Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2005: All women become gods

Chapter 2005, the women become gods

"Call, go, the starry locusts left, and the behemoth also left!"

When in the void, the countless starry sky locusts ran wildly, and the horrible starry beast was chasing away, everyone sighed with relief!

"That starry behemoth is too horrible, and it can make the sky-space locusts escaping from the sky. If there is no starry behemoth, we may be finished!"

"I didn't think that this chaotic star field was so terrible. Can the starry beast be able to destroy the earth?"

"I don't know if the Dragon King can fight against the starry beast, there is such a huge behemoth in the universe!"

"The Dragon Kings can't resist it. The sky star locusts are swallowed by a star beast, and the behemoth is too strong!"

One face with a fortunate discussion, the emergence of starry sky locusts and starry beasts gave them a glimpse of the universe.

Soon, some people looked at the energy column above the tomb of the Arctic god.

They know that everything is because this energy column attracts so many starry sky locusts.

That energy column can be said to be the culprit!

"I don't know what happened to the Arctic tomb in the end!"

Some people have secrets in their hearts.

"All members of the Dragon Palace bring all the bodies of the starry locusts to the Dragon Palace!"

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded.

One member of the Dragon Palace flew down to the position below, and put away a body of a star-studded locust.

"These star-studded locusts are not as good as evil spirits, not as good as some monsters, but they are semi-god-level creatures. The materials and flesh and blood are rare treasures!"

"The Dragon Palace killed at least billions of star-studded locusts, and they made a big profit!"

At this moment, the disciples who followed the gods were looking at the bodies on the ground with envy, which was an extremely precious treasure for them.

"Xiao Ran, your Longmen College collects about 100 million locust corpses!"

"Good turtles!"

At this time, two more sounds were heard in the sky.

Longmen College participated in this battle, and the four gods of Longmen College shot, each killing at least 10 million evil spirits.

"Longmen College has got 100 million corpses, and this... even if Xiao Dechang took out some of them, they could make a huge improvement in Longmen College!"

"Hey, this... Longmen College is backed by the Dragon Palace. It will only get stronger and stronger in the future. Now it seems that joining Longmen College is the best choice. Unfortunately, it is difficult to join Longmen College now!"

A voice of envy came, but the faces of the students and disciples of the Longmen Academy showed an excited look.

Today, they deserve the first.

"This little blue is chasing into the void, and I don't know when it will come back!"

Wang Xian suspended in the sky above the Dragon Palace, looked at the little blue that disappeared completely, and frowned slightly!

After all, Xiao Lan is the cockroach of Qingyue, and sometimes it may not listen to his own words.

Moreover, Wang Xian can not directly summon Xiao Lan back.

"It seems that I can only wait for the blue moon to come back before I can summon Xiaolan!"

Wang Xian shook his head slightly.

The cockroaches that feed the cockroaches, even if they are separated by tens of thousands of light years, will be rushed over as soon as they are summoned.

If you are in the blue, you won’t be running for long.

With the instinctive instinct, with the strength of Xiaolan today, if you want to kill it, you may need the strength of the Lord.

"Dragon King, this time we have a lot of money, at least 5 billion Chinese worms, and the lowest star locusts have reached the first level!"

At this time, the turtles came to report with excitement.

"These locusts have turned a little bit low!"

Wang Xian looks at these locusts, the lowest order creatures in the same class, and the transformed dragon blood will be much lower.

"Dragon King, I just tried it. Although it is very low, but 100 million bodies are enough to make our current Dragon Palace members ignite the fire!"

"This starry skyworm can double the strength of our Dragon Palace!"

The turtle said with excitement!

"Oh? That's very good!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, revealing a hint of excitement.

The Dragon Pool of the Dragon Palace combines the characteristics of the Zerg's nest, and it is indeed against the sky.

Now he can also understand why the blood can only be called the ordinary Zerg in the universe, and can be with the cosmic peak of the universe!

The speed of the Zerg is too horrible. As long as there are enough resources, a Zerg army can be formed quickly.

"Fortunately, the Zerg has died!"

He was secret in his heart.

A big battle ended so suddenly, and soon a member of the Dragon Palace came to the Dragon Palace with billions of spoils.

Inside the dragon pool, a dragon's blood with a huge amount of energy flows into it.

"After the Earth reaches the innocent star field, the Dragon Palace can have more than a hundred gods that ignite the fire!"

Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with luster, and he was more confident in stepping into the innocent star field.

"Dragon King!"

Just then, the figure of the prostitute appeared beside Wang Xian.

"Well? Prostitute, how come you?"

Wang Xian arranged the prostitutes to take care of Guan Yuqing's girls in the super-continental mainland. When he saw him coming back, he was slightly surprised.

"Dragon King, the Dragons are now ready to ignite the fire, let the niece call you the Dragon King!"

The prostitute reports to him.

"Ignite the fire, so fast?"

Wang Xian’s slight glimpse, his face revealing a false look.

"Go, we will pass immediately!"

He did not hesitate any more and immediately rushed to the position of the extraordinary continent.

Entering the extraordinary continent, several teleportation kings came to the center of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire.

Once the proud peak of the Aoshan Empire.

When Wang Xian had just rushed over, he saw eleven figures floating in the sky.

At the beginning, they found a strong array at the peak of the Aotian Mountain, where there were eleven futons.

Nowadays, they have been practicing for more than a year, and they have the ability to ignite the fire.

Eleven of them were suspended in the sky, and they were full of horrible power.

Around the location, countless people looked at this scene like a miracle, his face full of awe.

This is a god!

And it is still their mainland emperor and a group of empire elders to ignite the fire.

"They ignited the fire of the gods and the country of the gods. Fortunately, the Dragon Palace prepared them in advance for the Kingdom of God!"

Wang Xian looked at the sacred figure of a group of girls, and showed a smile on his face.

In the Dragon Palace, he built a dragon palace for a group of girls, transforming them with dragons, and adding other powerful materials from other countries.

It is much stronger than the ordinary **** country.

Wang Xian’s arm waved, and the gods flew directly out!


At this time, the sound of heaven and earth began, and a sigh of fire came to their heads!

God fires!

(End of this chapter)

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