Chapter 1841 in the history of dust seals

The Longmen disciple once fought for him. Now his strength is strong, and naturally he has to help his former men.

What's more, to help a group of people, it is just a little effort for him.

The magical Yuan went out to call the disciples of Longmen, and the magical dragon stood aside and turned to Wang Xian to keep talking about everything that happened in recent years.

Including the changes of the earth, including some friends and relatives of Wang Xian!

Li Jie, who was married 14 or 5 years ago, is now 13 or 4 years old.

Wang Xian’s only registered disciple was accepted as a disciple of Ling Xiao Bao Dian at the beginning of Ling Xiao Bao Dian’s arrival.

The former Huang Tianxianmen Ling Zongzhu were also included in the Lingxiaobao Hall.

Magic Blue Dragon said, brewing a cup of tea for Wang Xian, Wang Xian quietly sitting there listening.

In the position of the side, Yao female quietly sat on the side watching the flowers.

However, her heart was very shocked.

She was not shocked by the other, but the emerald green branches that the flowers were holding.

Her hand touched the branches, and a vast wood of vitality and sharpness was introduced into her body. Even she was sure that she would be able to make a breakthrough as soon as she was now practicing and relying on this branch.

Even if she holds this branch for a long time, her strength can reach a terrible level.

"A single hand can kill the Son of God, kill the demigod, and buy a half-god pet egg to eat food for your daughter!"

"The vast pressure of the vastness, the ability to send people to the outside with a single wave, what kind of existence is he? Dragon Palace? Dragon King?"

The Yao girl was sitting on the side of her heart and twirling. Hearing their words, he did not think of the names of Dragon Palace and Dragon King.

She would like to check it out on her mobile phone, but sitting here, she really didn't dare.

This mysterious dragon king in front of her makes her feel powerful.

"Grandpa, what happened to Xiaozhi? Did you take him to worship the old man?"

At the same time, however, in the most central location of the ancient land, it is also the place of the Song Group.

Next to the Song Group Building, a luxurious villa.

When Song Lao took his grandson into the villa, a woman came over and saw Grandpa and his brother, a slight glimpse, and quickly went over!

"Nothing, this kid is owed to discipline!"

Song Lao shook his head. He had already investigated the injury of his grandson. He did not hurt the roots, but he might have to stun for a day or two.

"Grandpa, who hurts Xiaozhi, is the old man? Hey, this is too much to give me Song Hanyu face. This time, if Feiyu did not ask the predecessors of Lingxiaobao Temple, how could I let Xiaozhi worship? He is a teacher?"

Song Hanyu said with a frost, the body exudes the temperament of a strong woman!

"Well, with jade, this thing will pass!"

Song Lao shook his head and said quietly.

"Well? Grandpa!"

Song Hanyu saw his grandfather's face serious and also converges on his temperament.

For Grandpa, even if her strength is now stronger than her grandfather, her heart is still full of respect and fear.

"When tomorrow, I will take you to visit someone!"

Song Lao looked at his granddaughter, was slim, and his body was good. His face was also a big beauty. He suddenly felt a move and said.

"Visit a person?"

Song Hanyu was slightly different, followed by frowning: "Grandpa, I am afraid that these two days will not work. Han Feiyu and a few disciples who are in the Lingxiaobao Temple come over. I have to entertain them these days, and they cannot do without it!"

"Grandpa, I am going out to meet them now!"

"The disciple of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, you should push it first tomorrow, first visit me with a person, just say it!"

Song Lao sank a bit, still strong, and walked toward the villa room.


Song Hanyu opened his mouth slightly and his brow was locked.

She found that today's grandfather is a bit strange. She used to talk to her in the past. Why is it today?

But still can't let her think, the phone's ringing sounds, she looked at the name above, immediately smiled and took it, and quickly went outside.



When Song Lao entered the villa, a servant saw him holding Song Shanzhi and hurriedly greeted him.

"Well, put Xiaozhi in the room!"

Song Laofu kept thinking about some problems in his expressionless mind and went to the chair in the room to sit down.

"According to this Taiwan report, the world is sorrowful, the ocean is changing, the downpour is raining without warning. It is suspected that there is a godly degeneration. According to our mythical Taiwan reporters, it is possible to determine an amazing news after going deep into the Pacific Ocean!"

"The Shenhai Palace disappeared on the bottom of the sea. Some of the sorrowful sorrows of the Shenhaigong disciples were over the ocean. Now it is almost certain that the **** of the sea is fallen, the degeneration of a god, this is..."

Suddenly, a message was broadcast on the TV that was turned on in front, causing Song Lao to suddenly raise his head and stare at the report on TV.

His face changed slightly and immediately took out his mobile phone to open the forum.

"The world is shaking, Poseidon has been determined to fall, and the Poseidon Palace has disappeared!"

"The fall of the gods, the fall of the sea god, the sorrow of the heavens and the earth, which **** is killing it?"

"According to speculation, the death of Poseidon should not be done by the other four forces. Can we have a strong person who can kill the gods?"

Song Lao looked at a post, turned it on and looked at it one by one, his face changed.

"Shocked, Yaohu ancient land at the east gate was shocked by the gods, 300 million Shangpin Lingshi to buy the half-god-level pet eggs for the daughter to eat!"

"The gods are born, this is the strongest in the end, the daughter said to be half-god pet eggs, buy it at hand, the daughter said to eat, cook it directly, with photos!"

"After the sea gods are falling behind, it is suspected that the gods of Lingxiaobao Temple have fallen, and the mystery of the celestial arrogance of nine days."

In countless posts about the fall of Poseidon, there are two more topic posts that are more eye-catching.

Song Lao hesitated a bit, and opened it casually, but when he saw the post that the gods were born, he took a deep breath after looking at the pictures inside.

Although the picture only has the back, only the back, but he can be 100% sure at a glance, that is, the Dragon King and his party!

"When the Dragon King appears, the sea **** will fall, wave the purchase of a half-god pet to the daughter to eat food, and the **** of the fallen in the ancient pool of Yaochi!"

"Everything is coincidental, or..."

Song Lao slammed his mouth and felt his strength now, his face showing an excited look.

His body trembled slightly, relying on a heavy vomiting in the chair.

In my mind, the history of the dusty seal of the Dragon King, the opening of the scene, the clear reappearance of the scene!

(End of this chapter)

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