Chapter 1872 is on the advent

“The instructors have sent information, let us choose our companions and come to a fixed city or location!”

"Or join other teams. Of course, you can go anywhere, but you can't kill other disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple!"

On the right side, Ling Zong looked at the information on the information board and looked at the people around him.

In addition to Xiaoran and his sister Liu Mengxin, there are hundreds of people around.

These people who used to be Huang Tianxianmen, now join the Lingxiaobao Temple, naturally want to hold a group to warm!

"With our strength, we want to stand in a city, and even more difficult to occupy a mountain, there are too many people who are stronger than us!"

Xiao Ran stood aside and frowned and thought.

Xiao Ran, as the only apprentice of the Dragon King, in the third year after the Dragon King left, his strength has been invincible to the Earth.

Nowadays, in the practice of Lingxiaobao Temple for six or seven years, his strength has been upgraded to the sixth order of the hole!

This improvement is already very powerful.

But this is only for the natives on the earth, compared with the young Tianjiao who followed the Lingxiaobao Temple, it is much stronger than him!

Even some people on the earth have surpassed him in strength.

This is not because he does not work hard or is low in talent, but he does not have a teacher!

When Ling Xiaobao Temple recruited them to enter here, there was a semi-god-level powerhouse who saw his talent and he wanted to accept it as an apprentice, but he refused.

Later, he refused the recruitment of several strong people in succession. Since then, no strong person in Lingxiaobao Temple is willing to recruit him as a disciple!

There are masters to teach and no master to teach, it is completely two concepts!

With the master's teaching, the medicinal weapons given by the master will be obtained and will be guided separately.

Without a master, I can only follow the tutor. The tutor is not a one-on-one teaching, but a pair of hundreds of students and even hundreds!

"Xiao Ran, then are we joining other teams, or are we no longer fixed places to act?"

Ling Zong asked him.

"I don't want to join any team, so I will be bound by them, and the treasures I get may not be my own!"

Xiao Ran looked at a group of people around and said directly!

"Also, unless we can have strong control, otherwise... If you are able to worship a strong master, I am afraid that it is now a god!"

A middle-aged man looked at him and said with a little regret.

"Okay, don't say anything else, how do you choose? Are we together, or?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and looked at the people around him and asked.

"Xiao Ran!"

Just then, a voice came.

Everyone looked at it with a slight gaze, and looked at the source of the sound. When they saw the woman who came in, everyone crowded their eyes.

“Can I join your team?”

The woman who came over continued, she looked at Xiaoran with a smile.

"Ji Ling Yu!"

Xiao Ran saw the woman who came over with a slight glimpse and shook his fist slightly nervously.

"I am going to look around and our team is not very strong..."

He looked at the woman who came over, and said something restraint.

"It doesn't matter, I don't want to build any power, what hills I occupy, I want to look around on the earth, you won't dislike me!"

Ji Lingyi walked to Xiaoran's side and looked at him with a smile.

At a height of about one meter, a blue-blue jewel is attached to the eyebrow, and a blue-haired hair makes it look aura.

Standing by her side, everyone will feel very comfortable!

"How come, with your strength, which team you will join will welcome you, and even if you build a team yourself, there will be countless people to support!"

Xiao Ran said faintly, and there was a trace of loss in his eyes.

Self and her, is not a level of existence.

The other party is the most outstanding woman in the Lingxiao Hall, the goddess in the eyes of countless young people.

With the strength of the semi-god level, although I do not know why it did not appear on the list of gods, become a goddess, but her strength is recognized not weaker than the existence of the Son of God.

Even, it may be a lot stronger than the Son of God!

Although Ji Lingyi is different from him and the rest, he does not dare to ask for it.

"Ji Lingling, have you joined the team? If you want to join our team, I have already occupied a mountain in the earth!"

At this moment, four or five young men and women next to each other came over, and the young people in the center looked at the hot and glorious spirits and said with a smile.

He is wearing a golden costume, and the center of the costume is printed with two words, the Son of God!

This special golden costume is only qualified for the disciples and strong people on the list!

The words of the **** of the gods indicate the **** of the youth!

Above 10,000 people!

"No, I have joined Xiaoran in their team!"

Ji Lingyi took a glimpse of this god, and there was no slight fluctuation on his face.

Like a god, she is not in the eye.


The son of the **** heard the words of Ji Lingyi frowning slightly, his face looked a little unsightly and looked at Xiaoran on the side, his eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment.

"In this case, it is really regrettable. If you have time, you can come to my mountain in the spirit of Ji Ling妃!"

The Son of God accepted his own mentality and said with a smile.


Ji Lingyi still nodded indifferently!

The **** son turned and left, although the refusal to be so directly made his heart very uncomfortable, but his master warned him that in the Lingxiaobao Hall, anyone can provoke, not to provoke Ji Ling.

It can be imagined that Ji Ling’s life experience is somewhat extraordinary!

"Ji Ling sister, come join our team, we have already said good!"

The **** son had just left, and at this time, six young men and women came over.

Three men and three women, a woman came over and eagerly took Ji Ling’s arm and said with a smile!

"Green, I am sorry, I forgot, I have joined Xiaoran in their team!"

Ji Lingying saw the woman holding herself, her face smiling, and a little apologetic.

"Xiao Ran, hey! Ji Ling sister, you guy..."

Qing Qing heard her words, and slightly dissatisfied sweeping Xiaoran.

But she also knows that she can't change the decision of Ji Ling's sister!

"What should I do? Otherwise, we will join Xiaoran in their team!"

Qing Qing turned to look at the five young men and women behind him, one of whom was dressed exactly the same as the one who had just been.

This is also a **** son, and, ranked third!

"Yes, Ji Lingyi wants to join us and naturally joins, how can it be Xiaoran, no problem?"

The young man in the costume of the gods raised his head slightly and asked Xiaoran proudly.

"Lonely star god, Xiao Ran naturally will not have any opinions, but our small team ...."

When Xiao Ran heard the lonely star, he lowered his head slightly and nodded his face with some embarrassment.

In the face of the Son of God, no matter whether it is identity or strength, he is not allowed to have any resistance!

"No advice!"

Lone Stars interrupted his words and said directly!

Ji Lingling on the side saw this scene slightly frowning.

"Since joining the team, they are all teammates, no other identity!"

She said faintly.

Ji Ling’s words made the lonely star a little glimpse.

"That is natural, everyone is a teammate!"

Lone Star immediately nodded with a smile and his eyes stayed on Xiao Ran for a few seconds. Similarly, his eyes were envious and puzzled!

There is still a trace of cold!

"I have to go to Jiangcheng to see some friends first. If you follow, I am afraid that you will delay your time!"

Xiao Ran said slightly helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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