

"It should be a massacre, the training of the celestial swordsmen came, and there are a lot of strong!"

"Ten thousands of elite disciples, thousands of people who are strong and strong, all come!"

"In addition to the two sword masters, the entire Qingtianjian faction has all been dispatched. After all, this is the gate of the Qingtianjian faction. Some people dare to make trouble at their doorsteps, and naturally all of them are dispatched!"

"Next, I am afraid it will be a massacre!"

The family around the family saw the dense and powerful disciples of the entire Qingtianjianfeng flying out, and each face showed a shocked look.

As the only second-rate force within a thousand miles, the power of the Qingtianjian faction is beyond doubt.

In the vast expanse of the region, there are not many forces that can challenge the Qingtianjian faction, let alone a force from the flowing sea area!

"Whoever, dare to kill our ancestral elders before the squad, send us the name, we will set up a tombstone for you!"

A chilly voice came from the mouth of an old man in the center.

The old man was suspended with two swords of three meters in size, and he was full of murderous glances at Wang Xian.

"The obituary is to teach them, that is, they killed the three elders, they are a group!"

A middle-aged deacon, who saw the arrival of the Zongmen, breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly pointed to the three gold swordfish and Wang Xian.

The three elders were strangled and they were all caught off guard.

Their elders were killed by the same level of swordsmen in less than two minutes.

It should be known that their stalwart swordsmen have a complete sect of the sword-sects, fighting at the same level, with few rivals.

Not to mention fighting with the same level of swordsman.

However, the strength of the other side showed them shock.

"It's your own..."

"Shut up and kill the three elders of our celestial swordsmen. When you swear, kill all of them!"

Wang Xiangang wants to speak, and the Qingtianjian, who is standing in the center, will teach him coldly.


"People who swear by us, there is no life!"


Behind the celestial swordsmanship of the celestial swordsmen, more than a thousand people with strong enthusiasm snorted and tens of thousands of disciples in the rear were sulking.

The elders who dared to kill the stalwart swords had only one death.

They don't need to know anything else and don't listen to any explanation.

"To report your power, we must not only kill you, but also pay for the sects and dynasties!"

A six-step elder with a hole in the front stepped forward, and his face turned to Wang Xian.

"Dead, don't need to know too much!"

Wang Xian looked at the powerful Qingtianjian faction, his face was also cold, and he raised his head slightly, his eyes sweeping over tens of thousands of people.


One order!


Since you are so overbearing, then see the true chapter in the killing!


Behind the position, the sword and the golden sword fish face screamed with no expression.

The sound is like a sword that is sheathed. The body's momentum is greatly shaken, and it is directly attacked by thousands of people in front of the celestial sword.

There is no fear, and the eyes are indifferent.



Everyone from the Qingtianjian School saw that two hundred people rushed over the sword and they were stunned.

They felt the cold atmosphere, the cold swordsman, and their faces changed slightly.

"Two hundred holes are strong!"

An elder of the Qingtianjian sent the momentum of the front shock, and his face showed a dignity.

"Teaching, they are the forces in the sea area!"

The deacon of the next side shouted loudly.

"The forces in the sea area are also so arrogant, kill me, kill them all!"

"One does not stay!"

The celestial sword sent the teacher to see that the sword was directly rushed over, and his face was not good.

Two hundred people dared to attack them with arrogance, and they simply did not put them in the eyes.

"Kill, kill this group of frogs at the bottom of the well!"

“The garbage from the flowing sea area is dare to challenge our Qingtianjian faction and kill it all!”

Qing Tianjian sent a famous elder's face to chill and screamed.


The big battle, at the touch of a hair!

"My God, the two hundred expressionless swordsmen are all strong and powerful!"

"Two hundred people, it is actually two hundred holes, but the Sky Heaven sect is a thousand!"

All the family around the family saw a sudden outbreak of war, and their faces changed dramatically, and they quickly withdrew toward the back.

This is his mother's, the celestial swordsmanship is extremely domineering, and does not ask the reason to directly order the killing.

However, the other party is not a vegetarian, and directly ordered to do it.

From the stalwart swordsman to all the people, to the hands, less than thirty seconds in between.

"French phase: no blood sword!"

Two hundred people of Yan Jian rushed toward the Qingtianjian faction. They did not hesitate to hesitate, and they showed up in an instant.

Two hundred gold swordfish, the weakest one can kill the third order of the hole, the strongest sword, can kill the sixth order of the hole.

This power is definitely not weak.

It is not the strongest of the fifth-order and sixth-order of the imaginary, the celestial swordsman is not an opponent at all.

Although they have a thousand strong and powerful people, the first and second orders of the hole are more than 900, and the rest are more than three.

When the golden sessile sword appeared in front of a golden swordfish.

Each sword is several kilometers long, but only the arms are wide.

The horror of the horror, directly attacked the stalwart swordsman.


Qing Tianjian sent a piece of education to look at two hundred identical methods, feeling the biting swordsmang, and his face finally changed.

"Qing Tian Jian sent disciples to be careful, the other party's strength is the lowest in the third order!"

"The strength is not in the realm of the hole, back!"

He whispered in a hurry, two hundred at least the third-order powerhouse, this level of battle, under the hole can not be inserted!

"The lowest hole is three orders!"

When I heard the words of the church, all the disciples changed their faces, and even some of the holes were weak.


However, at this time, they were not allowed to think more. Facing the sword of the unique bloodless sword, the powerful members of the Optimus Swordsman rushed and slammed the attack and directly greeted them.

However, they want to escape, it is too late.

A sword with no handle on the handle, covering the stalwart swordsman.

"Falun, Jianfeng guardian!"

"Falun, Jianfeng guardian!"

Ten strong and six-order strongmen in the entire Qingtianjian faction were cold and screamed.

Law, the guardian of the sword.

The Guardian Law of the Sixth-order Comprehension of the Cave!

Ten laws, all the swordsmen!

Ten guardian law, the celestial swordsmanship of the Qingtian swords have the confidence to withstand the attack of two hundred law-level attacks.


However, when the Jianfeng guardian condensed into a moment, the broken sound immediately came.

A black and white cross, at the moment when the law is condensed, it is easy to penetrate!

Many people didn't even see the black and white cross.

"Oops, there are strong!"

"The sword master, help!"

The celestial swordsman’s face changed dramatically, and loudly shouted!

(End of this chapter)

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