Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2031: Dragon Palace is invincible, sweeping all enemies

Chapter 2031, The Dragon Palace is invincible, sweeping all enemies

A short attack, completely evenly matched!

The strength of the crab is very strong, and it can almost fight in two levels, but the Lord of the Light Wings can't be treated with common sense.

The most terrifying thing is that the light wing **** figure on the Lord of the Light Wings was once an artifact of the eternal God level.

Even if the power is reduced now, it can still be called invincible under the eternal God!

"Little blue, let's do it!"

Wang Xian glanced at the battle between the crab and the light wing god.

With the strength of the crab, I am afraid that it will not be able to kill the light wing gods in a short time.

"Little fairy is careful!"

A group of girls immediately said.

With the current strength of the Dragon Palace, only Wang Xian Xiao Lan and the crabs can participate in the battle.

The rest of the Qi Tiantian's strength can only be compared with the gods of the four gods.


Wang Xian screamed, and the whole body immediately turned into a few kilometers, and the colorful body shone with light.


His body was shocked, and behind him, the Dragon Palace slowly floated to the rear.

The five rows of large mills are suspended high above the head, and the yin and yang taiji are suspended underneath!

"Dragon Palace, blessing!"

"Five elements, annihilate the river!"

Wang Xian screamed, and the long river that was annihilated directly attacked the Lord of the Light Wings.


At this time, the entire area suddenly trembled, and an invisible gray power was pressed against the Lord of the Light Wings.

"Damn, there are actually two gods that can match the fire of the Eight Diagrams. The strength of your **** guys is beyond my expectations!"

"However, you still have to die, the light wing **** figure, bless my body!"

The light wing **** screams, and the hundred-kilometer **** figure slowly enters his body.

His body has once again become larger and directly turned into a huge body of 50 kilometers. Even if the crab is in front of it, it is much weaker.


However, at this time, the body of the crab is also a shock.

Dragon Palace blessing!

The six-level Dragon Palace can make the Dragon Palace members bless ten times the attack power. This ten times can make the crab almost 100% have the strength to fight against the Eternal God!


The crabs screamed and the body was also tens of kilometers in size, directly attacking the Lord of the Lightwing.

The annihilation of the long river swept over, and the suppression of the scorpion fell.


Seeing the strength of the crab that once again improved, the face of the light wing **** changed again!

His eyes stared at the annihilation of the river in front, and the huge wings fluttered!


The light sweeps over, annihilating the long river directly dissipates!

He followed his body and jumped away from the crab.


At this moment, a gray force is pressing on him, making it impulsive!


At this moment, the sharp claws of the crabs fell heavily on the head of the Lord of Light Wings.


A violent pain came from the mouth of the Lord of Light, and there was a wound in his head.

"Five lines are sleepy, chains!"

Wang Xian stood in the distance, swaying the huge body and sipping it again.

A chain of five lines of chains are trapped toward the Lord of Light Wings.


At the same time, the entire area of ​​the area once again shocked the earthquake.

A powerful force once again fell on the body of the Lord of Light Wings.

The pressure of the shackles is like the light-winged gods who are holding the small blue body to fight all the time.

With the size of the small blue three hundred kilometers, I can imagine how terrible this is!

Even if his strength is almost invincible under the eternal God, this power still gives him great restrictions.

"Oh la la la!"

The chains of the sky entangled toward the Lord of the Light Wings. The white body and the light-winged gods with **** marks on the head looked awkward at this time.

"You guys, **** guys, I am the eternal God, you have hurt me!"

The high-winged light wing God was injured, and some violent rampages.

"This is just the beginning!"

The huge body of the crab flies directly, the dragon's head, the horrible dragon claws, and the sharp bone spurs.


The light wing **** trembled hard, and the surrounding five-row chain collapsed instantly. He had some blood-red eyes staring at the crab.


A mad scream, the numerous wings of the whole body turned into a bright tiger, each tiger is ten meters in size, densely rushing toward the crab.


The crab eyes swept over the dense bodies of the body, and the body was also Megatron.

In his dragon scale, a small, swallowing dragon climbed out, and blood-red eyes stared at the bright tiger.


Two or three thousand small swallowing dragons bite directly toward those bright gods!

The crab continues to rush forward, and the dragon tail sweeps away!

The horrible dragon tail, even the entire territory trembled!

"Bright praise, tiger tail blessing!"

The main face of the light wing **** is slightly changed, and the tiger tail is raised high.


A voice of praise rang out around him, and countless ghosts floated beside him, and a powerful force of light was injected into the tiger's tail!

The second collision!


The tiger tail that was blessed by hundreds of millions of people praised the crab tail again.


Some cracking sounds came, and the bright tiger tail slowly curved down at the moment of the collision!

The dragon tail continued to entangle him.

The tribute of hundreds of millions of creatures around his body collapsed and disappeared.


At this time, the face of the light wing **** finally changed, and the face was panicked.

"Yin and Yang Five Elements Spear!"

At this time, Wang Xian, who was suspended on the side, burst into a hazy glow.

The five lines above the head smashed down the colorful light, and the yin and yang poles underneath raised the black and white aurora.

A spear condenses, up to ten kilometers, directly attacking the Lord of the Lightwing.


In just one moment, the tiger tail was injured and the light wing **** was hit by a ray-yang five-line spear.

This blow is almost the strongest attack of Wang Xian!

Containing seven kinds of attributes, penetration and attack power have reached the peak!


The yin and yang five-line spears enter the abdomen of the Lord of Light Wings, only penetrating for a couple of kilometers.

"Our strength is still one or two levels worse than him!"

Wang Xian saw that his full force hit only caused such damage, and he shook his head slightly.

Of course, he did not think about seriously hurting the other side. With his strength, it is impossible to do it.

"You ants, **** it!"

The light wing gods eat the pain, and the face is smashing toward Wang Xian!


At this time, the field trembled again, and the gray energy fell on him, causing his body to shake again.

"The **** guy is you, want to attack our Dragon King, let me pass the crab!"

The body of the crab swayed and the dragon tail tangled directly toward him.

Two huge dragon claws, crazy to grab him.

In an instant, blood is flowing!

(End of this chapter)

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