Chapter 1860 Family Banquet 3

This time, the blue-green moon and the beautiful girls did not follow him to the earth.

Wang Xian was originally prepared to bring their loved ones to the extraordinary continent.

As the Earth changes, he is ready to ask their thoughts, whether or not to go to the extraordinary continent to avoid it.

"It's Dragon King, let me know them!"

Magic Green Dragon nodded.

"Right, how is the situation at Ajia Ya's home now?"

Wang Xian asked the magical side of the side.

"Dragon King, the royal family where Ajia Yalong is located has no problem at all. In their area, the Dragon Family family now seems to be quite big!"

Mo Yuan replied!


Wang Xian nodded and glanced at Zou Mou Jiu and his family: "There may be changes in the earth. All the dragons will move their homes to Jiangcheng and settle here in the future!"

"It is the Dragon King!"

A group of dragons nodded immediately and respectfully.

"Magic Nine, this is the child, the little guy talent is very good!"

Wang Xian looked at the son of Devil Nine, said with a face!

"Happy, don't come to see the Dragon King!"

Mou Jiu quickly said to his son.

"See the Dragon King!"

I am willing to kneel on the ground immediately.

"Get up, give you a small gift, and practice it in the future!"

Wang Xianqu refers to a bomb, and a sword that exudes a radiance rises in front of him.

"This sword can accompany you for a long time, and you don't have to change it before the gods!"

He said with a smile.

"Thank you Dragon King!"

I am willing to look at the sword that exudes a faint magical spirit in front of me, and my eyes are excited.

"A strong sword, and it is still a growing weapon!"

Yao woman stood on the side and looked at her envious face.

"Thank you Dragon King!"

Devil's father-in-law also thanked him quickly.

"No need to!"

Wang Xian shook his head and waved his arm. An armor made with the superb dragon dragon scale appeared!

"This piece is given to the devil's wife, and the attack under the demigod is completely ineffective!"

He said, throw it away directly!

"Thank you Dragon King!"

The wife of Mou Jiu also quickly sensed.

Wang Xian smiled and walked upstairs.

"Dragon King, this is a treasure that is obtained by killing Tianfeng Tianjiao, some extraordinary!"

When I came upstairs, Qi Qitian handed over the blue wooden box.


He took it and looked at it. After opening the box, his face was a little surprised.

This box alone is extraordinary, at least the material of the semi-god peak level.

Open inside, a handle-sized sword with a handle is hidden inside.

His finger flicked, and the sword flew out of the sword box and immediately became bigger, with a horrible wind!

"This treasure is really extraordinary!"

Wang Xian looked at it, his palm moved, and the five elements of the big grind appeared in his hands.

Since the rapid improvement of Wang Xian, the five elements of the big mill now can not keep up with his promotion, and now it seems a bit tasteless.

He placed the sword box on the five rows of big mills, and the five dragons on it immediately swallowed it.

Wang Xian’s palm moved, and the five dragons opened their mouths and spit out a handle.

"The wind attribute, although it does not match the five elements of the big mill, but it can also enhance some strength!"

He said faintly.


"Song Lao, tomorrow, Dragon King is going to call all friends and relatives to hold a family dinner and prepare the banquet hall on the top floor of your Song's Mansion!"

After the magic blue dragon walked out of the villa, he immediately began to prepare for the house feast tomorrow.

Today, the Song family has the greatest strength in Jiangcheng, and some things are easier to handle!

"Good, dear, you can rest assured, this matter is handed over to me!"

"To the devil, the dragon king said that he was looking for a place to live. I found several places and found a good place. When do you want to see the dragon king!"

Song Lao said with a happy face.

"Okay, trouble you, Song Lao, I will tell the Dragon King!"

"No trouble, no trouble!"

Song Lao said quickly.

"Dragon King wants to prepare a feast, it seems that I have to prepare for it!"

Hanging up the phone of the magic blue dragon, Song Laokou muttered, and immediately walked toward the center of the Song Group Building.

Tomorrow's party, be sure to order!

In Jiangcheng, the blue family, Xuejia, Weijia, and Qin family members quickly got news from the magical dragon.

The Dragon King is back, ready to entertain them!

This made all the people in the big families in Jiangcheng look stunned.

Among them, only the Blue family learned that the Dragon King was still alive a few days ago, and everyone else thought that Wang Xian had fallen!

The Lan family and the Guan family thought that their daughter was killed by the sea **** along with the dragon king, but did not think that the dragon king was still alive.

This makes the faces of several big families in Jiangcheng look excited!

They are a family, and when the Dragon King is still there, it is brilliant.

With the destruction of the Dragon Palace by the sea gods at the time, their families gradually declined.

There are even enemies of the Dragon King who secretly deal with them.

This made them basically retired in order to protect themselves, and all settled in Jiangcheng.

Their family has no longer glory.

Even in Jiangcheng, when Jiangcheng suddenly appeared in an ancient place, it was also because of the rise of a small Song family in Jiangcheng. Since then, the Jiangcheng Song family has respected it.

They face the Song family today, and they respect the same as the Song family in the past.

Although the Song family is not bad for them, it is also a 30-year-old Hexi in the 30 years of Hedong, whose identity has changed completely!

"I didn't expect Wang Xian's younger brother to be alive, just be alive, just be alive!"

Wei Jia Nei, married to the Wei family's Li Jie and Zhang Shu Zhang Yu, they got a happy look on the face after getting the news.

They are looking at Wang Xian Xiao Yu, they are also the only relatives of Wang Xian, even if there is no blood relationship.

"The Dragon King is still alive and is back, but the world has changed!"

Li's wife's family, the father-in-law Wei Qingguo and her mother-in-law sat aside, and the eyes were slightly surprised, but they frowned and said.

When Xiaoli married their Wei family, it was not very pleasant for them!

However, they were very satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Their Wei family was very popular because of the Dragon King, but also because of the Dragon King.

For Dragon King, Wei Qingguo is the most complicated!

"Although the world has changed, it is no longer the world of the Dragon King, but after all, it is Xiaoli and their relatives. We will pass tomorrow. The dead camel is bigger than Ma, and the Dragon King is weaker than the Lingxiao Hall. Ordinary people still can't compare, this time in the Song Dynasty Group's banquet hall to hold a feast, you can see one or two!"

Li Jie’s husband, Wei Zhiwen, said on the side.


Wei Qingguo, they nodded!

This is a feast for the family feast, they naturally have to go!

In other families, a lot of people are very surprised by the return of the Dragon King.

Just as the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, the dragon king is not as good as the Lingxiao Hall, but the ordinary forces should be compared with it!

(End of this chapter)

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