Chapter 2030, God of War

"Killing the Dragon Kings, the strength of the Lord God is invincible!"

"A dragon king, how could it be the opponent of God's Lord, wait for death!"

On both sides of the bright ladder, 10,000 servants saw the powerful attack of the Dragon King, and they were slightly surprised.

But as they followed, they were awkward.

They joined the eternal kingdom of God and became the servant of the Lord of Light Wings. Naturally, they hope that the Lord of Light Wings can kill the Dragon King.

They hope that the Lord of Light Wings will suppress the entire planet and lead them into the innocent star field and suppress one side.

"The Lord of Light Wings is invincible and kills the Dragon Palace!"

Yan Yan screamed!

"The Lord of Light Wings is invincible and kills the Dragon Palace!"

The rest of the servants followed the loud voice.


The Lord of Light Wings exudes a powerful horror, and the huge body is slightly bent. For a moment, it is heading toward the crab.

Huge incomparable wings, sacred crown, horrible power.

He jumped and was full of invincibility.

"Little Blue, pull him into the field!"

Lan Qingyue immediately ordered the small blue.

Pulling into the domain, they can take the initiative and prevent the fight from reaching the people below.

If they really fight, the only aftermath of the battle will be able to kill everyone below.



Xiao Lan looked at the light-winged God Lord, and his body was slightly shocked. A horrible black hole appeared in front of him, and a powerful suction came.

"this is?"

The light wing **** is bright and powerful, and wants to resist the suction of the field!

He struggled with strength, and the powerful strength made the body completely unmoved.

"come in!"

Qi Qitian and Qi Xing Mu Qiqi, they looked at each other and screamed.

A chain of chains, a thorn, a total of eleven dinosaur dragon species, four star wood dragon species, to the light wing God Lord.

Even if their strength is only comparable to the four sacred fires, but for the light wing God, it is no small interference.

"Is it in the realm of the Kingdom of God? Even if I enter it, what can you do with me?"

The light wing **** body moves and enters the territory directly.


For a moment, Wang Xian, everyone enters the same territory, and everything in the entire sky disappears instantly.

"This...this situation is exactly the same as when the dust was flying to suppress it!"

"It disappeared, and the star-studded monster took them where they went, how suddenly disappeared!"

"You said, will the Dragon King be the opponent of the Lightwing God? I still support the Dragon King to defeat the Light Wing Lord!"

"I don't know, but since I can bring it into the void, the Dragon King's strength is definitely not weak!"

A voice of arguing came from below.

Some timid people took advantage of this opportunity and quickly ran away in the distance.

There was chaos before the entire eternal kingdom of God.

"God Lord is invincible!"

Yan Yan and a group of servants only stared at the void, his face slightly awkward.

Everyone was scattered around and waited quietly.


At the same time, in the territory, the light wing gods swept the entire space with a cold face.

"Is this the realm of the starry behemoth?"

The face of the light wing **** is full of a sense of sensation, staring coldly at Wang Xian!

"A fallen God Lord is not good to recover. Now I want to make us your god. This time, let you completely fall!"

Wang Xian stared at the Lord of Light, and his eyes were filled with cool colors.

A **** who has not yet recovered to the peak, wants to slave them?

"Hey, my light wing has been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years. Today, on my eternal **** map, add your blood!"

The light wing **** advocates a huge incomparable wing.

A bright **** figure slowly appears behind the scenes.

On the map of God, there is a statue of a tiger, under the tiger, countless creatures worship, in the central position, there is a huge blood pool.

The blood pool exudes a strong **** atmosphere.

The whole picture is huge, full of hundreds of kilometers!


The light wing gods leaped volley and went straight toward Wang Xian.

The light **** figure rotates around and exudes a powerful light power.

"Hey, let me teach you your strength!"


The crab jumped from the small blue body to the front, and the body immediately turned into a dragon that was incomparably swallowed.

He was full of thorns and bones, and his tail was swept straight toward the Lord of Light.

"court death!"

The light wing **** also shakes the tail, the light **** rotates, and the energy is injected into the tiger tail!


The incomparable collision of terror came, and the face of the Lord of Light Wings was full of confidence and pride.

The strength is restored to the Jiuyi Shenhuo, with the help of the goddess of the goddess of light, and he asks the invincible under the eternal Lord.

Facing the incomparable crab in front, there is no worry.

However, when he and the crab completely collided, his face suddenly changed.

The collision between the dragon tail and the tiger tail, even if there is a blessing of the **** figure, there is no such thing as directly hitting the other side.

Instead, a strong pain was uploaded from the tiger's tail.


At this moment, the huge dragon head that swallowed the incomparably awkward, directly biting away toward him.


The **** of the light wing is also screaming, and the **** of light is draped over the body. The **** of God on the map of God is biting away from the crab.


When the **** tiger on the **** figure and the scorpion crab bite together, a sudden collapse of the sound sounded.

The light wing **** face is slightly changed!

"How is this possible, your strength..."

At this moment, his face changed slightly, his wings twitched slightly, and two huge incomparable light wings swept toward the crab.


The crab also shakes the huge bone wing and greets the light wing.

The violent collision sounded and the light wing disappeared instantly!


The crabs lifted the dragon claws full of thorns and grabbed them toward the body of the light winged tiger.

"The light wing **** figure, the body of the body!"

The Lord of Light Wings screamed, and the figure of God was draped over the body. The people on the picture raised their hands, and a horrible shield of light gathered in front of them.


The dragon claws fell on the map of God, without the slightest fluctuations!

"Damn, you are a beast, how can you have such a terrible strength!"

The light wing gods are extremely embarrassed at this time.

The arrogance and self-confidence of the winning voucher disappeared completely, opening a huge mouth, and a horrible bright bullet attacked the crab.

"Hey, I am killing the crab today, I will kill you!"

When the crabs heard his words, they shot the horrible murderousness of the cockroaches, and the same open mouth, squirting the smudged yellow-covered attack with black spots!


The sound of the explosion sounded again!

(End of this chapter)

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