Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1842: Under the dusty history

Chapter 1842 under the history of dust seals

"Hug, Dad hug!"

On the top floor of the magic blue dragon's villa, two little hoes ran to the ground with bare feet on the ground.

The Yao woman behind is licking the branches of the gods, followed by the back!

"Well, take a shower, go to your room and sleep, what is your sister?"

Wang Xian looked at the two little guys who had just showered, touched their heads and said to them.

"No, Dad hugs!"


The two little guys stretched out their arms and looked at him with their big, watery eyes.


Facing two such lovely daughters, Wang Xian’s heart is also very soft, holding one hand and holding them in his arms.

"Hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Wang Xian sat in the chair and placed them on his lap.

When he talked with the magical dragon, he used to take a lot of food, but unfortunately the two little guys didn’t eat at all!

"Eat, eat delicious!"

The flower patted his hand and said with a small foot.

"Good, I will show you what is here to eat!"

Wang Xian took out the space ring and looked at it. He had some fruits at the level of the hole and the level of the demigod.

In addition to these, there are some meats, the meat of the superb mainland dragons, all of which are semi-god-level, but also precious.

Eating these foods is of great benefit to ordinary people.

In addition, he also obtained a lot of resources and treasures from the Shenhai Palace, the most precious is the Tiansui water.

A very viscous liquid with enormous energy, which is a valuable treasure for water cultivators.

This kind of medullary water is more than a dozen kilograms, belonging to the treasures of the gods.

Secondly, there are many kinds of treasures, such as treasures and spirits.

"You are sitting here first!"

Wang Xian gave them a little pour water, and took a piece of dragon dragon meat to roast!

"Adult, I... I will feed the little princesses!"

The Yao woman standing on the side walked over and asked respectfully.

"Well, okay, come and feed the flowers, I will feed you!"

Wang Xian nodded and gave her food!

"I want to feed, I want to feed!"

The flower shouted.


Wang Xian smiled, two little girls, a naughty, a lady.

The relationship between the two sisters is too big!

The Yao woman took the food and felt the strong energy fluctuations from the above, and the heart was very shocked.

Especially the liquid in the cup that exudes the light of the gods, so she couldn't help but swallow a spit!

After feeding the two little guys, they soon got sleepy.

Wang Xian and Yao women put them on the bed!

"You take care of them in the room, nothing can be done with the gods!"

Wang Xian looked at the Yao girl standing on the side and said to her.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Yao woman shouted in a respectful and respectful manner, her eyes filled with excitement.

She also couldn't think of her arrogant woman in the sky, and she became like a maid in a day!


Wang Xian nodded and walked outside.

He is not worried that the two little hoes will be in danger. There are two stars on the head, and there is no **** to shoot. Others can't hurt them.

Wang Xian came to the living room and opened the computer on the desk.

Today's computers are completely different from the previous ones, and they are more high-tech.

Open the forum that Yao Yao told me today, he looked at the information above.

When I saw a post in the forum, my face showed a faint smile.

The entire forum, 70% is the post of Poseidon, 15% is the post of mysterious Shenhao, and 15% is the post of God's fallen.

Every post is related to him.

He skipped these new posts and looked at the old posts, but he also looked at it with relish.

Feeling and reading the novel before!

When Wang Xian looked at the post on the forum, in the room inside, Yao women did not have the first time to practice.

Even if she was next to her, she was so powerful that she felt so powerful.

At this point, she took out her cell phone and curiously searched for a message.

Dragon Palace, Dragon King!

Two keywords!

When one message appeared, her face was amazed.

Later, her face slowly showed a shocked look.

"These are true and false? Is the memory of some of the above people true? This..."

She opened her eyes slightly, her eyes filled with a shocking look.

The transformation of the earth, the computer has ushered in tremendous reforms, the previous computer was abandoned.

Today's computers, information is in recent years.

But in the Encyclopedia, there are still some people who enter the information.

Among them is the Dragon Palace, about the Dragon King!

“Some people over the age of 30 and 40 should know what the words of the Dragon King mean. I finally know why I am familiar with this name!”

"It turns out that the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace for more than a decade is the overlord of the earth, the invincible existence!"

Yao woman muttered in the mouth, watching all the deeds about the Dragon King, his face full of shock and awe.

"Follow him for the time being!"

Yao Yao gave up the last thought in her heart to escape, enviously looked at the flowers on the bed, and followed her eyes and stared at the branches of God.

The night passed quickly, and Wang Xian was watching all kinds of materials overnight and didn't sleep.

However, in the early morning, one by one excited face entered the villa.

Forty-seven people, plus a total of forty-nine dragons in the magical and magical dragons.

Originally, the Magic Blue Dragon was fifty-one dragons, and two died in the middle.

"See the Dragon King!"

When Wang Xian came to the downstairs of the villa, forty-nine dragons immediately fell to the ground and shouted loudly.

"Get up!"

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over them, waving his face with a smile, and a powerful force that allowed them to stand up directly.

He did it on the sofa and saw faces!

For more than ten years, some are fathers, with a trace of charity and vicissitudes!

The strength of the dragon man is not very strong. Only the magical dragon and the magical dragon are at the level of the hole.

The rest of the dragon disciples, the strength is mostly in the extraordinary seventh order to the extraordinary peak, placed on the earth today, still a good strong.

Only those who have gained a chance are better than them.

"I used to let you surrender with blood, and you have the blood of the dragon! It is impossible to change!"

"However, my blood power was too weak at the time, too thin, and I will reward you once again!"

Wang Xian said, with a wave of his arm, a drop of dragon blood with powerful energy flew toward them.

At that time, his blood energy was too weak and too weak. If a group of dragons absorbed his blood again, the strength could be greatly improved.

This is also the reward of Wang Xian for the last ten years of a group of dragons!

Also let them have a foothold!

(End of this chapter)

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