Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1502: The patriarch's courtesy?

Chapter 1502 Patriarchal Courtesy?

"Hey, this is this..."

"It's still a spike, and it's a spike in the hand. This strength is terrible!"

"How is this possible, He Feng is the dragon of the people, how can it be defeated so easily, the strength of the youth..."

Inside the Hezu, on the ground floor of the birthday party, a stunned voice came.

Looking at the miserable He Feng, everyone swallowed a spit, crushed, and thoroughly crushed.

A young man from the flowing sea area has crushed He Feng, who is also a dragon among the empire.

How can this be?

If you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you believe it?

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

He Feng fell to the ground, and he was very embarrassed. The pain in his arms and the pain in his chest made him uncomfortable.

Feeling the gaze of thousands of young people around him, he slowly stood up and snarled toward Wang Xian.

Seeing that He Feng had some madness and low sorrow, everyone around him was slightly surprised. They knew that this Wang Xian was completely provoked by Master He Feng.

This hatred is completely settled, even if there is a source of young master in the middle.


At the moment when He Feng’s voice just fell, one figure flew over here.

The nearest three law enforcement cabinet owners, with several law enforcement officers flew over, looked at the miserable He Feng fell to the ground.

"He Feng!"

The three owners quickly fell to the side of He Feng and exclaimed.

"Seven uncle, help me kill him and help me kill him!"

When he saw the arrival of a crowd of law enforcement agents, his face shouted awkwardly toward a cabinet owner.

"Big brother, you have to learn the Wang Xian brothers, but he was injured by him. This can't blame the Wang Xian brothers!"

He Yuan heard He Feng’s words, his face changed slightly, and he quickly said.

He was afraid that the people of the law enforcement cabinet would kill Wang Xian directly.

"Dare to hurt me, no matter who you are today, don't think about coming out of us!"

When He Feng heard He Yuan, his eyes were a little **** and he scanned Wang and Wang Xian and whispered.


Several of the owners saw He Feng's face stunned, his face looked angry and looked up, looking up.


When they saw Wang Xian, their faces suddenly froze, and the corners of their mouths were slightly pumped.

It turned out to be him, turned out to be this young man!

Hands-on? Just kidding, unless the patriarch and the three tribes come over, or the ancestors of the towns come over, otherwise, want to kill him?


Just then, a woman’s face screamed and two figures appeared in front of He Feng.

The woman walked over to He Feng with a worried face and looked at his body.

"The patriarch!"

Around, everyone saw the presence of the figure, shouted with a respectful body.


"Who will crush you so deeply? Who is in our family, who dares to hurt you!"

He Feng shouted, and the woman shouted in an angry voice.


He Yuan saw his mother and father coming, his face showing a bitter look.

He did not think that this matter would be so big.

"Who dares to hurt my son, stand up!"

The woman's face was a little cold, and her eyes shook in front of her.

The sound surprised everyone around!

"All right!"

The voice of the woman just fell, and the head of the He nationality in the rear said faintly.

His eyes swept his peak and looked at Wang Xian. His face showed a smile: "Wang Xianxiao brother, my oldest son is not sensible, you don't care!"


However, this sentence of the Patriarch of the He Nationality has kept everyone in the room.

Even the woman, He Feng, and He Yuan are looking at him with grimacing faces.

What is the situation?

His eldest son was severely wounded. The Patriarch of the He nationality did not avenge his vengeance. Instead, he blamed He Feng.


"Nothing, He is a patriarch, it’s a bit heavy for me!"

Wang Xian smiled at the head of the He nationality and said.

"Nothing, let this kid know, what is someone outside, hehe!"

The head of the He nationality smiled and looked at He Yuan: "Xiaoyuan, you have a good friend, get along well!"

"Bring the peak away, don't be embarrassed here!"

Finally, the head of the He nationality looked at He Feng and said to the woman.


He Feng looked at his father in an incredible face and shouted with a slight open mouth.

"French, this..."

The woman is also looking at her own husband, and some do not understand that her son was beaten, why not punish the other.

"Take it away!"

The patriarch of the He nationality did not say much, and with a wave of his arm, a thorn would wrap the peak.

The woman saw his look and nodded slowly.

"Source, have a good birthday!"

She said to He Yuan and left immediately.


When he saw the patriarch of the ethnic group, he did not say anything. He took away He Feng directly, and all the people around him showed a shocked look.

What happened to Nima?

He Feng was so miserable that the He nationality patriarch did not say anything?

It’s weird.

"This... Wang Xian brother, have you seen my father? And your strength, good metamorphosis!"

He Yuan did not think that things had ended like this. He stared at Wang Xian with wide eyes and asked with shock.

"I saw it a few days ago, my uncle is very good!"

Wang Xian nodded with a smile.

"This... no wonder, no wonder, my father must have seen your strength, so I didn't say anything!"

"I didn't expect it. When we first played against each other, the gap between me and you was not so big. Now, we have a big gap!"

"How did you cultivate this enchanting?"

He Yuan patted Wang Xian’s shoulder and asked in amazement.

"Maybe this is talent!"

Wang Xian smiled.

In the surrounding, everyone swallowed a spit and stared at Wang Xian with amazement.

From the short words of the patriarchs of the He nationality, they were able to attach importance to Wang Xian.

Even if his son was injured, he did not blame. It is conceivable that the Hezu patriarch recognized his strength.

Perhaps, the Hezu patriarch even wants to pull him into the family.

A person’s heart guessed that the eyes were shining with luster.

Everyone remembers the figure of Wang Xian in his mind. This is the master who seriously injured the young masters!

"Wang Xiangongzi, your strength is so strong, it is unbeatable in the vast area of ​​the same generation, too powerful!"

The greetings on the side of the road were also slightly shocked and came over and said to Wang Xian.

No wonder it can be a good friend with He Yuan, who is proud of his heart. The original talent is so horrible!

"Oh, you don't have to praise me like this. Today is He Yuan's birthday, happy birthday, this is the gift I am going to prepare for you!"

Wang Xian smiled and said that he would send Xiao Xiao to He Yuan.

"Wow, Xiaoyuan, I just want to buy this pet of Wang Xiangong, now he gave it to you, you said you can..."

He Yuqing saw Wang Xian give Xiaoxuan to He Yuan, and some of them spoiled the arm of He Yuan.

He Yuan looked at his fiancee and spoiled himself. He was in a good mood and reached out to pick up Xiaoxiao.

"of course not..."

He said with a smile, but his words have not been finished, and the expression on his face is wonderful.

He widened his eyes and looked at him with a gaze, his eyes showing a shocking look.

"Maybe, no!"

He spit out four words.


His answer made him feel a little stunned, and everyone around him was also full of mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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