Chapter 1878, under the shock of Ji Lingyi

"Xiao Ran, is this friend called Ji Ling? Haha, you can!"

Wang Xian heard Xiaoran’s words and Ji Ling’s self-introduction, and stood up with a big laugh.

He stood up and walked to Xiao Ran's side and patted his shoulder gently!

"Xiao Ran, is there some pressure? Is there pressure to have motivation?"

Wang Xian said, looked at Ji Lingyi on the side: "A girl who is so good, you have to grasp it!"

Xiao Ran gave a slight glimpse, and when he heard his master's words, his face was red and his face was stunned.

"Master, not what you think!"

He said quickly and blushingly.

"Well? Teacher, have you heard of me?"

However, when Ji Lingying stood on the side, he heard the words of Wang Xian, but it was a slight glimpse!

In front of this Xiaoran master, after hearing her name, there is obviously some understanding. How does he know himself?

Even in the Lingxiao Hall, she was only slightly active in the last year or two.

"Listen to people!"

Wang Xian smiled faintly, without too much explanation.

He heard what people said, but when he heard that Xiaoran was coming, he took out a mobile phone.

This mobile phone was originally used to kill the fifth **** of Ling Xiao Bao Temple. In the mobile phone, there is some information in the Ling Xiao Bao Temple.

Wang Xian just saw some, and I also know some about the name of Ji Lingyi.

In the mobile phone of the **** son, Wang Xian learned that the woman in front of the temple was very mysterious and had a deep background.

Now Wang Xian did not think of it, the other party seems to have a relationship with his apprentice.

It seems that Xiaoran’s pressure in the future is a bit big!

Ji Lingyi heard Wang Xian’s explanation, his eyes flashing slightly, and there was not much questioning.

However, at this moment she feels that Xiaoran’s master is somewhat mysterious!

"The strength of the six-order hole is a bit low!"

Wang Xian turned his eyes to Xiao Ran and said to him faintly.

"Master, I am losing your face!"

Xiaoran heard the words of Wang Xian, his face changed slightly, and he would have to kneel down at once!

"Teacher, Xiao Ran, he..."

"You don't want to talk!"

Ji Lingyi saw Xiaoran, and immediately said!

However, he did not finish his words and was immediately interrupted by Wang Xian!

"Ji Ling Yu!"

Xiaoran squatted on the ground, and glanced at her with a stern look.

Ji Lingyi gave a slight glimpse and thought of Xiao Ran’s respect for his master. He quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"If there is no change in the earth, you want to reach the sixth level of the hole, and there is no one in the billions. But now the earth is changing, your strength can't keep up with the rest, and some are weak!"

"In any case, you have the conditions and strength that others have not!"

Wang Xian looked at Xiao Ran and said faintly.

Speaking of it, he is not very satisfied with Xiaoran's current strength, and even seems weak to him.

Other people's arrogance, with a hole in the corner, half-god, but his dragon brother's apprentice is just a sixth-order!

Even if it was not in the past ten years, this strength really lost his face.

If you are not good enough, you will not reach the point of the Son of God, but you must also reach the arrogance!

"Master, Xiaoran is incompetent!"

Xiaoran lowered his head and said awkwardly.

Liu Mengxin, aside, looked at his brother and stood on the side and did not dare to speak.

Ji Ling was frowning, and his heart was slightly dissatisfied with Wang Xian, and he was somewhat confused.

"Although I once said that I will rely on myself in the future, but after all, you are my only apprentice, even if you are a famous disciple!"

"Get up, take this fruit to the top of the villa!"

Wang Xian said that three fruits appeared in the palm of his hand.

One is not a fire, two serving the fruits of the tires, this is the fruit of several branches on the ancestral tree.

Every fruit can be said to be heaven and earth.

Not a fire, can transform a person's body into the origin of the fire, placed in the entire universe, absolutely let the gods, and even stronger existence fight for death.

Taking a regular child can improve understanding and spirituality. As for how much can be improved, Wang Xian is not known.

However, it is absolutely horrible to be able to return to the soul of the unborn child.

When the three fruits appeared, the whole world seemed to be centered on these three fruits.

The fruit filled with divine and mystical power immediately attracted the attention of the spirit.

Slowly, her face was amazed.

"These two fruits are Xiaoran, you took it, this fruit, dreams that you took it, but now there is no person with a bright attribute, wait for your master to come, let her teach you well!"

Wang Xian handed the fruit to them and continued: "Go to the top of the villa, take care, only one!"

There are only eight fruits in the entire Dragon Palace, and two of them are used in Qi Tian, ​​giving Xiao Ran three brothers and sisters.

Even Wang Xian pays great attention to this fruit and reminds them to be careful.

"Thank you Master!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

Xiao Ran saw the fruits handed over by the master. He was able to feel the energy that he could not describe in the fruit, and he said to Wang Xian.

Liu Mengxin is the same!


Wang Xian waved at them.

"It's a master!"

"is teacher!"

The two immediately walked toward the top of the villa, taking it on, and watching it with the stars, there would be nothing.

"Ji girl, sit down, Qinglong, give her a cup of tea!"

Wang Xian gestured to Ji Lingyi and ordered it toward the magical dragon.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Mo Qinglong nodded and poured a cup of tea to Ji Ling!

Ji Lingyi is also sitting on the opposite sofa directly!

"I will not ask you and Xiao Ran, he should be able to match you in the future!"

"The first time I met, I am a master, I should always send some gifts, but in your capacity, I don't know what to send!"

"Some days of marrow water can make you recover quickly!"

Wang Xian said, with a wave of his arm, a porcelain bottle fell in front of Ji Lingyi!


However, when Ji Lingyi heard Wang Xian’s words, the whole person stood up directly.

She widened her eyes and stared at Wang Xian with incredulity. Her body was trembling.

Very few people can make her so shocked!

"Don't be surprised, I don't want to know your background identity!"

Looking down at her shocked look, a faint smile, indicating the cup in front of me: "Cup of tea!"

"Teacher, you, you..."

She opened her eyes and stared at Wang Xian tightly. This teacher was from the heart.

Just called the teacher, but it is in the face of Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran called his master, she can not be called a master, can only be called a teacher!

Now, her heart is full of shock!

In front of this young man, Xiao Ran’s master, who actually saw her, thoroughly saw her identity!

She, Ji Lingying, fallen blood, a blood resurrection!

This is her, the biggest identity!

(End of this chapter)

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