Chapter 1474 ruthless Kendo

"The sword master, help!"

When the sound of the celestial swordsman’s fearfulness rang in front of the stalwart swordsman, all the faces showed a shocked look.

Qing Tianjian’s teaching is actually asking for help?

"This...this...where is there a strong?"

Far from the family family and disciples who fled to two or three kilometers, they looked at the scene and their eyes were dumbfounded.

Their eyes only looked at the Qingtianjian school in the middle of the battlefield, and their eyes flashed.

Have a strong?

With their strength, they did not see the moment when the demon shot.


At the top of Qingtian Jianfeng, the movements of the two old players who are playing chess are slightly stiff.

The two quickly stood up, and a dazzling Jinmang shot from his eyes and looked down.

"Oops, the other side's power is not weak!"

The two looked at each other and did not notice the figure of the demon, but they saw that the law of the release of the 200-strongest third-order strongman was covered by the disciples of the Qingtianjian.

"Oh la la!"

An old man waved his arm, and the chess piece on the table was like a sword. It suddenly became a giant sword of ten meters in size. The giant sword attacked downwards at a horrible speed.


Another old man's face was a little embarrassed, his figure moved, a flashing, and the figure disappeared instantly.


"Escape, run away!"

At this time, the position of the Qingtianjian faction, tens of thousands of disciples were directly covered by the bloodless sword.

The long, sharp-eyed sword seemed to penetrate all the people in an instant.

The sword is like a snake, cold and full of murderousness.

Tens of thousands of disciples of the Qingtianjian faction, under this trick, died more than half.

"Damn guy, all of you are going to die today!"

In the sky, a cold, chilly voice came from above.

The dazzling golden figure descends from the sky like a sword.

The golden figure looked at the disciples who were mostly dead and wounded underneath, and their eyes were a little red.


At this time, the giant sword that the chess piece turned into fell toward the lower position.

Two hundred gold swordfish are caused by the mind, and quickly evade around.


The sword fell into the water and penetrated directly into the ocean, raising a splash of water.

"Oh, at least four or five thousand Qingtianjian disciples died under the attack of two hundred strongmen!"

"The Swordmaster of the Shoutian Swordsman has taken the shot, and this group of people still want to have a strong seventh-order powerhouse!"

"Scorpio, today is going to break out a peerless war!"

There was a stunned voice around, and everyone looked up and looked at the sword master who had a golden glow.

"Oh, you two arrogant guys are coming!"

"Unfortunately, you are going to perish!"

"Let me try your strength, haha!"

Wang Xian saw two swords and seven-level swords flying down and down, his face showing a taunting look.

Just now he saw the two strong men on the sword front, but what surprised him was that the other party did not come down at all. He only continued to play chess after a glance.

Their arrogance made Wang Xian feel a little funny.

He laughed loudly, and the five elements of the big mill appeared on the top of his head, quickly becoming bigger and rushing toward the two swordsmen in the sky.

"What the **** are you guys!"

The two sword masters who descended from Qingtian Jianfeng had not had time to force them. They saw Wang Xian directly attacking them and felt the energy of the heart of the five elements. The faces of the two changed slightly.

"Kill your people!"

Wang Xian was in shape and stood on top of the five elements of the big mill. His face showed a strong fighting spirit.

Since the breakthrough, he has not had a good fight.

Today, I will try my strength with two holes and seven seventh-order powerhouses.


When he said this sentence, a scream in the mouth.

Immediately, the entire body directly became 80 meters in size.

He squatted in the middle of the five elements of the big mill, staring coldly at the two sword owners.

"What kind of monster are you? What are the resentments of our Qingtianjian faction and you?"

The two squadron sword masters saw Wang Xian suddenly become a giant of eighty meters, revealing a dignified look in the pupil.

"There is so much nonsense!"

Wang Xian’s eyes showed a hint of ridicule.

Qingtianjian sent himself to be invincible, not at all, and even interrupted his speech.

Now, it’s completely reversed.

They really want to know when and how to provoke such a terrible force.

But Wang Xian did not pay attention to them.

Since you are so overbearing, then go on...


"The dragon in the palm!"

Wang Xian did not hesitate in the slightest, and the dragon claws waved, and the dragon claws of four kilometers in size appeared in the sky.

The entire dragon claws, covering the sky, look terrible.

"The hole is seven steps!"

"Just by one, you want to fight against us and find death!"

A sword master's face was so cold that the whole person rushed toward the sky, and a sword with a handle of three kilometers appeared around him.

"Our twin swords are in the vast territory for three thousand years, without fear of any enemy. Today, you must be your first!"

Another sword master also flew into the sky.

Around him, there is exactly the same three-kilometer sword, one person and three handles, a total of six handles!


The two men sighed and the six-handed swords attacked the dragon claws at different angles.


The sound of the collision sounded from the sky, and in a short moment, the three came to the height of 10,000 meters.

Even so, this horrible impact caused a wave of air that directly hit the bottom.


The sea is rolling like a ten-level tsunami.

"Scorpio, the two sword masters were directly blocked by the young man!"

"This... is this the horror of the seventh-order powerhouse, the energy that covers the sky!"

"Qingtianjian sent a strong enemy today!"

Everyone below saw Wang Xian rushing up and looking at the terrible momentum in the sky, his face changed dramatically.

Because of the reasons of the five elements, they did not see Wang Xianhua as a dragon.


The master of the Qingtianjian school looked at the two sword masters in an instant and was blocked. His face changed dramatically.

Just now, the cross that was black and white was not released by the youth who greeted the sword master.


At this time, the command of the sword rang, and he stared at the rest of the stalwart swords with no emotion, and the sword in his hand was shocked.

Law, no sword!

The dazzling golden light shrouded it, and the area of ​​three kilometers was covered with gold.

A long sword, like a viper, is hidden in it. He did not hesitate to go directly to the 10th-order powerhouse of the celestial sword.

At the rear, another group of golden swordfish also moved, and sent everyone to the Qingtianjian, and rushed away.

The anti-customer-based battle makes everyone feel that it is like their home court.

(End of this chapter)

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