Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1501: The dragon among people?

Chapter 1501 The Dragon of the People?

The golden law enforcement order is in the hands of He Feng!

The law enforcement agency, the only law enforcement department of the He nationality, can understand everything in the forest of the entire Hezu forest.

The law enforcement club is very important in Hezu, like He Feng, even if he wants to do something secretly, he must say hello to the law enforcement agency.

Enforcement law enforcement, unless the patriarch and the old family open, no one can block and refuse.

He Yuan looked at the law enforcement order, his face was gloomy and he took a heavy breath.

"Sanctions me? Oh, I want to see, how do you sanction me!"

Wang Xian took a shot of He Yuan's shoulder, and looked at He Feng with a smile on his face. His face was cold and said with a cold voice.

"Wang Xian brothers you..."

He Yuan looked at Wang Xian and frowned.

If He Feng really conflicts with Wang Xian, no matter what the result is, it is not what he wants to see.

He Feng is suffering, he will certainly retaliate, of course, He Feng is not likely to suffer.

With his current strength and the existence of the dragon among the people, no more than ten people can compete with them in the vast area.

"Haha, mad, have to say, you are really crazy, I would like to see, a guy from the land of the flowing sea area, what is the arrogant capital!"

He Feng laughed and his body slowly radiated.

"Wang Xian Brothers!"

He Yuan felt the horror of He Feng, his face changed slightly, and he quickly pulled the body of Wang Xian.

"Nothing, I want to see, this is the so-called dragon among people, what strength!"

Wang Xian turned to He Yuan with a reassuring look and slowly walked a few steps toward the front.

"Look at the face of He Yuan, as long as you can support my ten-attack attack, I will spare you. If you can't hold the ten strokes, then I will waste your arms!"

He Feng stared at Wang Xian with a proud face, said Senran.

In his mind, don't say ten strokes, one trick, he can also kill Wang Xian.

A group of people around looked at Wang Xian and dared to challenge He Feng, his face with a look of horror.

"A guy from the flowing sea area dared to challenge He Feng big brother!"

"I was the first time I saw such a arrogant guy, a guy who was sitting in the field and looking at the sky!"

"Oh, a small place to come and want to challenge the peak of the dragon in the human, this is simply looking for death!"

"Would we like to step back!"

"What to retreat, wait for He Feng, the young master to kill it directly, why are we going backwards?"

Around, there were voices of some ethnic disciples and some young people whispering.

Especially when they learned that Wang Xian was from the flowing sea area, the eyes were full of disdain.

A guy sitting in the sky.

"He Yuan, this... what should I do?"

Aside from the position, He Yan was frowning and said to He Yuan whispered.

"I have no way. He Feng’s strength has broken through and he has become a dragon among people. Today he will not be willing to give up!"

He Yuan clenched his fist and was slightly weak. Now, he is not the opponent of He Feng.

He can only cure Wang Xian’s injury afterwards.

"A garbage, give you a chance, let you start first!"

He Feng stared at Wang Xian and said with disdain.

If he is not a source of scruples, he has already killed this guy directly!

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian looked at He Feng, who looked down at him proudly. His eyes showed a hint of disdain. He waved his arms and two gray palms attacked directly toward He Feng.

"Give you a chance, don't even cherish it!"

He Feng saw the attack of Wang Xian, and the colder in his eyes, the staff in his hand moved slightly.

His arm was also gently waved, and a thorn was attacked toward Wang Xian.


However, when the thorns collide with the two palms, the thorns are directly annihilated, as if they have not appeared.


He Feng’s slight glimpse is obviously a bit wrong.

Looking at the palm that had already come to him, his face sank: "Hey, there is something to bear."

He said in his mouth, the scepter waved, and the thorns seemed to come from the void, and entangled toward the palm of his hand.

"Puff puff!"

However, the thorns fell on the palm of your hand, and were also directly annihilated, and the palms went straight again.


This time, He Feng’s pupils shrank slightly, and his face showed a shocked look.

The staff in his hand made a final resistance towards the front.


A clear voice came, and the palm of the hand shattered the staff and landed directly on He Feng’s arms.


A painful screaming voice came directly from He Feng’s mouth, with a stream of blood flowing out.

His body flew directly toward the rear.

The whole process is less than a second.

He Yuan, who has already taken out the remedy for Wang Xian’s treatment, has become stiff.

Everyone around me looked awkwardly at the front.

It seems that the plot is exactly the opposite of what they imagined.

"This... how is this possible?"

A He brother disciple couldn't help but exclaim, incredulously whispering.

Shouldn’t the young man be screaming and flying out?

How could it be He Feng?

One move, He Feng fell back, shouting loudly?

He is a dragon among people?

"The dragon among people?"

Wang Xian’s face showed a taunting look, a faint smile.

"Ah, my arm, you actually abolished my arm, I want to kill you!"

He Feng, who was trembled on the ground, had a stunned look and shouted loudly.

The sound spread all over the square for a few kilometers.

His embarrassed cockroach climbed up and his eyes stared at Wang Xian.

"kill me?"

When Wang Xian heard this sentence, he also cooled down and his arm waved directly.

A gray energy once again attacked him.


Seeing Wang Xian attacking again, He Feng’s eyes showed a terrified look. He bit his teeth and his body radiated a sly glow.



However, the power of terror once again caused his body to fly back. He widened his eyes and spit blood in his mouth.

"Look at the face of He Yuan and He Nationality, and spare your life!"

Wang Xian looked at him and said faintly.

Around, everyone heard the words of Wang Xian, and some of them stiffly looked at him.

"Well? What happened?"

"Heyuan’s birthday came with screams, not good, hurry up!"

"Hey, the voice of the peak!"

Around the Hezu, when the screams rang around the holy tree, the rest of the He family was slightly surprised.

The position of the law enforcement cabinet, the three cabinet owners slightly screamed, from the screams inside the family, can not allow them to hesitate, and flew in an instant.

In a room in the sacred tree, the patriarch of the Hezu and a woman who was graceful and sipping a cup of tea, heard this voice change.

"It's a peak!"

The woman stood up immediately.

And the patriarch of the He nationality also changed his face slightly and seemed to think of something.

"We are in the past!"

As soon as he was in motion, the figure disappeared immediately and flew toward He Yuan’s birthday!

(End of this chapter)

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