Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1825: Kogami Koyama Ancient Ground

Chapter 1825, Ancient God, Ancient Mountain, Ancient Land


On the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the Poseidon Palace, which once occupied a thousand kilometers, was slowly swallowed up!

Standing at the bottom of the ocean, Megatron is surrounded by the sea, and the holy place of the water property practitioners is gradually being erased!

When the last screams came to an abrupt end, the whole space shook, as if the Qingming was restored!

The entire sea area did not shed any traces.

In the center of the former Poseidon Palace, Wang Xian was suspended there!

敖剑敖 Qitian they flew to his left and right!

The magic fifteen devils on the side looked at this scene with a shocked face. They opened their eyes and filled with an incredible look.

Just now, they witnessed the destruction of a kingdom of God and witnessed the fall of a god.

Their Dragon King, except for the last moment to summon the mysterious and horrible palace, never shot again!

Even, you don't need Dragon King to shoot, the Dragon Palace's strongman can kill Poseidon!

The power of the Dragon King is something they will never think of!

"Our invincible Dragon King is back!"

The fifteenth and the devil six looked at each other and their faces looked excited!

"Longmen disciple, see the Dragon King!"

The two did not hesitate to bow down directly into the ocean and shouted loudly.


Wang Xian looked at them and smiled faintly.

On the earth, after the Dragon Palace was completely raised, the Dragon Gate gradually declined, and he did not manage the disciples of Longmen!

Now I look at the loyal shackles of my men who are more than a decade ago, and I feel a little in my heart!

"Get up!"

Wang Xian’s hands are scornful, and the powerful force makes them stand up directly!

"Go to Jiangcheng, say while walking!"

He said to two disciples.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The two nodded respectfully.

With a wave of swords and arms, two swords appeared at their feet, and five people flew directly to the sea!

"Oh la la!"

When they flew out of the water, the sound of heavy rain passed!

The whole world seems to be completely covered by heavy rain. The ordinary people can't see the place even five or six meters away.

"No, they are out!"

"Fortunately, Xiaoye, my heaven and earth occultation is also very powerful in this starry sky, even if it is a strong god, it is difficult to find Xiaoye!"

"Is the young man in the center who just killed the sea god? It seems that it is not the other four forces. Nima, all the people in the entire Shenhai Palace will be destroyed. One will not stay, this is a monk!"

"Is it the same as me? Aura recovers a drop of blood that is now resurrected? Impossible, Xiaoye I think I am very good, but I have just touched the threshold of the demigod in just over a decade!"

At this moment, in a hidden corner of Wang Xian, 20 kilometers away, a young man is hiding in the rain.

He looked at Wang Xian and everyone, and his mouth kept muttering.

It is said that the art high is daring, and when the situation occurs in the Shenhai Palace, he directly rushed over.

Just seeing Wang Xian, they came out of this scene.

For this young man standing in the center and able to destroy the sea god, his face is full of surprises.

"It seems that Xiaoye should be careful in the future, or be a sly second generation, hehe!"

The young man smiled and his body flickered, ready to escape in the distance.


Suddenly, however, the young man sensed that the young man’s gaze looked over here.

"Oops, was discovered, how is this possible, Xiaoye, my secret voyage in this starry sky is also the top hidden means, even if the eternal God is not necessarily able to find, **** it!"

The young man suddenly jumped his brow and looked at the dull gaze, almost scaring the urine.

He turned in horror and fled toward the rear.


However, when he turned around, he hit an indestructible invisible wall!

This makes the face of the youth change!

Inductive to the rear of the gaze, his face changed dramatically.

"Big brother, this big brother, the younger brother just passed by, the younger brother just passed by!"

"I don't have any other meaning. I want my eldest brother to let go of my younger brother. I will see my older brother in the future. The younger brother must walk around!"

"Big brother is forgiving! Hey!"

Under the change of youth, the sigh of sighing directly in the void, shouting loudly and crying!

Nima, the master in front of him has destroyed the sea god, and the disciple of Shenhai Palace does not stay, he is peeping here, maybe the monk is going to kill him!

He has been quiet on the earth for more than ten thousand years, and he finally recovered from the resurgence of aura. He does not want to die!

If he dies again, he will be hard to resurrect!

He shouted in front of his face and shouted forward, his face full of looks!

Twenty kilometers away, Wang Xian looked up and down the young man. It seems that he is not very old, but he has the strength of being close to the demigod (Wan Shou is called the demigod on earth, and later called the demigod)!

The most important thing is that Wang Xian discovered that this young man has some kind of divinity, the kind of energy that only God can have!

Looking at the eyes of Wang Xian, the youth trembled, this Nima is not going to kill himself!

"Big brother, forgive me!"

The young man again begged for mercy.


In the distant position, Wang Xian saw that the young man was so begging for mercy, smiled faintly, and said to the sword.

Turning around, the five people quickly flew towards the east.

"Call, what kind of **** is that young man? He seems to have a horrible technique, and his strength is terrible!"

"Grass, the battle of more than tens of thousands of years ago, has fallen too many gods, I don't know which guys have shed their blood!"

The young people saw Wang Xian, they left, and wiped the raindrops on their foreheads.

These raindrops are mixed with his cold sweat.

"Sliding away!"

He was in a shape and quickly flew away in a distant position.

About a hundred kilometers or so, a huge yacht was parked in the sea.

The yacht is not as old as it was on the earth, and it is full of strange lines.

On the side of the yacht, the four characters of Shenfeng Group are written!

"Young Master, you are finally back, worried that we are dead!"

The youth flew over, and more than a dozen well-dressed middle-aged men on the yacht shouted toward the youth with anxious faces!

"Okay, my little brother, what can I do!"

The young man stood up slightly and waved his hand at them with pride.

The pride and the glory are reflected in him.

It seems that I was there, and I kept shouting for mercy, not him!

If other people on the planet see the ship, they will be able to recognize it at a glance!

Shenfeng Group, one of the three major pharmaceutical companies in the East!

The young man is the famous young master of the Shenfeng Group. Nowadays, the top two richest generations in the East!

Their pharmaceutical business has already achieved the Lingxiao Hall!

(End of this chapter)

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