Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1871: Ling Xiao’s disciple

Chapter 1871, Ling Xiao’s disciple

"Change your new family, change your new family, bad father and bad father!"

Entering the new villa in the sea, the two little guys were very excited to run in the courtyard.

"Qinglong, what do you want to find about the Tang and Nine dynasty Ling Xiao and Xiao Ran?"

Wang Xian looked at the two cheerful little guys and shook his head, pointing to the magical dragon who was on the side.

"Dragon King Tang Master Ling Zongzhu and Xiao Ran When they arrived at Lingxiao Baodian, they were directly recruited as disciples by Lingxiaobao Temple!"

"At that time, the Lingxiaobao Hall waved a group of elite disciples from the earth. Many of the powerful people in Xianmen entered the Lingxiao Hall!"

"It is said that they are practicing in the Lingxiao Hall. There are no special circumstances and they cannot walk out of the Lingxiao Hall!"

Magic Blue Dragon said to him.

Wang Xian nodded slightly at the side.

He did not like the Lingxiaobao Temple and had no bad impression, even though they said that they killed the gods and heavenly soldiers of Lingxiaobao Temple.

But they are all looking for death to provoke them!

For Xiao Ran, they joined Ling Xiao Bao Temple, Wang Xian is still relatively reassuring.

At the very least, they are not in danger in the Lingxiao Hall.

“Look at see if you can contact them and have a chance to get together!”

Wang Xian said to the magic green dragon.

Tang Jiuyong was the father of Yin Sheng, and Ling Zong was the father of Feng Lingtian. They belonged to their relatives!

As for Xiao Ran, Wang Xian has been the only apprentice since he practiced for more than a decade.

Even if it is a registered disciple, it is still the only disciple of Wang Xian.

If you have the opportunity, Wang Xian is going to shout them together, and he can help without any help.

"Bad father, we are hungry, we have to eat delicious!"

Since Wang Xian said that they are coming in front of their two little guys, these two little guys have been called Wang Xian Bad Dad!

This makes Wang Xian very helpless.

"Well, what do you want to eat, Dad, see what's delicious here!"

Wang Xian picked them up in one hand and walked toward the room.

As the saying goes, girls have to be rich, and these few guys have eaten and drank all the items in the past few days.

If you let ordinary people see it, it is absolutely shocking.

With two little guys coming to the top of the villa's open-air position, Wang Xian took out some of the superb mainland dragon meat and baked it for them to eat.

By the way, Wang Xian took the yin and yang five elements and looked at the changes of the whole earth.

At this moment, the whole earth is already boiling.

The appearance of dark ancient land, a horrible demon god.

The battle between the dark demon and the gods makes everyone on the planet very incomparable.

Immediately, in the position around the ancient land, some monsters attacked the city.

Although the strength of the dark monsters is not very strong, they have the ability to be weird.

Some dark monsters can enter the body and control their bodies.

Some monsters are a group of dark energy that can be completely attacked by physical strength.

Some monsters can confuse people and control people to attack.

魑 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 出 !!

When the night came, Wang Xian touched the two little guys who had already slept, and indicated that Yao Yao was holding them into the room!

Wang Xian stood at the top of the villa and looked around!

His eyes fell on a dark ancient land in Jiangcheng. Wang Xian had an idea to explore.

But soon he will dispel it!

Wang Xian sensed that in the Lingxiao store, there is a strong power that is not weaker than his god.

The dark demon **** was devastated, and the gods of Ling Xiaobao Temple did not pursue the past. I am afraid that there is something in them that makes them jealous.

With the mystery of the earth today, he does not dare to break in directly!

"It is a pity that I missed the time when other ancient places were born. If I could go to the ancient land to find something at that time!"

"Now the ancient land, all the gods who have descended on the earth have searched, it is difficult to have good things!"

Wang Xiankou muttered and turned into the room.

"All the disciples of Ling Xiao Bao Temple came to the main hall!"

At this time, in the Lingxiao Hall above the earth, a majestic voice resounded in every corner of the Lingxiao Hall!

"The gods call, immediately pass!"

"Today, there are demon gods who dare to attack our Lingxiao Hall. I don't know what God has called all the disciples?"

"Is it our chance to come? My father told me to follow the Lingxiao Hall to the earth. Is there a big chance?"

At this moment, all the disciples in the entire Lingxiaobao Temple immediately flew toward the central main hall!

Soon, in front of the main hall, millions of young middle-aged people gathered.

In the front row, standing with nine heads and horns, the whole body exudes a powerful son.

They stood there proudly.

In the surrounding, there are more than a dozen middle-aged people in the semi-god. They are the strongest in the list of the gods in the Lingxiao Hall.

Everyone who can be on the list of gods will have the opportunity to ignite the fire.

Millions of people gathered together, numerous geniuses.

Entering the front of the main hall, they looked up one by one and the whole main hall was quiet.

"The disciples of Ling Xiaobao Temple listened to orders, you have my disciples under the door, and there are practitioners who follow the opportunity to seek opportunities. Now the opportunity has arrived!"

"The opportunity is accompanied by a crisis, but now the earth is the best era. As long as you have an organic relationship and strength, it is not impossible to become a god!"

"The enchanting sorcerer has already emerged, and then there will be a powerful godland that breaks out of the ground and belongs to the entire planet. Whoever catches it, whoever is high!"

"Now you all occupy one side, protect the city, recruit people, establish a college, and warn that disciples in the Lingxiaobao Temple are forbidden to attack each other, otherwise they will be directly obliterated!"

A fiery red figure slowly appeared above the main hall.

He was suspended there and a sentence was introduced into everyone's ears.

Upon hearing the command of the gods, all the disciples of the Lingxiaobao Temple glimpsed a little, and they followed the face with an excited look.

In the past, Ling Xiao Bao Dian was very strict with the disciplinary management of the disciples.

If you want to go to Earth, you must apply. There is only one chance in three months, and you can't stay on Earth for more than five days.

Ling Xiaobao Temple did this in order to prevent too many adventers from damaging the earth's recovery.

Now, the demon charms are infested, and they can also fall on the earth.

"Be obedient to God!"

When everyone heard the words of the gods, they immediately shouted loudly.

Their voices fell, and the figure above the main hall disappeared completely!

"I was finally able to go down. In the past few years, in order to prevent us from destroying the Earth's recovery, we have restricted travel. Now we can finally go to the earth to find a big chance!"

"Haha, that one **** country, one mountain, I will occupy one side!"

The sounds of excitement are ringing around!

"I can finally get back to the ground!"

At this time, on the right side of the main hall, a group of people stood there.

Among them, there are several familiar figures, Xiao Ran, Ling Zongzhu, Xiaoran’s sister Liu Mengxin.

Different from the past, young and young girls, as if they have grown into handsome guys, beautiful girls!

I would like to thank the three thousand world troubles for more than 10,000 book coins, thank you for the 6666 reward of the grass field, thank you for the special symbol brothers, and the rewards of other friends these days, thank you for your support!

The last one owed, the 7:00 update in the morning

(End of this chapter)

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