Chapter 1859 House Banquet 2

"How can the demon of the semi-god level appear in the city, this... If the monsters in the bottom of the valley come out, this weak planet is completely chaotic!"

"The fall of Poseidon, the disappearance of the Shenhai Palace, the death of the Son of God, plus the information sent by the brothers in the Temple of Lingxiaobao just over a hundred days, will be killed, how do I feel that this earth is getting more and more chaotic !"

On the street in front of Tianda Square, seven or eight young men and women stood on the street below. They looked at the horrible monsters hovering in the sky and their faces changed.

In the last few days, there have been too many things that have shocked the world.

Especially at the time, they learned a message in the group of young people in their Lingxiao Hall.

More than a hundred Tianbing days will be killed by the mysterious powerhouse.

Among them, everyone is still talking about this, and many people have also sent many photos.

In the photo, there are pictures of Tianbingtian who will be killed.

This is the Heavenly Soldiers, they are the most powerful legions of the Temple.

Even if it is placed in the innocent star field, it is also a weak force.

However, it has now been killed by mysterious forces and powerful swords.

This made them very shocked.

The strength of all of them is far from the realm of demigod!

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Just then, another rush of voice came, and the faces of the seven or eight people changed slightly.

"Not good, the monster in the sky is going to attack!"

At this moment, a young man in the center of his face changed his face and quickly shouted loudly.

"Not good, the monster in the sky is going to attack!"

"Hurry up and hide!"

A panicked voice came from the surroundings.

I saw the sky, the wings of the thirty-meter-sized horrible monsters swooped down from the sky.

The eyes full of violent bloodthirsty eyes stared down, and the bone wings trembled.


A black bone spear came from the sky.

The bone spear is densely packed, with a total of more than 100,000 tracks, covering an area of ​​forty or fifty kilometers.

"Flee away!"

More fearful voices came from around.

For a moment, the entire city center of Jiangcheng was completely messed up.

The horrible monsters suddenly appeared, and many people were full of horror.

Especially when the bone spear attacked, some people fell to the ground.


At this moment, all the people flashed a metal sound in their minds, and they immediately felt a golden awn around them.

In the center of Jinmang, there is a sturdy metal sword!

"That is!"

When Jin Mang and the metal sword appeared in the moment, on the opposite street, the face of the seven or eight men and women in Ling Xiao Bao Temple changed.

They were shocked and looked over here.

"Touch and touch!"


In the sky, all the bone spears were broken by the golden light, and the sturdy sword directly penetrated the head of the sly monster.

The monster made a cry of fear, and the body fell toward the lower position.

A golden light flashed again, and the body of the beast disappeared!

The shot is naturally a sword!

"The dark demon bird of the fifth **** of the demigod, has there been a thing that the monster has entered the city to attack?"

Wang Xian looked at Yao Yao next to her, asked a little curiously.

"No, no, there has never been such a thing before, all the monsters will stay in the ancient land, never come out!"

Yao woman shook her head and her face was full of surprises.

"What happened? Is it my hallucination? What about the monster? I just felt the golden light flashing in front of me. What happened?"

"Is there a strong man who kills the monster? How is the demon bird gone now?"

There was an amazing sound around.

"The one who just shot is the middle-aged swordsman!"

Opposite the position, eight young men and women stared at the sword and Wang Xian and his eyes.

"That Jin Mang, and the golden sword!"

A few people looked at each other and felt a little familiar!

Wang Xian sensed the gaze here, and glanced at the eight people, looking at the direction of the demon birds flying over!


Vaguely, he sensed the slight movement of the demon birds flying in the direction.

"Flower picks, come, Dad takes you to heaven!"

Wang Xian held a little guy in one hand and walked into the sky in an instant.

Qi Qitian, they immediately followed.

"The group of people?"

On the street, eight young men and women showed doubtful colors on their faces.

A sword, easy to kill the demigod of the fifth god.

Lee sword...

"Which picture was sent in the group? Feiyu, you immediately ask, see if they have more pictures!"

The youth in the center immediately said to a young man.

"Ming Jun brother, you mean the sword."

"Tianfeng City is not far from Jiangcheng, and it can kill a half-god fifth-order monster with a sword. How many of the whole earth can there be?"

"No? That Mingjun brother, we have to report to the leading adults!"

"The other party has left... and we are not sure, the report is useless!"

A group of eight people whispered in a conversation, hesitated and walked toward the landmark building in the center of Jiangcheng.

At the same time, in the sky of 70,000 meters, Wang Xian holds the flowers and children, and the eyes are shining with divine light.

The yin and yang five elements of the Dragonfly stare at the front, where it is the direction of the ocean.

In the past, Wang Xian’s Linhai Villa was located there.

"Wow, hey, we are flying, we are flying!"

There was a flower of excitement coming from the side.

At this moment, Wang Xian, slightly raised a brow.

"The earth is probably going to change!"

He said faintly.

"Transformation? What changes?"

The Yao woman on the side couldn’t help but ask!

"The land is gathering, and in the future the land may be land, the ocean is the ocean!"

Wang Xiankou muttered: "And, there may be other things happening!"

This time, Wang Xian truly witnessed the change of the earth.

Today's earth is being swept away by the gods with a powerful ability and deep into the starry sky.

Now, the bottom shell begins to move.

Wang Xian can sense that the earth is extraordinary.

"The monsters appear, I am afraid this time change is not a good thing for some people!"

He continued to say, frowning slightly.

"The land is gathering, this..."

The Yao woman on the side was slightly wide-eyed, and her eyes were full of shocking colors.


Wang Xian’s face also showed a meditation color.

As soon as the figure was moving, a group of people instantly appeared in the villa of the Magic Blue Dragon.

At this time, a group of dragons and demons and their family gathered in the villa.

"See the Dragon King!"

Seeing the appearance of Wang Xian, a group of dragons quickly bowed.

The wife and son of Mou Jiu and his father-in-law also hurriedly bowed.

"Qinglong, find a place tomorrow, call them all together!"

Wang Xian nodded to them and ordered the magic dragon.

He was originally prepared to gather for two days, and now he has discovered that the earth has changed and the beasts are infested.

It’s time to get together with them!

(End of this chapter)

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