Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1870: Ling Xiao’s disciple

Chapter 1870, the disciples of Ling Xiao

The Dragon Palace absorbed a dark state of the gods, and Wang Xian in Jiangcheng first felt it.

Once the members of the Dragon Palace become gods, the dragon caves they own will be turned into the gods of the Dragon Palace disciples.

Their kingdom of God can fly out of the Dragon Palace. Similarly, they can get the items and send them directly to the Dragon Palace.

The stronger the members of the Dragon Palace, the higher the quality of the Dragon Palace.

In the future, Wang Xian will ignite the fire, and after the Dragon Palace advances, the Dragon Palace will be completely transformed into his kingdom.

At that time, he can summon the Dragon Palace in an instant.


The war that shakes the entire planet is still erupting.

Compared with the beginning, in the western and southern parts of the earth, there was a very terrible battle.

One by one, the darkness and the ancient land slowly appeared. A powerful and invincible demon **** flew out from the inside and attacked the Lingxiao Hall, the Church, the Pyramid and the Vulcan Palace.

The gods who are high above, shot against a demon.

In just a few hours, the whole earth seems to be shaking.

Not long after, the location of the ocean, there was a mourning between the heavens and the earth, and the whole ocean was dark!

At that moment, all the gods on the whole earth looked at them in unison.

There is actually a **** who killed the evil demon that rushed out of the ancient land.

In an instant, the face of the gods was amazed.

In the banquet hall of the Song Group, Wang Xian, they all looked at the sky.

With Wang Xian’s yin and yang five elements, they can clearly see their battle.

"Now the Internet has burst out, the ancient land that exudes evil atmosphere has already appeared five, and some evil ancient land directly rushed out of the horrible evil monster!"

"But what makes everyone sigh of relief is that those powerful and invincible demon gods do not attack the human city, but attack the land of the gods!"

Next to the location, Xue Laoqin was always talking on the side.

"Unless the gods of several powerful forces can completely suppress those evil ancient places, if there is no demon **** attacking the human city, there will be other dark monsters in the ancient land attack!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed and said on the side.

"Your strength is still too weak, give you some medicinal herbs, you use them to cultivate, in addition, Xue Laoqin Lao Lijie Zhang Shu, give you some treasures!"

His eyes glanced at everyone in the hall, his arm waved, and a bottle of precious medicinal herbs and weapons appeared in front of them!

"With these medicinal herbs, your strength can be improved quickly. Song family. Over the past few years, your Song family has had no success. Song Lao, your strength, I also helped you improve, giving you some weapons!"

Wang Xian said, looking at Song Qingshi and sweeping through the Song family.

"Your talent is good, but unfortunately your legs have been attacked by the power of the gods, but the bottom is not bad!"

Wang Xian’s eyes fell on the girl in a wheelchair, her arms waved, and a powerful wooden life fell on her body.

Her legs grew out quickly.


Wang Xian’s palm moved, and the gods in the hands of Yao’s hands tapped towards her.

A vast amount of wood energy is injected into the girl's body.

The girl's face was excited and she felt the energy that entered her body. She immediately closed her eyes and absorbed it quickly.

She had the opportunity to get a huge chance with her sister, but because she was suddenly in danger, she couldn’t escape, and she didn’t get the chance, but lost her legs!

Even after the Song family had found her to take the remedy for rehabilitated limbs, it didn't have any effect!

She has the cultivation of her own, and she is improved from the extraordinary level.

Today, Wang Xian, although controlling the Yin and Yang Five Elements in the body, but because of the ancestral tree, his wood properties are the most powerful.

The energy of a strand of wood, accompanied by some of the characteristics of the branches of the gods, is instilled in the girl's body.

Soon, her strength came directly to the peak of the hole!

It seems easy, but Wang Xian also consumes a lot of energy.

Even if it is a god, it is rare to force a person's strength in such a way.

Wang Xiannian has made meritorious deeds in the Song family and helped them to promote a strong man in the Song family.

"Frost thank you Dragon King, thank you Dragon King!"

"The Song family thanked the Dragon King for his gift!"

Song Hanshuang opened his eyes and was excited and excited to worship Wang Xian.

Song Qingshi, they are also very excited to kneel down, thank you loudly.

"This is what you deserve!"

Wang Xian smiled faintly!


At this moment, Song Hanyu and Song Shanzhi saw that the upper part of their sister's leg was instantly cured, and the strength was raised to the peak of the hole.

They showed an envious look in their eyes.

If we didn't provoke the Dragon King, is it our gift?

A thought appears in their minds!

Unfortunately, there is no regret in this world, and there is no such thing.

"Golden Ming Day!"

Just then, a voice full of endless majesty came from the sky!


Wang Xian looked into the sky, a huge golden sunburst shot hundreds of millions of Jinmang, and went to the bottom of the demon **** that seemed to be shrouded in the abyss.

At this moment, Jin Mang illuminated a radius of more than 100,000 kilometers.

"Would you fight to the end!"

Wang Xian’s heart is dark.

The billions of golden awns fell in the abyss of the demon gods, and the entire country of God was immediately pierced.


A screaming sound began to sound, and the demon **** fled in the darkness of the darkness.

"Bee, leave me!"

The golden swords of hundreds of kilometers condensed and attacked the dark monsters who fled.


Another scream came.

In the sight of Wang Xian, a huge incomparable wing was cut off.

However, the demon **** was not killed, but fled into the ancient land below.

"It's a pity that the **** of Ling Xiao Bao Dian is still weak!"

Wang Xian’s heart is dark.

Although the war in the sky is over, the sound of fighting in other parts of the globe is still coming.

"Time is not too early, let's go back!"

Wang Xian looked at the time and said to Xue Laoqin, they quit!

"Dragon King, we have found the place where you live, a villa by the sea, do you want to see it?"

Song Lao walked over and said to Wang Xian respectfully.

"Well, yes!"

Wang Xian nodded and gestured to the road ahead of Song.

A group of people respectfully sent them to the outside.

"Good, very good!"

Following the arrival of Song Lao in the villa of Linhai, Wang Xian looked around and showed a satisfactory look on his face.

He is a marine dragon, Wang Xian also likes the villa by the sea!

Compared with the previous sea villas in Jiangcheng, this one is even more luxurious.

(End of this chapter)

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