Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1945: Tushen Destruction 3

Chapter 1945 Tutoring and Destruction 3

"The true spirit teaches that the water **** ignited the fire of fire not long ago. His strength should not be the opponent of the Dragon King. It is estimated that the water **** is unlucky!"

"I don't know what kind of grievances the water **** and the dean of the Longmen College have secretly killed. They dare not kill it with light and may be afraid of the revenge of the Dragon King!"

"Now the Dragon King has led a group of people who have already flew to Huangshan. After all, it is a big fight!"

The whole network is full of enthusiasm, everyone is watching, the Dragon King revenge for the apprentice.

At the same time, all the disciples of Huangshan and Zhenling also got the news that the Dragon King brought people to fly to Huangshan.

The true spirit taught a group of disciples to change their faces and immediately reported the news to the teacher!

With their true spirit teaching the present strength, it is not the opponent of the Dragon King.

"Reporting to the **** of water!"

The true spirit of the lord's face changed dramatically and came to a temple at the top of Huangshan Mountain, and turned to the inside.

"what's the matter?"

Inside the hall, Shui Shaoyuan's face and Changyang Xia played chess on the chessboard, and saw the true spirit leader rushing over, squinting and asked.

"The **** of water **** is not good, then the dragon king brought people to us on the side of Huangshan, he said to destroy us!"

The true spirit leader has some flustered reports immediately.

"Hmm? Dragon King!"

The movements of Shui Shaoyuan and Changyang Xia stopped, and they looked at each other and were full of unexpected looks.

"what happened?"

Shui Shaoyuan’s eyes sparkled with a slight brow and asked.

"Water God, we also learned on the Internet, some people say that the Dragon King came to avenge the apprentice!"

The true spirit leader immediately replied!


Shui Shaoyuan licked his mouth, his face was full of unexpected looks, and his face slowly cooled down, looking at the opposite Changyang Summer!

"Have it over? Oh, a dragon king, thought he was invincible?"

Changyang Xia Mouth angle is slightly tilted, and the eyes are cold.

"Haha, yes, a dragon king who didn't ignite the fire, really thought we were afraid of him. If he dares to come today, I will let him go without it!"

Shu Shaoyuan laughed loudly.

The two looked at each other and waved their arms. Their figures came directly to the highest peak at the entrance to Huangshan Mountain.

Followed by their suspension at the entrance to Huangshan, there is also a chessboard, two futons.

"With our strength, it is enough to deal with the Dragon King, but if you want to leave him here, you may need to ask the two women to help us!"

"I just don't know if they are willing to shoot!"

Changyang Xia Mianguang looked at the top of the mountain peak in the center and said faintly.

"No, if we are in other places, we may not be able to kill him, but here is my place. With the help of the formation, it is enough to kill it!"

Shui Shaoyuan said faintly, his face was full of confidence.


Changyang Xia unexpectedly raised his eyebrows: "Haha, that's better!"

The two laughed and looked at the chessboard. Shui Shaoyuan faintly dropped the pieces.

Although the Dragon King knew that Xiao Ran was assassinated, they did not have any panic.

There are some accidents, and this accident is solved!

So, on the top of the entrance to Huangshan Mountain, you can see two figures sitting there playing chess, full of indifference.

This scene was also seen by all disciples of the true spirit.

When they saw the two figures sitting there playing chess, everyone was slightly wide-eyed and full of a surprised look.

"This...the blue figure is our water god, who is the other figure? Our water **** adult is sitting on the top of the entrance and playing chess with that person. Is this waiting for the arrival of the Dragon King?"

"Hey, if you can play chess with our water gods, you must be a strong god. Scorpio, the two adults are waiting for the Dragon King to leisurely!"

"There is also a strong god, haha, two strong gods, even if the Dragon King is coming, we are not afraid!"

"The Dragon King even said that he would kill the gods and destroy the religion. I want to see it. He did not ignite the fire, **** us, haha, I am afraid that the Dragon King will become a joke!"

The voices of excitement and excitement were sent out from the mouths of all the disciples of the true spirits. They looked at the two indifferent figures at the entrance to the mountain of Huangshan, and their faces were full of awe.

This is what their gods are, and how the Dragon King is killed, but only one fire has not been ignited.

What a fear!

Around Huangshan, some people saw this scene as a Megatron in their hearts, full of surprises.

The reaction of Huangshan was immediately transmitted to the network.

When everyone saw the pictures of the two gods sitting on the top of the mountain, they opened their eyes slightly.

"How can Huangshan have two gods, and who is another god?"

"Two gods? If it is two gods, the Dragon King may not be their opponent!"

"Playing chess? I really didn't think that the two gods in Huangshan were so indifferent, this is not to put the Dragon King in the eyes!"

Everyone on the network saw this photo, and they boiled one by one.

In addition to their original, Huangshan had only one water god, not the opponent of the Dragon King, but did not expect that Huangshan actually had two gods.

Moreover, the two gods were sitting on the top of the mountain and playing chess. Obviously, they did not put the Dragon King in their eyes.

At the same time, this is also the strong self-confidence of the two gods of Huangshan.

This shows that they are not afraid of the Dragon King.

"The next estimate is a big battle. Whoever wins and wins is not necessarily!"

Everyone is watching the news on the web.

Unfortunately, this time they are only able to wait for the latest news on the Internet and there is no live broadcast.

"This time, I can take a good look at the strength of the Dragon King and find out how strong the Dragon King is!"

After some of the gods got the news, they flew in the direction of Huangshan and prepared to watch it up close.

"Assassination of a mortal is still discovered, it is an idiot!"

In the hall of Ling Xiaobao, after Jin Feng got this news, he was slightly disdainful!

There is not much interest in this battle.


In front of Huangshan, suddenly, a group of people who carried terror and murderous horror flew over here.

With the arrival of a group of people, the clouds in the entire sky directly spread out.

Wang Xian stood in the middle of the position, staring coldly at the position in front.

His eyes directly locked in the two figures of the Huangshan Mountain Peak, and the eyes revealed the cold cold.

"The Dragon King is coming, the Dragon King is coming!"

"I didn't expect it to be so fast, letting out such a terrible murderousness directly, oh, is this not to put us in the eye?"

One voice rang in the Huangshan Mountain, and everyone stared at the Dragon King who came to this side.


Shui Shaoyuan and Changyang Xia Mouth angle slightly tilted.

Not moving!

(End of this chapter)

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