Chapter 1879 Challenge? on

Everyone in Lingxiaobao Temple knows that her Ji Lingyi background is strong, but no one knows that she has more than just a strong background, but also her own strength!

Her fall was on the way to the earth, and it took her two thousand years before she returned to the present.

This news, only the gods of the Lingxiaobao Temple know that other people cannot know.

However, this Xiaoran master in front of her eyes saw her identity at a glance.

This shocked her.

Wang Xian saw her face full of shock and smiled faintly.

At this time, she and the kind of indifferent, the kind of look that does not put anything in the eyes, is completely different.

The sense of superiority and highness in the heart was at the moment, and Wang Xian was completely crushed at this moment.

The master is the master, your uncle, still your uncle!


She took a heavy breath and adjusted her mind. She smiled a little on her face: "Thank you teacher!"

"No need to!"

Wang Xian shook his head faintly and picked up the teacup and gestured to her.

Ji Lingyi immediately picked it up and smiled and nodded. The elders respected the tea and did not dare to quit!

This Xiaoran master is definitely not simple. She is almost certain that even if she is at her peak, she may not see this young man.

"Bad gangrene, gangrene!"

Just then, the sound of flowers came from the stairs of the villa.

The little guy was wearing a loli suit and ran towards it with excitement.

The size of the body has become larger, and the strength has reached the level of the demigod, making them very flexible.

"Flowers, color children, you run slower!"

Wang Xian watched them rushing toward themselves, reaching out and holding them up!

"Let's go out and play, go out and play!"

They took Wang Xian’s arm and ran outside.

"Good, have breakfast?"

Wang Xian stood up and asked them.

"We are not hungry!"

The two little princesses said loudly.

"Good, let's play, first say hello to your sister!"

Wang Xian took their hands and continued.

"Sister is good, it's fun outside, let's go play!"

Caier looked at Ji Lingyi on the sofa and smiled and said hello!

"Oh, you can!"

Ji Lingying stared at the flowers and the children, and stood up unconsciously.

"Play and see!"

The flowers are eager to pull the king to run outside.

"No, it must be an illusion, it must be!"

Seeing the flowers and the children and Wang Xian leaving, she shook her head slightly!

In front of her scene, she felt a little unbelievable.

She felt a familiar feeling on the two little girls.

This familiarity is not familiar to each other, but they seem to be the same as their own.


She took another deep breath and walked towards the outside.

However, at this time, she also noticed the gift that Master Xiaoran gave to herself.

Her pupils shrank slightly, picked up the bottle on the table, and stared at the water inside the sky!

"Tianmu water, only in the innocent sea, Xiaoran's master is the earth, how could he have?"

"This kind of treasure of the divine level, among the gods that came this time, only the sea **** has it!"

Thinking of this, his body trembled, his pupils slowly enlarged, his eyes filled with horror.

The sea **** has fallen, and she has known this news.

But who is killed by the sea god, who is destroyed, and now Lingxiaobao Temple is not known.

Seeing the water in my hands, Ji Ling has already had some answers.

"Dragon King, suppressing the world!"

At this time, Ji Lingyi thought of Xiao Ran's evaluation of his master.

Repression of the world!

"Earth, how can there be such a terrible local character, this..."

Her face changed dramatically, and she finished her clothes and walked outside.

Standing at the door of the villa, she saw the two little girls who were just playing swinging.

The little girl is unusually cute, like a porcelain doll. She can see that the bodies of the two little girls are pure and flawless, without any impurities.

This feeling is very similar to myself.

"It's my illusion, or because of his existence!"

Ji Lingyi looked at Wang Xian, who stood by, and frowned slightly.

With her strength, with her vision, this planet should not be so confused.

However, at this moment she stood here, completely paralyzed.

“Well? Who are the people in the villa?”

Just then, outside the villa, Lonely Star, they stood in front of the door waiting for impatience.

I heard the sound coming from the courtyard of the villa and looked at it.

From the outside, he was able to see Wang Xian Yao and two children inside.

"Grass, who knows who it is, let us stand outside, as the star brother, go to the earth where they can not respect or even kneel down to welcome?"

A young man next to him said something bad.

Their faces were not very good since they were refused to let them go outside.

"Dad, we are going to fly in the sky and fly to the sky!"

After playing for a while, Cai Er flew down from the swing and ran outside.

The flower followed her sister and shouted loudly.

These two little guys have been able to fly into the sky, and after learning, they haven’t played enough for a long time yesterday.

The two ran towards the outside, Yao Yao immediately followed!

Wang Xian also smiled and followed.

Instead of noticing that they were walking outside, the spirits standing at the door did not seem to notice.

At this point, she was attracted to something.

She stared at the branches on the wall of the villa and looked at the branches that were woven into the swing.

Her face changed and she walked toward the swing.

Coming to the side of the swing, she hesitated and put her hands on it.


When her arm was on the swing branches, her palm felt sore.

She quickly retracted her arm, and when she saw the wound on her palm, her face changed slightly.

She is the resurrection of the gods, even if the strength is not as strong as it used to be, but now it is also the fourth-order powerhouse.

With her flesh, she was stabbed directly by a rattan!

This surprised her, this rattan may be a monster, and the strength is absolutely terrible!

"What are you, Xiaoran's master, Xiaoran and what is the girl in blue?"

At this moment, she heard the sound coming from outside, and gave a slight glimpse and immediately walked over.

At this moment, Wang Xian, who had just walked out with the two little guys, was immediately stopped by a group of people at the door of the villa.

This gave him a slight glimpse, looking at the three men and three women in front of him.

His eyes fell on the center of the lonely star, his clothes made him feel familiar.

"I am the master of Xiao Ran!"

(End of this chapter)

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