Chapter 1861 Family Banquet 4

The sun and the moon change, the family changes!

Wang Xian’s banquet invited the family of Lanjiawei’s family to not cause much sensation in Jiangcheng.

"More than a hundred Heavenly Soldiers will be slaughtered by mysterious forces in Tianfeng City. What forces are dare to openly challenge the Lingbao Hall?"

"Some cities along the coast have been attacked by some monsters, killing more than a million people, and Tianbingtian will be dispatched to kill the beast!"

“There was information from the Western continent, and they were horrified to discover that the entire western continent is approaching the eastern continent!”

"It's the crustal movement, or the earth's re-transformation, the land on the mainland is beginning to change!"

In the evening, Wang Xian is not easy to pick up the flowers, sitting in front of the computer to view a message.

As Wang Xian expected, the earth changed.

Moreover, this time the change, Wang Xian has a hunch, then, the earth may not be so calm now.

This may not be a good thing for most people.

But for a small group of people, this may be a huge opportunity.

"I don't know what kind of existence the earth used to be. After the recovery of Reiki, such a huge change can happen!"

Wang Xiankou muttered, his eyes sparkling, after reading some information, went into the room to rest for a while.

The next morning, Wang Xian was woken up by two little guys.

Today's flowers are not very fast, and they are wrapped around Wang Xian to play with them!

"Dragon King, I have already informed the Blue House of their family yesterday that the banquet was held in the banquet hall of the Song Group Building!"

“The Song Group’s banquet hall is the best guest house in Jiangcheng. At noon today, everyone should arrive on time!”

"Just now, Song Lao called and told me that the villa has been found, Dragon King, you have personally looked at it, do you still need to check it out?"

Not long after, the magic blue dragon came in and reported to Wang Xianhui.

"Well, you can go see the villa, you can do it!"

Wang Xian nodded and said to the magic green dragon.

"It's Dragon King, I'm going to look at it now!"

Mo Qinglong nodded and immediately went out.

"Hey, where are we going to play, where are we going to play!"

At this time, the sound of the flower next to it came.

"Don't be so playful, let's take you to eat delicious at noon!"

Wang Xian touched her head and said with a smile.

The time passed slowly. At the Song Group, the family of the Lanjiaguan family arrived early in advance and walked toward the Song Group Ballroom.

The staff who had been arranged by Song Lao were received in the banquet hall.

People from one family come, there are old people and children, and they are relatively familiar with each other.

Qin Lao and Xue Lao, a group of old people gathered together to talk, talking about the upcoming Dragon King, is also awkward, his face full of expectations.

They have not met for more than a decade.

The years have not left too many traces of time on their faces, the reiki has recovered, and the practice of cultivation has greatly extended their life.

Compared with a lot of old people, there are many more teenagers, one by one, and the teenagers are more than a dozen.

Li Jie's children, Xue Jing's children, and the Blue House Qin family and so on their new Ding!

When everyone gathers together, it is also very lively.

"Go away and eat delicious food!"

Time slowly approached noon, in the villa of Magic Blue Dragon, the sound of two little guys sounded.

Wang Xian took two little guys to the center of the city, behind them, a group of dragons followed.

"The masters of Ling Xiaobao Temple suddenly sent an urgent message, we have to go back!"

At this moment, in the building of the Song Group, a group of ten people sat in a luxurious office.

A middle-aged young man took out his mobile phone and saw the information sent by his master, frowning slightly!

"I got it too!"

"We have also received it. We have just come out to play. So I am so anxious to let us go back, is it related to what happened recently?"

A young man next to him also took out his mobile phone, some surprised.

"Ah? Feiyu, you left so soon!"

In the office, Song Hanyu heard that they had to leave their face to change slightly, and immediately stood up and asked in surprise!

"Well, I didn't think it was so sudden, I am afraid I can't stay here more!"

Han Feiyu also frowned slightly, helplessly said!

"Is this going?"

Song Hanyu is slightly disappointed!

"Song girl, thank you for your hospitality this time, wait for next time, next time we must stay here for a few more days!"

A young man next to him said with a smile.

"Would you like a few big brothers, now it’s noon, eat a meal and go, you shouldn’t be in a hurry!”

Song Shanzhi quickly came over and said with a smile.

"Yeah Feiyu brother, a few brothers and sisters, you have not played well, always eat well, I am preparing for Jiangcheng this generation's most generous food!"

"You know the food on earth!"

Song Hanyu’s invitation to smile.

"Well, Ming Jun brother?"

The young man named Han Feiyu looked at the young man in the center.

"Song girl is so passionate, then let's have a lunch and go!"

The young man smiled and nodded.

"Okay, our Song Group banquet hall is on the top floor, Feiyu brother, let's go first, you can look at the entire river city on the top floor!"

Song Hanyu said with a smile on his face and stood up and led the way to them.

"it is good!"

A group of people followed, and took the elevator to the top.

“Several big brothers, the ballroom of our Song Group, is the most luxurious banquet hall in Jiangcheng. It gathers the most delicious ingredients and chefs of Jiangcheng generation, and will definitely satisfy you!”

Song Shanzhi said to them all the way to them!

"The talent of Xiaozhi's younger brother is not bad. The last time I wanted the master to accept him as a disciple. At that time, the master was not satisfied with my cultivation, so I did not agree!"

"But I have already broken through recently. I recently mentioned it with the master. The problem should not be great!"

"If you agree with jade, the master will be even more happy!"

Han Feiyu looked at Song Shanzhi and smiled and said to Song Hanyu whispered.


Song Hanyu’s face was slightly fascinating, but he frowned slightly: “But if I joined Lingxiaobao Temple, I still need Grandpa to agree that I can let Xiaozhi join for now!”

"Well, yes!"

Han Feiyu nodded to her slightly.

Song Hanyu saw that he stared at himself, his face was slightly red, and he could not help but speed up the pace.

"I will go first and let the chef prepare!"

She said, walking quickly, Song Shanzhi is also full of excitement to follow.

"You can fly Feiyu, this girl has talent for talent, face to face!"

A few young people next to Han Feiyu squinted.

This made him a little proud of his pride!


In the banquet hall on the top floor of the Song Group, when Song Hanyu walked in, he gave a slight glimpse!

(End of this chapter)

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