Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1946: Tushen Destruction 4

Chapter 1946 The Destruction of the Gods 4

The wind in the entire Huangshan Mountain seems to be fixed.

A dignified atmosphere filled the area of ​​tens of kilometers.

Everyone around Huangshan, staring at the dragon king in the sky, his eyes sparkling.


At the entrance to the Huangshan Mountain, the sound of a crisp piece of chess fell sharply at this time.

"The water gods of Huangshan Mountain and the other gods are so calm, even if the Dragon King is coming, there is no slight change in the face!"

"This... they are so confident, it seems that they have not put the Dragon King in their eyes!"

Around Huangshan, some people saw this scene and looked at the two gods who played chess, full of admiration and awe.

This is the posture of the strong, others have come up, they are still playing chess.

"My apprentice Xiao Ran should have no hatred with you, why are you killing him!"

Wang Xian stared at them, his eyes sparkling, his eyes swept around, faintly asked.

"This game, we will wait for a while!"

When Changyang Xia heard Wang Xian’s words, he smiled and looked at the opposite side of the water.

"That will wait!"

Shui Shaoyuan stood up confidently and looked up at Wang Xian, and raised his head slightly.

"If you kill, you will kill, why?"

His faint voice sounded through the entire Huangshan Mountain.


Hearing this sentence, everyone took a breath of cold air and a shocked look on his face.

"If you kill, you will kill, this..."

"Haha, our water **** is domineering, kill it and kill it!"

Everyone in the true spirits saw the domineering water god, and his face showed an excited look.

Innocent is the **** of high above.

"If you kill, kill?"

When Wang Xian heard their words, he murmured in his mouth, and he glanced at everything in Huangshan.

"If this is the case, then razed it here!"

He said faintly.

"Haha, razed here to the ground? Dragon King, you are really arrogant, you really think that you are a true dragon, you can kill us?"

"I really want to see, you are a true dragon who didn't ignite the fire, how to razed it to the ground!"

Wang Xian’s voice just fell, and Changyang Xia laughed and screamed a horrible pressure.

Directly attacked by Wang Xian, everyone!

"Today, I will let you Dragon King, there is no return!"

When Shu Shaoyuan was shocked, a vast ocean emerged from his surroundings, and the ocean appeared in the air out of thin air, emitting a powerful momentum.

"Haha, Dragon King, do you know who the site is, dare to step into my field, have to say, you are stupid!"

"Heavenly water, rise!"

Shu Shaoyuan said, his arms are facing a little empty.

Four huge water columns appeared in four orientations, and even Wang Xian was in the center of the water column.

"This... this water **** has already prepared in advance, completely waiting for the arrival of the Dragon King!"

"It seems that this dragon king is really arrogant and stupid, and directly into the site of the water Shaoyuan, trapped by the array!"

"With the water Shaoyuan and another god, plus the array, a dragon king who did not ignite the fire, died!"

Several gods hiding in the void around the sky saw this scene muttering.

"Dragon King, I haven’t played it since the ascension, let me kill them!"

The crab shakes his eight arms and asks for Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded.

"Hey crabs, we are one by one, see who killed them first!"

The militant Qi Qitian directly waved his arm and the needle of the sea **** appeared in his hand.

"Oh, just rely on your two things and dare to move the Dragon King, die!"

Qi Qitian said, screaming directly.

He was shaped into a magical monkey of 100 meters in size, and it was full of horrible magical power, and went directly to the water Shaoyuan attack.

"Hey, there are no problems with both of them!"

The crab saw that Qi Qitian rushed straight over, and there was a slight dissatisfaction called a sentence.

He leaped directly into a kilometer-sized khaki crab.

At the forefront, there are two huge pliers.

At the rear, there are eight legs full of thorns, making it look awkward.


The ground trembled fiercely and the crabs attacked.


When Qi Qitian and the crabs shot, the water Shaoyuan and Changyang Xia were completely paralyzed.

What is the situation of this other mother?

Are their opponents not Dragon Kings? How did the Dragon King directly rush out of the existence of two gods?

And from the momentum that broke out, his mother is not weaker than them, even stronger than them!

The reason why they dared to sit there and play chess, did not put the Dragon King in their eyes, because in their view, the arrival of the Dragon King was nothing but death.

But...What are the two powerful powers that directly rushed over?

what's going on?

The two were completely forced, and they were forced to give the Dragon King, but not for you!

"What is this situation? How can it beside the Dragon King?"

The gods who watched the sky around the sky, the people who looked around here, and all the disciples of the true spirits also opened their mouths.

What happened to the two gods who suddenly emerged next to the Dragon King?

"Eat me!"

At this moment, Qi Qitian’s violent voice sounded, and the Dinghaishen needle in his hand directly became tens of meters long, and went to Shui Shaoyuan and Changyang Xia.


Both of them slammed their eyes wide and quickly sneaked away from the side.


The huge roar of the whole rock shook the entire Huangshan Mountain, and the front of the nearly 10,000-meter mountain peak collapsed directly.

The stones sneaked around.

"Another, your opponent is me, the Dragon King said, you want to flatten your place here, hehe!"

The crabs saw the attack of Qi Tiantian, and they made a strange sound when they were not willing to lag behind.


His body exudes a khaki luster, and on the ground, a stone block, a large piece of clods rises into the air.

The entire Huangshan Mountain is like an earthquake of more than ten levels.


Numerous stones and clods go directly to Changyang Xia.

"Damn damn, how come out two strong strong gods!"

Changyang Xia and Shui Shaoyuan's face instantly showed a trace of cold sweat.

The look that was so indifferent just disappeared completely.

Until now, they still don't understand how the Dragon King brought two such horrible men.

If he knows that the Dragon King has two such powerful men, how can he still dare to play chess here.

They have long since escaped!

"Hey, enjoy the violent!"

Do not allow them to have any thoughts, Qi Qitian is blood red, there is a **** red lightning flow in the center, directly attacking the water Shaoyuan.

The three attributes of fire, thunder and darkness are violent to the world!

(End of this chapter)

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