Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1881: Milk murderer and special hobby

Chapter 1881: Milk murderer and special hobbies

Since the flower picking two small hoes to wake up, the Yao women have been close to them.

In the eyes of the two little gimmicks, in addition to the gangrene, the closest person is the Yao girl.

The two little gimmicks saw a lot of people attacking Yao women and expressed very angry.

Their faces showed a look of milk and fierce anger, and they bulged a small face, indicating unusual anger!

In their bodies, a strong strand of wood property energy begins to condense.

In their minds, one by one from the bottom of the heart of the battle memory to wake up.

Wang Xian noticed the changes in the body of the two little hoes for the first time. He raised his brow slightly and stood there without moving!

In the strength of today's Yao women, holding the branches of the gods, let her play important harm under the gods, they must be wiped out!

Powerful is not a Yao woman, but a **** in her hands.

Fighting and fighting, from these two names you can see the power of this branch!

Can play all gods!

Can also play all artifacts!

Of course, there is a premise that the branches can be placed on the body of God or on artifacts.

At present, this shrine is still a little weak. According to Wang Xian’s guess, under the display of him, the **** of the five sacred fires is hit by the key and can be instantly destroyed!

The artifacts of the Five Fires can be destroyed directly!

None of the branches that can be absorbed by the ancestral trees are not the best!

This is also the moment when the battle was just a moment. Yao’s main reason for crushing the woman’s sword and arms.

After Yao Yao saw the power of playing God in her hands, her heart was shocked.

However, when I saw the other four young men and women, including the **** son, the face was also slightly changed.

But her face is not too fearful.

Not to mention that the Dragon King is by his side, holding the gods and branches, and now she is also promoted to the ninth order of the hole, and the more the battle is full of confidence!

In the face of the Son of God, no fear!

"Give me death, Brahma sword!"

Lone Star Sky saw Yao’s arrogant attack on his companion, and his eyes were full of murderous and hot.

In his hand, a large sword appeared.

The sword is covered with a special text!

With a wave of his palm, the Brahma sword instantly became bigger, burning with raging fire, and directly went to the Yao women to suppress.

Aside, the other three men and women were equally armed with swords and attacked the Yao women.

"Oh, you are looking for death yourself!"

The Yao woman holds the gods and shoots, facing the face of the Brahma sword that comes to her own attack, without the slightest fear, directly hit!


When the gods fell on the Brahma sword, the sound of the crash came again.

The seemingly powerful Brahma sword smashed at the moment of hitting the branches!


At this moment, Lone Stars saw his sword collapse and his face changed dramatically!

This is the weapon that he became the third god, selected in the treasure house of Ling Xiao Bao Dian. This is a spirit of the semi-god level.

It turned out to be an instant collapse, which made his eyes full of incredible!

"You **** it!"

His face shouted loudly.

This is the strongest weapon on his body, and it has now collapsed!

"Don't touch the weapon in her hand, don't touch it with a weapon!"

He groaned with a sullen face and his body receded toward the rear.

At the same time, a flame of the sky was attacked by the Yao women.

The other three young men and women saw the horrors of the Lone Star weapons and quickly recovered their weapons, and the same direction retreated.

They release magical powers and conduct long-range attacks!


Yao woman saw the other side directly release the magical long-range attack, his face changed slightly.

After all, her strength is the ninth order of the hole, and the two stars of the half-god first-order star is different!

The other three men and women, the strength is not much weaker than him.

She holds the gods and holds them directly above her own.

A touch of green defense formed, and a magical power fell on it, causing it to slowly split.

The face of the Yao woman changed dramatically and she quickly went to the side.


The attack landed on the ground of the villa, instantly revealing a 100-meter deep pit!

If the wall is not covered with comet wood, I am afraid it has already fallen!

The aftermath of the battle of the half-god level is still very scary!

All this is because they converge a lot and the scope is so small.

"When it's over, I can't explain it to Ji Lingjie!"

Aside from the position, Qingqing saw the lonely starry sky filled with murderous look and his face changed slightly.

"what happened!"

At this time, Ji Lingyi also came over and looked a little embarrassed to see a group of people in the battle.

"Ji Ling's sister, Lonely Star, they want to learn from Xiaoran's master. As a result, the Yao female Tianjiao came out, and the fiercely directly abolished the first arms of the cloud, and now they have crushed the weapons of the Lone Star!"

Qing Qing saw that Ji Lingyi also came over and quickly went over and said.

"You are looking for death!"

Ji Ling’s face is somewhat unsightly and speaks directly.


Qing Qing heard her words a little, and her face was obviously wrong.

"You guys, bully, bully Yao sister, we are angry, we want to hit you!"

Just then, two sounds filled with tender voices sounded at the same time!

The sudden sound made the four people who were preparing for the second round of attacks slightly wrong!

"Starry brother, killed her, killed her, she actually scraped my arms and killed her!"

However, the two young voices have just fallen, and the cloud text that was beaten by the gods is screaming!

"Injury our companions, destroying my weapons, no one can save you today!"

Lonely starry eyes are full of murderous stare at Yao women, behind them, a fire sword is condensed!

"Death, blasphemy fire sword!"

He screamed, and a handle was like a fire sword that was condensed into a scent of syrup.

"The sky is cracking!"

"No trace of hurricane!"

A supernatural power, covering the Yao women.

In the face of the emptiness of the hole, it is so terrible to face it, it is difficult to survive!

"Wood, defense!"

"Wood, wrapped!"

When their attack came out, two young voices sounded again.

In front of the Yao woman, a branch appeared in an instant, and the branches were intertwined to form a hundred-meter shield!

"Touch and touch!"

A magical power fell on it without leaving any traces.

The innocent voices that sounded again and the defenses that appeared out of thin air resisted their attacks, causing the faces of the Lone Stars to change slightly.


However, they have not waited for their reaction, and they are underground, and there are hundreds of branches.

The branches are entangled with them!

"Not good, there are strong shots!"

Wu Zi'an's right leg was wrapped around the branches. His face changed dramatically and he shouted loudly.

The other two young men and women were also tied to the legs by the branches in an instant, and their faces were equally embarrassing.

Only the lonely star escapes the attack of the branches!

"Hey, you guys, we have to teach you a good lesson!"

At this time, the flowers and the children walked toward the center of the battlefield.

There are flowers and branches around them floating around, and the whole person exudes a powerful momentum!

When they saw that they were in the center, they were all stunned.

Wu Zi'an is also wide-eyed!

What were they just shooting? Is this the strong man in his mouth?

(End of this chapter)

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