Chapter 2006, I am on a dust

"Our female emperor and the elders must be gods!"

"Not long ago, it seemed that the dragon king became a god. Now the female emperors have become gods. This is eleven gods!"

"Do we have the extraordinary mainland to enter the era of the gods?"

"Once the female emperors become gods, the mainland will be more unified!"

"Look, Dragon King is there!"

Around the Aotian Peak, every member of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire saw a group of female emperors suspended in the height of 10,000 meters, and their faces were deeply feared.

When they discovered the arrival of the Dragon King, the face was full of worship.

Nowadays, the rise of the Dragon King, the power of the Dragon King, the strong king of the Dragon King, and so on have spread throughout the super-continental continent.

The story of the Dragon King was sung to every corner.

Now see the real person, everyone is full of worship and awe.


When Wang Xian threw a country of God toward them, the Kingdom of God immediately floated on top of their heads.

For a moment, the powerful power of the gods shrouded tens of thousands of kilometers!


A phoenix sounds, coming out from the mouth of Feng Yuguan!


A cold roar, from Fan Qingyi and Xiao Yu's mouth.

Behind them, the shadows of a dragon and a phoenix flashed.

The kingdom of God is lifted high above their heads.

The only difference is that after the blue-green moon, it is a vain black hole. Although there is no such thing as a singular Xiaoyu, they are so vast, but they give a horrible sigh.


A small blue caper's voice came from the black hole.

The whole world's vision and huge momentum lasted for five minutes.

Below, everyone has been kneeling on the ground, respectfully worshipping.

"Little fairy!"


After a group of women formed God, they looked at Wang Xian and rushed over with excitement!

"I have been outside for a year, have you missed us!"

Guan Shuqing, they were surrounded by Wang Xian, and asked with a smile.

"What is it for a year outside, I am going outside to give your wife a good trip, and the earth has already been processed!"

Wang Xian looked at the girls with a faceless voice, an innocent look.

"Oh, it's better!"

A group of girls licked her, and did not believe her face.

No way, whoever makes this guy go out every lap, brings a girl, and does not blame them for their eyes.

"Oh, the Dragon Palace has been transferred to the earth by me. There is still a five-level dragon palace in the supercontinent, waiting for us to go to the Earth Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian said to them.


A group of girls nodded and said awkwardly.

"Congratulations to the dragons to achieve the gods, congratulations to the princess, the wind generals to achieve the throne!"

At this time, the turtles who heard the news came to congratulate them!

"We talk to our family and ask if they are going to play here or go back!"

A group of people flew below the proud Tianshan peak they cultivated below.

"I really didn't think my daughter could be a god!"

Guan Shuqing Lan Qingyue and Tang Yinyi, their parents came over with excitement.

Wang Xian smiled and greeted them one by one.

"Abundance, sword, we take you to the planet we live in, it is also very fun!"

A group of people chatted for a while, Guan Shuqing said to Zhang Fengying Ling Jianer.

The two of them have not been to the earth.

They were prepared to take them to see them more than a year ago, because the reasons for cultivation were delayed.

"Okay, I want to see, in the end, where is the scum man like Xiaoxian!"

Zhang Fengying said with a smile.

"Hey, let's take a look at it, Feng Xiaojie, let's go!"

A group of girls said with a happy face.

They have just become gods, they have completely changed, and they are able to be with Xiaoxian. They are naturally very happy.

Wang Xian stood silently, not listening to their conversations, touching Xiao Yu’s head and talking with Feng Lingtian.

"Dragon King, come over and see!"

At this moment, the turtles came over and said to Wang Xian with some surprise.

"Well? What?"

Wang Xian asked with amazement.

"Dragon King, look at this starry sky map!"

The turtle said, with Wang Xian once again came to the starry sky map.

"Dragon King, you see, this starry sky map should be this star field, and this is the starry sky map from the border of the innocent star to the earth we got from Lingxiaobao Temple!"

"Wei Chen found that the border of this innocent star field is somewhat coincident with the starry sky map of the extraordinary continent!"

The turtle pointed at the starry sky above, and took out the starry sky map of Lingxiaobao Temple!

"What do you mean, the extraordinary continent is on the innocent star?"

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows.

"Yes, the Dragon King, there are 90% of the possibilities, unless one of the two star maps is wrong!"

The turtles nodded affirmatively.

"If that's the case, then you can transfer the earth to the side of the extraordinary continent in the future!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a meditation color.

Connecting the extraordinary continent to the earth is a good thing for both planets.

"When you take the Earth to the direction of the extraordinary continent!"

Wang Xian said to the turtle.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded.

"Xiaoxian, we are gone, back to Earth!"

At this time, next to the sound of their love, Wang Xian turned his head and nodded.

"Okay, let's go back!"

A group of people immediately flew in the direction of the earth.

"I have a dust, but now I can hide the stars!"

Just as Wang Xian flew toward the Earth Dragon Palace, in the land of the Earth's Arctic tomb, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded.

The sound is not so loud, but everyone around the tomb of the tomb can hear it clearly.

At the same time, the energy beam of the sky in the land of the Arctic gods slowly dissipated!

"Haha, this power is enough to sweep the whole earth and sweep the gods of the Temple of the Dragon!"

"This time, even the gods on the top, will be kneeling under my stalwart body!"

On the main peak of the center of the tomb, the dusty face is full of excitement.

His kilometer body is like a mountain, and a pair of baboons are like stars.

"It's time to go out, I will let those who look down on me, surrender to my feet!"

"After returning to the innocent star field, I want to let my family's group of people be respectfully beside me!"

He muttered in his mouth full of excitement and shook his fist slightly.


He was in the shape of a movement, and behind his back there was a wing composed of a star-studded locust. He gently moved to the front of the mountain god.


"Thank you for the inheritance of the master. In the future, I will definitely make the words of the mountains and resound the stars!"

He respectfully bowed and slowly stood up and walked outside the tomb of the god.

With his pace, the body slowly shrinks and turns into an ordinary person, and the starry locusts behind it disappear.

"I am back!"

He looked at the outside and muttered in his mouth.

I am a dust, disappeared for a year, return!

(End of this chapter)

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