Chapter 1824 World Shock

"This is this..."

When the voice of Poseidon suddenly filled the Shenhai Palace again, all the disciples looked dull and their faces were full of shock!


At this moment, everyone saw that a drop of blood with enormous energy flew toward the mysterious palace.

"No, father!"

The goddess of God sees that drop of blood, they naturally know what this is happening!

This means that their father is completely depraved!


The voice of sorrow came from God!

Poseidon, completely fallen!

A god, from igniting the fire of God to condensing the godhead, to the last lift of the kingdom of God!

The promotion of God can cause great changes in the heavens and the earth, and it can make the purple gas come to the east, and it can make a certain attribute cheer and beat!

However, when a **** is degraded, it can also cause great changes in the world.

The **** of a certain attribute is degraded, and a certain attribute of a square of at least 10,000 kilometers will make a sound of sorrow.

This voice represents the sorrow of heaven and earth.

At the same time, this kind of property of tens of thousands of kilometers will undergo special changes!

"Oh la la!"

Surprisingly, on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, the waves that had just surged slowly subsided.

In the sky, heavy rain fell without warning.

"woo woo woo woo!"

In the heavy rain, there was a sound of sorrow.

This is a mourning from the nature of water, which represents the fall of a water attribute god!

Within 10,000 kilometers of the square, the coastal city pool on the sea was covered by heavy rain.

Suddenly there was no sign of heavy rain, no flash of lightning, and madness!

Everyone’s face showed an erroneous look.

When the sorrow came, countless people opened their eyes and their faces looked blank.

Heavy rain, the world is sorrowful, and there is a drop of water!

Today's earth is not as ignorant of cultivation as it used to be. After the transmission of the powers of the gods, they know a lot.

There are records, God is falling, the world is sorrowful!

This scene, they saw it for the first time, but it was exactly the same as in the record!

Located in the sky above the East, in the Lingxiaobao Hall, when the Pacific Ocean came to the scene, several middle-aged women and women in the palace showed a shocked look.

They were moving, and an illusory shadow appeared in the space above the Lingxiao Hall!

"Poses is falling!"

"Who is the moving hand? On the whole earth, it can make the sea **** completely degenerate, even if there is no chance of escape, except that we can only do it by people who have only the church?"

"It shouldn't be. The relationship between the people of the church and the innocent sea is not bad. They will not let Poses fall completely!"

“Is it a **** that has almost fallen and mixed into the earth to restore strength?”

"There is such a possibility, but there is still a possibility that after the Earth War in ancient times, those ancient gods who have the blood of God!"

"The earth's aura has only recovered for more than a decade. Someone can kill the gods. Let's pay attention to it. After all, the earth once was brilliant!"

"It should be a powerful ancient god, because this aura recovery is gradually reviving!"

Ten thousand meters above the Lingxiaobao Temple, several figures talked, and their faces looked solemnly at the position of the Shenhai Palace.

At the same time, at the equator, the huge Vulcan Palace is above!

In the position of the West, standing on the mountain of the sky with the light of the fire!

A wide figure suspended at the top of the pyramid!

One by one, looking at the sky, looking into the direction of the Poseidon Palace!

The fall of Poseidon has filled them with shock!

But when they think about the planet, they are silent again.

Once upon a time, the Earth’s starry forces were born, but in a battle.

The huge earth is now a small ball!

Aura is directly exhausted, even this starry sky is also called the domain of God's abandonment!

For the birth of humans on this planet, and the resurgence of reiki, even if they are gods, it is also very amazing.

The once-defunct planet is happening even with their unpredictable changes!

"God fell, the whole earth, there are two water gods, and the direction of the Pacific Ocean is the sea god, the sea **** is fallen!"

"Scorpio, not long ago, there was a terrible change in the entire ocean. Now it is terrible that the sea **** is falling," it is too horrible!"

"Who did it, is it other gods? God has fallen, and God will fall!"

Compared with the dignity of a group of gods, it is even more shocking for others!

Poseidon is the only **** on earth to move hands.

Just after the advent, the Trident gently waved and covered the attack within a radius of 20 kilometers, directly destroying the Dragon Palace on the seabed.

It is said that the sea **** even did not show the strength of one tenth!

However, nowadays, the sea **** has fallen!

The gods are shocked, the world is shocking!

The whole earth has completely boiled up, and countless people have discussed about the sea god!

Among them, some people look at the direction of the Pacific Ocean with a sly look.

Everyone will not think that the fall of Poseidon is because the Dragon King is back!

For twelve years, the Dragon King has become a memory for them and has been thrown behind.

It’s an embarrassing era, it’s an age of arrogance!

At the same time, in the position of the Shenhai Palace, the disciples of the entire Shenhai Palace felt the change of the heavens and the earth, and saw that the Kingdom of God was slowly swallowed up, and each face also showed a desperate look!

"No, no, don't kill us, don't devour us!"

The horrified pleading sounds, Wang Xian has no slight fluctuations!

"The Dragon Palace has swallowed up the water attribute of the Kingdom of God, and it is still worse than the golden woods, the darkness and the light of the seven gods, and it will be able to upgrade the ranks!"

The **** god of the dragon **** has been swallowed up by the Dragon Palace, which is the second.

The reign of God is the material of the promotion of the Dragon Palace, and the strongest of the Poseidon Palace becomes the resource for the members of the Dragon Palace to upgrade!

"The law of the universe, the weak meat!"

Wang Xian’s face stood there without fluctuations.

Both sides are enemies, not you are dead, or I am dead!

The Shenhai Palace was slowly swallowed up!

Some of the aquarium's bodies directly turned into dragons into his body, but unfortunately the sea gods do not belong to the aquarium!

Otherwise, engulfing a god's energy can make his dragon's energy improve a lot!

However, at this moment, in the Dragon Pool of the Dragon Palace, a large amount of dragon blood flows out from the dragon mouth on the nine dragon pillars!

The huge dragon blood makes the turtles in the Dragon Palace slightly stunned!

With so many dragon blood, you can make a leader in the Dragon Palace advance to the realm!

"Yu Xingmu, you enter the dragon pool, advanced into a god!"

The turtles hesitated and shouted the comet wood!

The potential of Xingmulong is bigger than other dragon species!

Once they become gods, the fire attribute will recover, with two attributes, for the dragon palace dragon peak!

(End of this chapter)

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