Chapter 1880 Challenge? under

Wang Xian looked at the young men and women in front of him.

From their dress, and the costumes on the body, he recognized them at a glance. The few people in front of him were disciples of Ling Xiaobao Temple.

Lonely star, their group heard the words of Wang Xian is also a slight glimpse.

Let them wait outside, a few people have long been dissatisfied and intolerant.

When someone saw the villa coming out, a young man immediately walked over and stopped people!

But what they didn't think of was that this is actually the master who said that he is Xiaoran!

"You guys, let the road open!"

The flower saw six people in front of them, and said with a slight dissatisfaction.

"Xiao Ran's master, interesting and interesting, we did not think that Xiaoran's master is so young, haha!"

A young man looked at Wang Xian and said with a big laugh.

"You are Xiaoran's friends?"

Wang Xian glanced at them and asked faintly.

"The kind of waste is not qualified to be friends with us!"

The long-haired young man who spoke up stared at him, faintly said.


Wang Xian slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Listen to Xiao Ran, he is very curious about his master's suppression of the world. I am the star of the Lingxiaobao Temple, and I want to challenge this person who suppressed the world!"

The Lone Star slowly moved two steps toward Wang Xian. He was more than a meter tall and looked down, his mouth slightly tilted.

"Stars, you directly broke your name, don't scare them down, haha, and, a small person you challenge him how to agree, he is not qualified to fight against you!"

The young man who spoke at the beginning said, looking at Wang Xian: "Starry brother, let me come, this is the Shaolin Baodian disciple Wu Zi'an, the strong man who suppressed the world, to discuss it, or else, I can let you One hand, haha!"

Wu Zi'an said, his face showed an unscrupulous smile.

Because of Ji Ling’s sake, their group was very dissatisfied with Xiaoran.

For Xiaoran’s mouth, the master who once suppressed the world is full of curiosity and disdain.

If they humiliate Xiaoran’s master today, it must be very interesting!

"With you, you are not qualified to challenge our Dragon King!"

Waiting for Wang Xian to speak, the Yao woman on the side stared coldly at Wu Zi'an, and her body exudes a sharp edge of wood!

Her eyes stared at the young men and women who were ignorant of their lives, and their eyes were full of disdain.

Challenge the Dragon King, is looking for death!

Son of God? Without the Dragon King, you will be slaughtered!


Yao Zi’s words made Wu Zi’an squint, turned his head and immediately looked at her, narrowing his eyes.

"A pretty beautiful woman, hey, the earth has a saying that is good, it is a big brain, haha!"

"Haha, I actually said that I am not qualified, then I have to challenge it. When the strong man who suppressed the world is in front of me, I know if I am qualified!"

Wu Zian said loudly and loudly.

The elite of his millions of disciples in the Tang dynasty, he was able to rank in the top 50, and he was said to be ineligible!

It’s ridiculous.

"She is a Yao girl, the arrogant son of the Tianjiao list, the strength of the eight-step!"

Just then, another young man suddenly whispered, his eyes staring at Yao, his eyes showing a dignity and surprise.

"Well? The pride of the sky? Yao female?"

Wu Zi'an heard a slight glimpse of his companion.

They are naturally aware that every prince of heaven is a youth who has gained great opportunities on earth.

Their strength is no weaker than the powerful disciples in the Ling Xiao Bao Temple. The existence of the first few is even better than the Son of God.

"Not ready to go away!"

The Yao women heard that they recognized their identity and there was no accident.

After all, just like the Son of God, the prestige of their arrogant son is not weak.

Especially her, the arrogant woman of the sky, her photos are everywhere on the Internet.

She chilled and shouted at the Lingxiao Hall.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to be able to meet a **** of heaven!"

The lonely star looked at the mouth of the Yao woman's mouth, and the eyes sparkled with luster: "However, a stalwart of the eight-order heaven is not qualified enough for us to roll!"

"The so-called arrogant woman of heaven is just on the earth, huh, I want to see it!"

Behind the lonely star, a woman came over and looked at the Yao girl!

"So, are you not allowed to open?"

The Yao women saw their provocative standing standing there, with a cold luster in their eyes.

"There is a proud prince beside me. It seems that Xiaoran’s master should not be so wasteful. Let's talk about it!"

Lone star staring at Wang Xian, said faintly.

Today, he must humiliate Xiaoran’s master, and let Xiao Ran’s kid embarrassed!

"You guys, let us go!"

At this time, the flowers on the side are not happy!

The little girl was inserted in her waist, her face was fierce, and it looked like a milky murderer!

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian looked at their proud look, and his eyes showed a hint of coolness.

"act recklessly!"

At this moment, Yao Yao’s palms moved, and the gods in their hands went straight ahead and they attacked by everyone!

Wang Xian saw Yao women shot, stood there and did not move, watching quietly!

"Don’t dare to attack us, I want to teach the strength of the arrogant woman!"

The woman standing on the side of the lonely star stared at the Yao girl, waving a palm, and a sky-blue sword appeared in her hand and directly greeted.

"Hey, don't hurt anyone, or you will blame me for my sister Ji Lingyi!"

Qingqing on the side saw them start, shouting at them with helplessness.

Even if she knows that the other party is proud of her, she still does not think that the other party is the opponent of their party.

The strength of their pedestrians, they understand themselves!


The Yao girl saw that the woman with the eighth-order hole was attacking herself, and her eyes were full of disdainful looks.

The gods in her hands collide with the blue sword.

In an instant, under the stunned eyes of everyone around, the blue sword of that day collapsed directly.

Fighting directly falls directly on the woman's arm!


A scream came, and the woman’s arm was instantly turned into a smog.

This scene makes all of them have a shocking look on their faces!

"Damn, very hot, dare to hurt our disciples, and die!"

Lonely starry people all face a huge change, looking at the horror of their companions, the body instantly horrified killing.


A stalked sword weapon appeared in their hands, and the eyes were cold and locked Yao women!

"You are a big bad guy, bullying Yao's sister!"

At this time, I saw a group of people attacking Yao Yao.

The flowers and the children's face are reddish, showing an angry color, and the appearance of the milk is fierce.

At the same time, the energy of a powerful wood property in their body began to condense!

(End of this chapter)

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